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943 Cards in this Set

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how do you treat cardiogenic shock
ace, ugent revascularization
how do you treat valve rupture
ace, intraortic ballon pump
canon a waves
third decgree heard block
iib,iiia for those undergoin gstent otherwise no benift, also eptifatide and tirofban
what do both ace and arbs do?
what do you do for stable angina
asa b blocker, nitrates, ace/arb (low ef, can do before angiograph) all need angiography to determine who is candidate for cabg
when clopidogrel or pasugrel?
acute mi cannot tolerat ASA
ldl >70-100 although greatss for >130
goal LDL diabetes
# 1 effect of statins--
liver toxicity check lfeft routinely, rhabdo not the most common effect
what do you stop with sildenafil?
systolic vs diastolic heart failure?
systolic lowe ef, diastolic normal ef, can't tell between symptoms
63 yo with acute SOB rales on lung, s3 gallop and orthopena
start o2 furosemide, nitrates and morphine.. Mainstate for acute pulmonary edam
in ccs how many minutes
no more than 15-30 or ER or ICU
pulmonary edma and MI?
go to ICU
what tests for pulmonary edma
cxr, ekg, sp02, echo
positive inotrope for ICU pt with CHF
dobutamine (also amrinone or milrinone--use after clocked moved forward 30-60 minutes and no response to preload reduction with nitrates and furosemide
ventricular tachycardia and acute pulmonary edema?
syncrhonized cardioversion
synthetic atrial natiuretic pepdtied can reduce shortness of breaet
when bnp?
presentation is not clear vs copd
cardio genic shock page 56
chf management
both get metoprolol or carvedilol and a diuretic-- systolic spironolactione, ace, digoxin too
what for EF <35?
defibrillator-- most common cause of death arrhythmia
whn biventricular pacemaker
wide qrs ?120 in chf
warfarin for CHF?
when no b blocker
symptomatic bradycardia
how does all valvular heart disease prsent?
shortness of breath
right vs left murmers
rIght Increase with Inspiration (left exhalathion miral and aortic)
turner's syndrome or aortic coarctation?
bicuspid aortic
palpitiation atypical chestpoin
mitral valve prolape (young female)
immigrant pregnant
mitral stenonsis
what murmers increase with Valsalva or Standing
Valve prolapse Mitral, or Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
worse with handrip
aortic reguge mitral regurge and vsd
worse with amyl nitrate
aortic steonis and hocm
how does amyl nitrate worsen murmu?
decreased afterload
thrill in murmur
goes to IV
bes test for murmu
most accurate test murmur
left heart catheterizaitoon--- on ccs also do ekg and cxr
when TEE
only if TTE not diagnositic
worse with handgrip treatment
ace or arb afterload reduction
valsalva improve murmur
diuretics aortic stenosis, arotic reguge, mitral stenosis, mitral regurge VSD not for HOCM or MVP
amyl nitrate improve murmur
ace and aortic regurge and mitral regurg, and vsd
how does aortic stenosis present
chest pian-- 3-5 year survival if coronary disease, syncope=2-3 year and CHF 1.5-2 year
dx aortic stenosis
crescendo-decrescendo-- tte best initial tee more accurate left heart catch most acurate-- moderaate disease 30-70 severe dieseaesse >70
biprosthetic vs mechanical valve
bioprosthetic need replacement but not warfarin, mechanical other way
watter hammer pulse
corrigan's pulse-- aortic regurge
how does aortic regurge preseet
SOB and fatigue
blood pressure higher in lower extremities
hill sign aortic regurg
tx aortic regurge
ace, arb and nifedipine, for ccs loop diuretic surgery if EF <55
mitral stenossi pressure on recurrent laryngeal nerve also dysphagia and afib
stroke in mitral stenossi
second to afib
diastoirc rumbele after snap
mitral stenosis
treast mitral stenosi
diuretics or balloon valvuloplasty
holosystolic murmur left lower sternal boarder
wide s2 split
rbb, pulmonic stenosis RVH pulmonary htn
paradoxical S2
lbb, as, left vent hypertophy hypdertension
fix s2
when fix asd
1.5 to 1 shuntin
dilated cardiomyopathy tx
same way as chf
most common cause cardiomyopathy dilated?
ischemia, alcohol, adriamycine, radiation, chagas tx with ace b blocker and spironolactone, digoxin does not prolong survival
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy tx
b blocker and diuretics
restrictive cariomyopathy
sacroid amyloid cancer, hemochromatossis,-- SOB and kussmal's sign (increse JVP ion inhalation
tx restrictive cardiomyopathy
diuretics and underlying cause
pulsus paradoxus d
decrease in blood pressue >10 on inhalation pericardial tamponod
alterations axis of qrs complex on ekg
electical alternans pericardial tamponade
tx pericardial tamponade
initial pericardiocentis, most effective pericardial window
pericardial knock
extra sound--- constrictive pericardidis also presents with edema jvd HEPATOSPLEONMEGALY like all right heart faiure
dx constrictive pericardidits
CXR-- calciviaktion, low voltage EKG, ct and MRI
tx pconstrictive pericardidits
diuretic most effective pericardial strippling
sever chest pain to back and HTN`
ive b blockers and ekg and CXR-- move forward and order CT angio, tee or MRA-- all 3 accurate for aortic disection
how to tx aortic dissection
b blocker, nitroprusside, surgical correction
best test peripheral arterial disese
abi initial (<0.9, most acurrate angiography
pain less sitting worse standing
spinal stenosis
tx pad
ace, exercise, cilostazole, ldl <100
is pad an emergency?
no move clock forard weeks then surgery if pain progressies or ischemia or gagrne or pain at rest
0-1 asa, 2 gets warfarin dabigatran or rivaroxaban
stroke or tia in chads
2 points
ccs tests for afib
echo (clots) thydroid, electrolytes, troponin ck/mb
rate control in afib and aflutter
bblocr usually, ccb for asthma or migrane, digoxin for hypotension
treat multifocal atrial tchycardia
no b blockers (polymorphic p waves)
how does svt present?
palpitations and tachycardia and occaisionaly syncope-- regular rhythm at vent rate of 160-180
what do all dysrthymia get on ccs?
transthoracic echo after initial set
if ekg does not show SVT?
holter or telemetry
treat svt
unstable cardiovert synchronized, stable vagal maneuvers valsalva ice, carotid
if vagal maneuvers do not work in stabl svt
best long term SVT
radiofrequency ablation
best tx for WPW
procainamide if in svt or vt from wpw
best therapy wpw
radiofrequency ablation
how does vtach present
palpitation synchope cp or death
how to diagnose vt
ekg, telemetry, most accurate electrophysiologic
treat vt
amiodorone lidocaine procainamide mg. if stble if unstable synchronized cardiovert
when unsynchronized cardiovert
where is synchronized cardiovert
not in the T- afib
vtach with undulating amplitued
torsades magnesium
first step vfip
cpr, defibrillate, epi or vssopressin, defib, amiodorone/lido, defib, no intubate until breathing
syncope criteria
sudden or gradual
sudden syncope
cardiacc or neuro (seizures)
gradual syncope
toxic, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypoxia
ccs test for syncope that's not clear
vtilt table or elecrophysiological testing (holder)
sudden or gradula regain of consciouness in syncope
gradual is neurologic
diagnostic testing syncope
ekg, chemistries, oximeter, cbc cardiac enzyme
focal neurologic exam or head trauma in syncope
order ehad ct
headache and syncope
order head ct
seizure syncope
order ehad ct and eeg
if not crear on ccs
holdet, telemetry repeat ckm, urine and blood tox (tox early)
most importat thing in syncope
exclude cardiag etiology, vent dysrhythmia-- implatable cardioverty
diabetes dx
1 random >200 with sympotms, abnormal GTT , two fasting 125 and A1c 6.5
best initial diabestes thearpy
sulfonylurea and obesity
auses weight gain
when is metformin contraindicated
renal insufficiency use of contrast agents (lactic acidosis in renal insufficincey)
not in CHF
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
glyburide, glimepride and glipized
sulfonylreas-incerase insulin, weight gain, can
causes SIADH
sulfonylreas also hypoglycemai
sitaglipit and saxagliptin
dipeptyl peptidase IV inhibitors can use with metformin blcok metabolism or ingretin s like GLP
rosiglitzone and pioglitazone
increase peripheral insulin sensitivty- now with chf
acarbose and miglitole
alpha glucosidoese intestilan lining diarrhea abdominal pain and flatulence
nateglinidie and rpaglinide
like sulfonylreas cause hypoglycemia
long actin insulin
glargine (lantus) detemir, nph
short actin insulin
aspart lispro glulisine
exenatid eand liraglutide-- weight loss and lower glucose
what promotes weight loss
metformin exnatide and liraglutide mel decreases meals
slows gastric emtpying
enatide and liraglutide
best test dka
serum bicarb-- low implies anion gap- marker for severe dka
b hydroxybutryrate
makrker of ketone production-- level will change with ketones
lab finding in dka
hyperglycmea >250, hyperkalemai (then hypokalemia) low bicarb, low pH, acetone, acetoacteat b hydroxybutyrate levels elevated, aniogap pseudohyponatermia
tx dka
bolus saline and iv insulin
diabetic htn
goal < 130/80 normal pol 140/90
lipid diabetes
cad equivalen <100 or if CAD as well <70 when both
how often for diabetec exeye exam
tx diabetic retinopathy
laser photocoagulation, also ranibizumapb or bevacizumab
urine microalbumin
all diabeteics if any protein give ace
how to treat diabetic neuropathy
gabapentin orpregabalin-- no need for diagnostic
erythromycin and gastric motility
releases motilin a promotility gi hormone
tender thyroid gland
subacute treat with asa-- will have low RAIU
silent hyperthryoidism
no tx, nophycial finding
tx graves
radioactive iodine ablation
raiu in graves
tx grave medically
ptu or methimazol to get undeer control then radioactive iodine then propanolol to treat symptoms
tx thyroid stomr
iodine, ptu or methimaol, dexamethasone (blocks peripheral conversion) propanolol blocks target organ effect
what to do with solitary thyroid nodule
FNA-- ultrasound radioactive iodine scan are both wrong
most common cause of hypercalcema
primary hyperparathyroidism
other causes of hypercalcemia
malignancy, granulomatous disease (sarcoid makes vitamin d) vitamin d intoxication, thiazide, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, berryllios
how does hyperparthyroidsm present
asymptomatic hypercalcemia-- kidney stones, osteoporosis/fx, confusion, constipation and abdominal pain
Multiple endocrine neoplasia
MEN syndrome solitary adenoma, four gland hyperplasia, cancer
short qt syndrome
acute sever hypercalcemia
what does acute severe hypercalcemia cause
confusion, constipation, polyuria and polydipsia, from nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, renal insuffincey, atn kidny stone
tx acute hypercalcemia
hydration, (3-4 l) furosemide after hydration, bisphosphonate (potent but slow, calcitonin if hydration and furosemide don't work, steroid if sarcoid
what does hypocalcemia cause
prolonged qt, neural twitching
what cushing syndrome is supressed with dexamethasone
pituitary tumor, ectopic acth and adrenal adenoma don't
dx pituttary tumor
mri or petrossal vein sampling
dx cushings
24 hour urine cortisol, 1 mg overnight dexamethasone test, 24 hour is more accurate fewer false positive
after + cushign test what's next?
acth 0 high ptuitary or ectoppic
hyperpigmented skin, fatigue anorexea hypotension and weakness
addison disease
dx addison
hyperkalemia with mild metabolic acidosis (can't excrete h or k b/c of loss of aldoseterone,… also hyponatermia
best test for addisons
cosyntropin (acth tes raises cortisol) or ct scan adrenal gland
tx addison
stable (nonhypotensive prednisone, acute (hypoadrenal crisis) give fluids and hydrocortisone, fludrocorisone is used for patient with adrenal insuficiency whoare hypotensive after intial replacement
hypertension, hypokalemai and metabolic alkalosis
dx hyperaldosteronism
low rening, htn, elevated aldosterone (despite salt loading)…
tx hyperaldosteronism
adenoma gets resected, hypplasia gets spironolactone
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
occurs form hypkalemia in hyperaldosteronism
tx pheo
phenoxybenzamin then propanolol and surigical or laproscopic resection
dx pheo
ct or mri of adrenal, metastatic with MIBG scan
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
hypertension in 17,11; virilization in 21, 11--dicks rare #1
labs in congenital adrenal hyperplasia
low aldosteron and cortisol(hyponatremic)
treat cah
why genital efects in prolactinoma
prolactin inhibits GNRH
when to look for prolactinoma
no pregnancy, no metoclopramide, no phenothiaizes or TCA's
prolactin level in prolactinoma
very high >200
most accurate test in prolactinoma
mri or petrossal vein sampling
treat prolactinoma
bromocriptine or cabergoline
what are side effects of acromegaly
other than growing--joint abnormalities from articular carlage, amenorrhea, cardiomegaly and htn, colonic polyps
best test acromegaly
insulin like growth factor, not gh level
most accurate test acromegaly
GH suppression test with glucose
tx acromegaly
surgical resection , octreotide, cabergoline or bromopciptine, pegvivomant (growth hormone receptor antagonist
tall men
klinefelter… xxy cariotype-- insesitivy of fsh and lh receptos, fsh and lh high but not testosterone tx with testosterone
no dick can't smell
callman's sydnroem
kallman's dx
low gnrh, fsh and lh, anosmia is key
no whezing in asthma i
max dose of albuterol
what to give all sob pts
oxygen sp02, chest xray and ABG ABG ABG
tx acute asthma
albuterol-- iv steroid bolus of methl prednisolone (4-6 hours) ipratoprium, oxygen and MAGNESIUM-- no use for epinephrine or terbutaline or inhaled corticosteroids
where to send asthmatic
icu if acidosis and retention; persistent respriatory acidosis gets intubation
atopy and asthma
montelukast add if not controled on abluterol
copd and asthma
add tiotropum or ipratopium
hihg ige
cromolyn then omalizuma (anti IgE
extrinsic allergies such as hay fever and asthma
cromolyn or nedocromil
acute copd tx
abg, cxr, albuterol, ipratropium, bolus of methy prednisolone chest heart extremity neuro exam
fever, sputum, new infiltrate on xray and copd
add ceftriaxone or azithromycine for community acquired pneumonia
tram tracking
paralell lines on x-ray--bronchiectasis--anatomic defect with profound dilation of bronchi usually childhoow infection
how to dx bronchiectasis
chest xray first then high resolution ct scan of the chet
tx bronciectasis
no cure chest physiotherapy and rotation abx
dry velco rales , loud p2 heart sound in a patient with shorntess of breath and a dry nonproductive cough
interstitial lung disease
dx ILD
cxr, high res CT, lung biopsy PFT
PFT findings ILD
all down but fev1/fvc is normal
glass workesrs
pulmonary fibrosis
ekg in ild
pulmonar ht
most common cancer in asbestosis
lung cancer not mesothelioma
BOOP gets fever malaise and myalgias and ther eis no occupational exposure
boop cxr
bilateral patchy infiltrates
boop chest ct
intersitital disease and alveolitis
most accurate test for boop
open lung biopsy
treat ild
trial of steroids-- best response is berylliosis b/c it's granulomatous
how to tx boop
steroids no reponse toa bx even though fever-- boop normally responds to steroids while ild does not
boop vs ild onset
boop days to weeks, ild 6 montsh or more
african american woman under 40 with cough SOB and fatique and rales on lung exam
other findins in sarcoid
uveitis, 7thc crania nerve incolvement, purlple skin of fase (lupu pernio) restricive cardio myopathy cardiac conduciton defect, renal and hepatic invovlemetn, hypercalcemia
best test for sarcoid
initial chest x-ray enlarged lymph nodes, most accurate lung of lymph node biopsy showing noncaseating granulmoas
sarcoid BAL
helper cells
tx saroid-
steroids no reponse toa bx even though fever-- boop normally responds to steroids while ild does not
pulmonary htn findings
loud p2, tricuspid regurge, raynaud's right ventricular heave
what causes pulmnary HTN
mitral stseonos, copd, polycythemia vera intersitial lung disessae
dx pulmonary htn
tte, ekg righ axis, most accurate righ heart cath
enothelian inhibitor tx pulmonary htn
epooprotenol and terepostinil
porstacyclin analogs act as pulmonary vasodilatoer
other p htn tx
ccb and sildenafil
most common cxr finding PE
most common ekg fingin pe
sinus tach, someitmes nonstpecicic st-t wave changes
abg pe
a-a gradient increase and mild resp alkalosis
dx pe
give heparin first-- spiral ct is test of choid if x-ray is abnromal, v/q scan must have normal x-ray, LE doppler (30% from pelfic false neg), d-dimer only if low probablity
single most acurate test for PE
angiography-- but risk of tdeath about 0.5%
when greenfield filter
pe and contraindication to anticoag
when thrombolytics PE
if hemodynamically undstable (hypotension-- thromboltics have essecntially replaced embolectoy
best initial test pleuarl effusion
chest x-ray decub flilms with patient lying on 1 side next to see if fluid is free flowin
most accurate test pleural effusion
high protein high LD - cancer and infection
low protein low ldh
what test on pleural fluid
gram sti, acid fast stain, total protein, ldh, glucose, cell count, triglycerides
treat pleural effusion
small diuretics esp if chf-- larger chest tube, if can't be corrected and recurrent pleurodisis-- bleomycin or talcum put itn, if pleurodesis fails decorticaiton (stripping
dx sleep apnea
# 1 cause of sleep apnea
mild sleep apnea
5-20 apnec periods anhour
tx sleep apnea
weight loss and CPAP if not effective surgery
central sleep apnea tx
avoid etoh and seadives, acetazolamide (causes a metabolic acidosis) and medoxyprogestrone-- stimulant
asthmatic patient with worsenign symtoms coughing up brownish mucous plucs with recurrent infiltrates
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
labs in ABPA
IgE level elevated, eosinophlia
dx abpa
aspergillis skin steting a. fumigatus specific antibodis
tx abpa
corticosteroids or if refrractory itraconazol
ards dx
normal wedge rpessure CXR patchy, p02/FIo2 ratio <200 with the FIO2 expressed as a decimal
tx ards
low tidal volume vent suport, PEEP, PRONE positioning, dirutecs, inotrops like dobutamine
steroids in ards
most common CAP pneumonia
pneumoccocall HAP is gram neg bacilli
when to admit pneumonia
elderlyhypoxic patietn swith or without a fever
best initial test pneumonia
cxr, high res CT, lung biopsy PFT
most accurate test pneumonia
gram stain and culture
other tests for pneumoia
x-ray, pulse ox, o2, abg
tx outpatient pnumonia
azithromycine, doxycyclin or clarithromycin, respiratory fluroquinolon, levoflaxacin, moxifloxacin
treat inpatient pneumonia
cetriaxone and azithromycin, or fluroquinolone as a single agent
treat vettilator associated pneumonia
imipenem or meropenem, pip tazo or cefepime; gent and vanc or linezolid
recent viral sydnrome
gi symptoms and pneumonia/confusion
young heathy patients
birth of an animal
coxiella burnetii
arizona contruscion workers
hiv with <200 cd4 cells
ldh and bilateral infiltrated
thing PCP-- raises LDH
tx pcp
tmp/smx better than pentamidine, BAL needs to be done as is most accurate test-- steroids if P02<70 or a-a gradiet >35
best test tb
cxr but sputum acid fast stain and culture
tx tb
RIP for 7 months
peripheral neuropathy
red/orage colored secretion
optic neuritis
when to tx tb longer
osteo, menigigits miliary tb, cavitary tb, pregnancy
ppd levels
5mm close contacts and steroids, 10mm risk groups, 15mm normal, hiv are 5 and healthcare immigrantc alcoholics and prisoners 10
patient never tested for ppd
2 stage testing if first test neg wait 1-2 weeks
interferon gamma release assa quantiferon--- latent tb
risk of ppd and tb
only 10 percent same with quantifernon
if positive ppd
cxr, if abnormal sputum staining for tb, if this is positive then full dose
when isoniazid alone
for 9 months to treat a positive ppd
what finger joints rheum
mcp pip
test for rheumatoid
x ray, rf, anticcp, esr, cbc and crp (aspiration of joint if swollen)
tx ra
nsaid and dmard --methotreaxate #1
use with mild disease and check for retinopathy
can suppress bone merrow
alternate dmards
rituximab (anti cd-20) anakinra, tociluzmab
pyrimidne antagonis similar to methotrexate
most accurate test anklyosing spondylitis
mri or petrossal vein sampling
associations with as
uveitis 20 arotitis 3 restricivie lung disesase 2-15 percent
tx as
nsaid, sulfasalazine, inflixmab, adalimab, no steroids
urethitis, gi, genital lesions, conjuctiviits, kerataodablenorrhagium
reactive arthrits tx with nsaids, hx of chlamydia, shigella, salmonella, yersinia or campylobacter
tx psoriasis
nsaid, methrotrexate for ristant, infliximab
salmon colored rash, polyarthitis, lymphadenophathy fever
test for jra
none, high ferritin, elevated white cound, negative rheumatoid factoer and ana are essential
treat jra
nsaid steroids, then on to methotrexate
diarrhea fat malabsorption and weight loss with joint patin
whipple disease-- bowel biopsy with pas positiv eorganism treat with tmp/smx
morning stiffness
ra 1 hour, osteo 30 minutes
dip joint
heberden's oa, bouchards is pip
best test for oa
x-ray, get ana, esr rf anticcp to rule out, joint fluid low leukocyte count
best test sle
ana initial, most specific anti ds dna
best test for lupus flare's
complement drop in flare ups anti ds dna rise in flare's
tx sleep apnea
prednsone acute, joint pain nsaid,
rash and joint pain in sle not responidn gto nsaid's
hydroxychoroquin and antimalarials
treat lupus nephritis
steroids and mycophenolate mofetil
sever disease releaps in lupus after steroids
belimumab, azathiporine, cylcophosphamid
most accurate test sjogren't
lip biopsy
loss of teach early age
drug induced lupus
hydralazine, procainamide and isoniazid-- hip
drug induced sle findings
no cns or renal, complement and anti ds dna normal antihistone bodies are positive
immobile fingers
antiscl70 scleroderma only in 30 percent of patients, ana is present in 95 perecetn
treat renal involvment in scleroderma
treat pulmonary htnin scleroderma
bosentan, epoprostensl, sildenafil
treat raynauds
ccb and sildenafil
treat gerd
treat lung fibrosisi
what does crest spare
htn, joint pain, heart involvment, lung involvemnt (except for pulmonary htn) kidney involvment
antricentromere antibodies
eosinophilia nad thickened skin
eosinophilic fasciitis-- looks like scleroderma without hand, raynauds or heart/lung kidne… oragne pell appearance, tx with corticosteroids
dermatomyositis vs polymysytis
dermatomysoitis has rashes-- grotton's, heliptrope, shawl sign
dx dermato/polymyositis
order cpk, aldolse EMG, for CCS get LFT and ANA
best test PM/DM
anti - jo 1
interstitial lung disease risk
complication from PM/DM
malignancy dm greater than pm
treat fibromyalgia
nsaids are not first line, exercise, milnacipracine, duloxetine or pregabalin… tca's like amitriptyline have more adverse effects
profound pain and stifness of proximal muslce worse in mornting
PMR-- ESR is up and amazing response to steroids
labs in polymyalgia rheumitica
all normal but elevated esr-- often fever
treat vasculitis
prednisone and glucocorticoids, cyclophophamide, azathioprine/6mercaptopurine, methotrexate
polyarteritis nodosa
diffuse symtpoms don't involve the lung, abdominal pain, renal involvemnt, pericarditis, htn testiclar invovlement
test for pan
biopsy of skin muscle or sural nerve
best initial test pan
angiography of abdominal vessels
pan association
hepatititis b surface antigen
upper and lower respiratory findings
wegner's test and tx
c-anca elevated most accurate test is biopsy
tx wegner's
prednisone and cyclophosphamide
asthma eosinophilia and vasculitis
churg strause-- panc biopsy steroids
young asian female with diminisehd pulses
takayasu's arteritis
tia and stroke
takayasu's arteritis
dx takayasus'a
aortic arteriography or MRA, tx with steroids like all others
like vasculitis-- has hepatitis c and renal involvment-- treat hep c with interfoeron and ribaviron-- step 3 lvoes
oral and genital ulcers
bechet's disease
hyper activity to needle sticks
sterile skin abscesses-- bechet's disease, also causes ocular involement, no speicific test treat with prednisone and colchicine
PPPPostively bifirngent
what precipitates gout
binge drinking, thiazides, nicotinic acid
ccs and gout
joint fluid exam for cell count culture, serum uric acid, x ray of toe, extremity exam for tophi
uric acid in gout
can be normal
treat gout
best is nsaids, colchicine in first 24 hours or when there is renal insufficincy, also steroids
when steroids for gout
when there is a contraindication to nsaids or insufficient response
what does colchicine cause
nausea and diarrhea/bone marrow suppressoin
alternative to allopurinal--answer when patient is intolerant
allopurinal adverse effects
rash, allergic insterstiial nephritis
allopurinal during attack?
what to expect when there is CPPD?
positively birefingent RHOMBOID shaped crstals-- look for hemochromatosis, hypoerparthyroidism or hypothryodism
tx cppd
nsaids or steorids
see chart page 139
bowing of tibias
paget's disease
best test paaget's disease
alkaline phosphatase
otsteolitic x-ray
paget's or osteoporosis
osteoblastic xray
metatstatic prostate cancer
best test paget's
ccs and pagets'
urinary hydroxyproline, serum calcium (normal) serum phosphate (normal) bonescan
treat paget's
bisphophonates and calcitonin
platar fascitis vs tarsal tunnel
trasal tunnel more painful with use, but platar fascitis has worse in morning… tarsal tunnely may need surgery or may have numbness
what tests for anemai
best initial cbc with smear,
additional tests anemia
reticulocyte cound, haptoglobin, ldh, total and direct bilirubin, tsh with t4, b12/folate, iron studies… also urinalys with micorsopic anlysis
most accurate test iron deficiency
bone marrow biopsy--don't do
alcoholic, isoniazid or lead and anemia
hhigh Fe thing prussion blue and sideroblastic
treat sideroblastic anemia
pyridoxine replacement if minor or major remove toxin exposure
beta vs. alpha thal
in hgb electrophoresis beta is elevated hga2 and hgf, alpha is normal--
treat thalassemai
most accurate dx for alpha thallessemia
dna sequenceing
iron and dark stool
iron makes stool dark but only hemoglobin or myglobin make guiac posiitve
iron studies
fe level, fe sat, ferritin, tibc
see page 144 iron chart
smooth tongue and diarrhea
b12 deficincy remember no neurologic sympoms in folate
diagnostic tests for macrocytic anemia
bilirubin and ldh (commonly levated) retics will be down and oval cells visible
most accurate test b12/folate
low levels
b12 normal
methylmalonic acid
up in both b12 and folate, methylmalonic up only in b12
after b12 replacemetn
reticulaocytes improve first, neruologic improves last
best test to figure out cause of b12 anemia
antiparietal cell antibodies and anti intrinsic factor antibodies
what does folate do to b12 deficicny
fixes blood problems
sudden weakness and fatigue
hemolytic anemai--
dx hemolytic anemai
elevated indirect bilirubin, elevatd reticulocyte, elevated ldh, decreased haptoglobin
what happens after b12 deficincy treatment
what do you find with intravascular hemolysis?
hemoblobinuria, hemosiderinuria, schistocytes helmet cells
ccs and sickle cell
o2 hydration and morphine.. Fever gets ceftriaxone, levofloxacin or moxifloxacin… get blood cultures, urinalysis, reticulocytes, cbc chest xray all on first screen do not wait
when exchange transfusion in sickle cell
visual disturbance, pulmonary infarction leading to abnormal xray, priapism, stroke
what causes sudden drop in hematocrit in sickle cell
parvovirus or b19/folate deficincy, all sickle cells should be on folate
when discharging patient with sickle cell what to do?
folate, penumococcal, hydoryurea to prevent furhter crisis if the happen >4 times per year
d/c sickle cell patient
folate, pneumoccocal hydroxyurea
SC sickle cell
mild version fewr crisis, hematuria, isothenuria (can't concnetrate) UTI-- no specific tx
sickle cell trait
hematuria and concentrating defect
heinz bodies and bite cells
most accurate test g6pd
g6pd level, after 2 months have passed, will be normal on day of hemolysis
how do you treat autoimmune hemolysis
autoimmune hemolysis
warm IgG, goombs teset
best test autoimmune
spherocytes on peripheral smear most accurate goombs test
what causes autoimmune hemolysis, sle, rheumatoid, cll, lymphoma, penicillin, alphamethyldopa, quinine or sulfa
warm autoimmune not responding to steroids
what causes cold induced hemolysis
mycoplasma or epstein barr
cooms in cold
complement in old
positively birefingent RHOMBOID shaped crstals-- look for hemochromatosis, hypoerparthyroidism or hypothryodism
how to tx cold agglutinin disease
steroids, if no repsonse splenectomy or IVIG, if no repsonse RITUXIMAB
medications that cause g6pd?
sulfa, favabeans, primaquine, dapsone
pyruvate kinase deficency
presents like g6pd but not provoked
bilirubin gallsotones
hereditary spherocytosis,.. Also splenomegaly, elevted mchc
best test hereidtar spherocytosis
osmotic fragility
tx spherocytossi
hus triad
intravascular hemolysis, elevated bun and cratin, thrombocytopenia: ART Autoimmune hemolysis, Rental fialure, Thrombocytopena
FAT RN HUS+ Fever and neurologic abnormalities
tx ttp or hus
most better onown..no platelets or abxc may make it worse treat with plasmapheresis
what causes death in Paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinurai
large vessel venous thrombosis
best test PNH
CD55 and CD59 aka decay accelaerating factor
treat pnh
glucocorticoids, if transfusion dependent eculizumap
dark urin in monring
PNH, can transform into aplastic anemia or AML
shortness of breath for no clear reason and clear lungs on exam and normal chest x-ray
what causes methemoglobinema
nitroglycerin, amyl nitrate, nitroprusside, dapsone, any anesthetic drugs that end in CAINE< can occur with dopical lidocaine
brown blood
tx methemoglobinemia
methylen blue
auer rods
leukemia and dic
M3 acute promylocytic leukemia
best test leukemia
peripheral smear-- they have fatigue bleeding and fucntional immunodeficincy
tx M3 leukemia
all trans retinoic acid
treat all
intrathecal methotrexate
sob confusion and blurry visoin, WBC cound over 100K… acute leukemia--tx with leukapharesis (removes white cesll) and hydroxyurea
chemo for aml
idarubicin (daunorubicin) and cytosine arabinoside
pelger heut cell
2 lobes assocaited with myelodysplasia
2 lobes
myelodysplasia--normal b12
cause of death in myelodyslpasia
infection or bleeding--usually need supportive transfusion
5q minus myelodyslpasia
lenalidomide-- tx myelodysplasia all otehrs azactidadine
leukocyte alkaline phosphatase core
cml will be low, lap is up in normal infected cells not cml
most accurate test
tx cml
glevac imatinib , bone marrow transplant cures but not best
patient over 50 with eleveated which count that appears normal
best test cll
peripheral smear shows smude cells
treatint cll
do not treat asymptomatic, fludarabine is most likely to extend survival
tartrat resistat acid phophatase
most accurate test for hairy cell
treat hairy cell
cladribine 2-CDA
pancytopenia and splenomegaly
normal trap its myelofibrosis, hairy cell if elevated TRAP
headach blurred vision pruritis after shower
polycythemia vera high hematocrit with ypoxia and low mcv, low erythropeintin
dx polycythemia vera
abg to exclude hypoxia as cause of erthyrocytosis, if ccs or ERYTHROPOEINTIN level which will bel ow, test for JAK 2
tx polycythemia vera
phelbotomy intial, hydroxyureia lowers cell count and dail aspairin
jak 2 mmutation
both polycythemia vera and essential thrombocytopeni
headach pain in hands
essential thrombocythemia-- treat with hydroxyuriea, anagrelide
bone pain or fracture under normal use
multiple myeloma
dx MM
skeletal surve serum protein electrophoresis, urine protein electrophoresis, peripheral smear
mutliple myloma
elevated calcium
treat multiple myleopma
mephalan and steroids, thalidomide, lenalidomid, or bortezomib
most effective therapy multiple myleoma
stem cell transplan autologuous
elevation of IgG on SPEP-- doen b/c elevated total protein in elderly patient over 0 no treatment
hyperviscosity--blurry vision cnonfusion and headache
waldenstroms macroglobulin emaia enlarged nodes and spleen
reed sternburg cell
hodkin's lymphoma
dx lymphoma
both hd an dnhl-- exiciional lymphnode biopsy
b symptoms
fever weight loss night seates
aplastic anemia
pancytopenia-- bone marrow transplant or if not available anithymovyte glovulin
dx lymphoma after biopsy
stage with cxr, ct scan with contrast bone marrow-- no laparotmy
or bleeding from gums and vagina- VWD, a PTT elevated b/c destablizies factor VIII
dx VWD
ristocetin cofacot rasss and VWF level
if vwf is normal
ristocetin tells if woking
tx vWD
desmopressin or ddavp, release stores
ddavp not efective
factor VIII replacemetn
factor type bleeding
hemarthrosis or hematoma while platelet is prupura petechia, epistaxis gums vaginal gingival
platelet bleeding and coun <50000
dx ITP
antiplatelet antibodies, sonogram (spleen normal) bone marrow for megakaryocytes, antiboides go gIIB, IIIa receptor
treat mild ITP
treat severe ITP
IVIG platelet count sub 20,000, ao give rhogam
uremia induced platelet dysfunctio
normal platelet count in patietn with renal failure and normal ristocetin and VWF level
best iniitial test for Uremia
clotting factor vs inhibitor antibody
mixing study aPTT corrects with clotting not with antibodies
platelets drop 50 percent
dx hit
platelt factor 4 antibodies or heparin induced antiplatele antibodies
tx hit
stop heparin and use direct trhombin inhibots like argatroban or lepirudin
hit and unfractionated heparin
dow not switch to lmwh
viper venum
lupus anticoagulant
tx hypcoagualbe states
heparin followed by warfarin
skin necrosis with use of warfarin
protein c deficincy-- tx heparin first then warfarin
dysphagia investication
barium study first unless cancer or barret's
if stomach problem
pain ful swallowing thing HIV , HSV or candida
soids and liquids dysphagia
dx achalasia
barium sawallow initial esophageal manometer most accurate
hiv negative esophagitis
hiv positive esophagitis <100cd4
fluconazol and look for response
when to treat helicobacter
if assoceiated with gastritis or ulcer, not if with gerd or non ulcer dyspepsia
gastic pain above 45
must scope
when stress ulcer prophylxis
head truama, intubation, burns, coagulopathy and stoir use
iv secretin
zollingerellis dest, gastrin level and gastric acid level do no go down
h2 blocker or ppi and gastrin
all have elevated gastrin
zes findigns
lareg ulce multiple ulcer >1cm, distal location recurrent
nuclear somatostatin scan- sensitve
UC- not complete
best treatment chron's and UC
not best therapy for cd or uc because rash hemolytic anemia and interstitial nephritic
glucocorditoid that controls acute exacerbations of IBD, extensive first pass effect so limited adverse effects
azathiprine and 6 mercaptopruien
ween patients off steriods
metroidazol and cipro
perinal involvmenet in cd
surgery in IBD
UC remove colon curative, cd recurs, but must do surgery in CD if obstruciotn or stricture
treat diarrhea
if blodd fever abdomanal pin or hypotension use cirpo- don't reat o157 h7
pork diarrhea or rodents
best initial test diarrhe
fecal leukocytes
fish and diarrhea within 10 minutes flushing
tx giardia
treat amebic
liver abscess and diarhea
flushing chronic diarrhea nad hypotension
carcinoid dx urinar 5 hiaa and tx with octreotide
oxalate kidney stones
all types of malabsoprtion
best test malabsorption
sudan black stain of stool for fat, most sentisive 72 hour fecal fat
dx celiac
antigliadin, ani endomysial anti tissue transglutamase
mos t accurate celiac
small bowel
abnormal in whipple celiac and tropical sprue
celiac disease with negative antitissue transglutamase
tropical stpure
tx tropical sprue
tmp smx for 3-6 months
most acurrate test pancreatittis
secretin stimulation
tx whipple
tetracycle or tmp/smx for 12 months
tx irritable bowel
fiber, then antispasmodic like dicyclomine or hycoamine or if no response amitriptyline
3 family members 2 generations on premature
lynch syndroem
osteoma's on x ray what do you recommend?
colonoscopy gardner's syndroem
famlial ademoatous polyposis
start screening at age 12
melanotic spots on hlips
harmartomatous polyps in colon-- peutzjehgers lifetime risk only 10 % of cancer no extra screening
diverticulitus vs diveticulossi
both llq pain and lower gi bleed, it is has fever and elevated WBC.
tx diverticulois/it is
osis-fiber it is cipro and metronidazole
best stest for diverticular disase
abdominal ct-- most accurate is colonsocop for diverticuloss
BP <100 or HR >100 = 30% volume loss or standing drop systolic >20 or hr up >10
when to transufse
hct <30 oldre or <20-25 younger w/ no heart disease
when ffp
elvated PT/INR
when platelets
bleeding or surger <50,000
ccs orders for large volume GI
fluid bolus, CBC, PT/Inr, type and cross, consultation with gastroenterology EKG
variceal bleeding
octreotide initially, upper endoscopy, if endoscopy not working then TIPS, never ice lavage.. Discharge with propanolol
lower gi bleeding
endoscopy then technium, if massive, angiography or laparatomy
uncessary stres sulcer prophylaxis
increases risk of pneumonia and Cdiff
metabolic acidosis abdominal pain and elevated amylase in elderly patient with valve disease
acute mestenerich ischmia-- most accuratte test angiography
tx amesetneri ischemai
gastric surgery ansd sweathing shaking and weakness
dumping syndroem-- tx frequent small meals
best test pancreatitis
amylase and lipase, lipase higher specificity
most acurate test pancreatitis
ct scan
ct scan negative pangreattiic
MRCP magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatiography
dilation of bile duce without pancreatic head mass
ERCP to look for stones or stricutres
trypsisnogen activation peptide
urinary test for severity of pancreatitis
treat pancreatitis
necrotising pancreatitis
when ct shows >30% necrosis- patietn should receive abx such as imipenem and ct guided bipsy- if infected necrotic pancreas then surgical depretment
alt is viraL, aSt is drugS
first test elvated in hep b
surface antigen, alt e antigen all symptoms after surface antigen
vaccinated hep b
surface antibody and no others
healed /recovered hep b
core antibody and surface antibody
chronic hep b
surface antigen beyond 6 months
window period
core antibody + no others
acute and chronic hepatitis
is surface antigen, e antigen and core antibody
most accurate test for hep a,c,d,e
serology IgM/IgG (chonic IgG)
best test hep b
antigen core antibody only associated with heb b
bilirubin in hapatitius
conjugated (direct) bilirubin-- found in urine or urobilinogen, uncongugated with hemolysis will not pass into urine
hep b e antigen
same as hep b na polymeraase or pcr for dna-- allindicate active viral replication
most accurate test hepc c
hep c pcr for rna
liver biopsy in hep c
treat acute hepatitis
only 1 is hepc c that can be treated-- interferon an dribavirin
best initial test hep c
hep c antibody
tx heb b chronic
lamivudin, adefovir, entecavire, tenofovir
what does ribavrin tx
chronic hep c or acute hep c, chronic is compbined with bocepreiver or telaprevir-- adverse effec anemai
interferon side effects
flu like arthralgia myalgia thrombocytopenia, depression-- most common hep b drug with side effect
tx cirrhotic edema
sprionolactone and diuretics
treat cirrotic encephalopathy
when paracenteses
new ascites, pain fever or tenderness
>1.1 portal htn, <1.1 not portal htn or chf
spontaneous bacterial peritonits
cell cound >250 neutrophils
tx SBP
best test chronic liver disease
elevated alkaline phosphatase with normal bilirubin for primarry billiary cirrhossis
most accurate test pbc
antimitochondiral antibody, liver biopsy
anti smooth muslce antibody
primary sclerosig cholangiis--- 80% associated with IBD-- has elevated bilirubin vs PBC
tx pbc
ursodeoxycholic acid
Primary sclerosing cholingits findings
beading on ERCP, anca positive, ASMA
tx PSC
ursodeoxycholic acid
best test for wilson's
slit lamp and ceruloplasmin, on ccs order both
most accurate test wilson's
liver biopsy better than urinary copper
tx wilson's
penicillamine or trientine
most common cause of death in himocrhomatosis
best test hemocrhomatosis
elevated serum iron and ferritin levles with low iron binding capacity
autoimmune hepatitis
ana and antismooth muslce positive, other immune disease present… serum protein electrophoresis shows hypergammaglobulinemai
most accurate test autoimmune hepittis
liver biopsy better than urinary copper
treat haautoimmune hepatitis
treat non alcoholic steatohepatitis
weight loss, diabets control
aspirin in stroke
not till ct
best test stoke
non contrast ct
see arterial sympoms page 200
lower extremity wekness, urinary incontiences personality chances
upper extremity weakness, aphasia, apraxia/neglect
prospagnosia-inability to regonize faces
Vertigo vertical nystagmus and labile blood pressure
ipsilateral face contralateral body, vertigo and HORNER's syndrome
no cortical defects,
mri vs HEAD ct for storke
head ct 3-5 days to achieve 95% in nonhemorrhagic, MRI 95% in first 24 MRA for brainstem
contraindications to thrombolytics
hemorrhaic stroke, mass, active bleed or surgery within 6 weeks, bleeding disordedr, cpr within 3 weeks, stroke within 1 hear, cerbral trauma or surgery within 6 months, aortic dissetion
antiplatelte for stroke
aspirin or clopidogrel or aspirin combined with dipyridamonle
stroke already on aspirin
swith to clopidogrel or add dipyridamole
heparin for stroke
ticlodipine for stroke?
post stroke workup
after ct and thrombolytics do ECHO, cartoid dopplers, ekg and holter (warfarin if ekg)
younger patient and sroke
if <50 do sed rate, vdrl or rpr, ana dsdna, protein c, protein s factor v leiden antihopholipid syndromes
ativan, move 10-20 minutes then fosphenytoin, then 20-20 minutes then phenobarb, then indubate
what tests on seizure
sodium calcium glucose 02 cr and mg, head ct urgently, urine tox, mri if ct negative
neurology consult on CCS for seizure
always In 10 words ore lss never say anything
single seizure treatment
never drug unless abdnormal eeg, status epilepticus that requried benzo's, brain tumor, strong family hx
seizure med stevents johnson
keppra, first line seizure along with valproidc acid, carbamazepine, phenotin
most dangerous seizure med in preggers
valproic acid
tremor at rest and intention
essentila tremor
intention tremor only
resting tremor
over age 60 first line parkinsons
under 60 parkinsons first line
levodopa causes psychosis
add quitiapine
beset test MS
MRI, csf if mri non diagnostic-- oligoclonal bands, no visual and auditory evoke potentials
best therapy ms
causes PML
disesaes modifying for ms
beta interferon, glatiramer, mitoxantrone
additional medications for ms
baclofen or tizanidine for spactiiciy
ct showing diffuse symmetrical atrophy
treat alzheimer's
donepezil, rivastigmine and glanatime-- combinations not effective, metmatine ok
14-3-3 protein in csf
creutzfeld jakob
eeg in cjd
abnormal in whipple celiac and tropical sprue
best test cjd
brain biopsy-- if css do mri
treat NPH
wet weird wobbiliy, placemetn of a shunt, do a head ct to dx
dx huntington's
specific genetic testing
lewy body
parkinson't with dementia
what do dementia patients need tested
head ct/mri, vdrl, b12, t4
best tx for migrane
sumatriptan or ergotamine
when head ct or mri fro migraine
onset after 40 , sudden or sever, focal neurologic finding
when s4 or more migraines a month
b blocker propanolol- alternative ccb, tca or ssr
tx cluster headache
100% 02 or sumatriptan
prhylaxis for cluster
papilledema but normal ct/mri
pseudotumor cerbri-- headach plus 6th nerve palsy visual field loss, pulsatile tiniitus
tx pseudotumro
weight loss acetazolamide-- vp shunt if fail
best test pseudotumro
Lp with elevted opening pressure
vertigo dx
all patietns hsould have MRI-- all patients will have nystagmus
what type of vertigo has no hearing loss/tinnitus
BPV or vestibular neuritis
when does vertigo occur without position changes
vestibular neuronitis or any of the hearing loss ones
labyrinthiitis vs menier's
both have tinnitus labrythitis is acute menier'es chronic
tx bpv
tx vestibular neuronits
tx labyrnthitis
tx menier'es disease
diuretic and asalt restriction
vertigo and ataxia and tinnitus
acoustic neurmoma
tx werneke korsakoff
thiamine IV then later glucose with thiamine
testing for wernekes'
head ct b12 thyroid rpr or vrdl
barotrauma and vertigo
perilymph fistula fix hole surgically
dx meningitis
lumbar puncture if no focal findings, get head ct if seizure, altered conscous ness focal deficit cns disesea and give abx after blood cultures before ct
gram positive bacilli menigitis
gram neg cocobacillary
hiv <100 cdd4 and menigeal signs
india ink test best initial most accurat cryptococcal
tx cryptococcus
tx lyme disease
ceftriaxone or peniclline
rash on wrist and ankles that moves to the center
rocky mountain tx with doxycycline
tb meningits
very slow, high csf protein-- add steroids to RIPE, not acute onset
standard menigitis when lumbar puncture neg but shows neutrophils
ceftiraxone, amp and vanc… amp for lysteria
petichial rash and meningitis
neisseria menigitis esp in younger-- tx ceftriaxone and vanc place on isolation
when listeria?
elderly, neonatal, hiv positive patietns no spleed steroid immunocompromised
when neisseria
adolescent military
who needs neiseria prophylaxis
rifampin cipro or cefriaxone for houseold members hare utensil cups or kisses, routine contact do not
fever + confusion
# 1 cause encepahlitis
best test encephalitis
head ct-- temporal do not do prain biopsy most acurate PCR of CSF
tx herpes encephalitis
acyclovir or if resitent foscarnet
brain abscess HIV neg
brain biopsy-- if css do mri
hiv positive brain absess
tthink toxoplasmossis- tx with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for 2 weeks and repeate head ct
what was that tx for toxo
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
tx pml
treat hiv
patient from mexico with seizure
1cm cystic lesion multiple on head ct
treat neurocystericosis
albendazol and steroids to prevent rx
loss of conciousness
head ct
no focal defici and normal head ct
ecchymosis on head ct- admit
large intracranial hemorrage with mass effect
intubate imediately, manitol surgery
best test Subarachnoid hemorrage
head ct
most accurate test for sah
lumbar puncture-- ratio is 1 white cell for every 500 red cells
tx sah
angiography, embolization
meds for sah
nimodipine ccb that prevents stroke
lumbrosacral strain vs cord compression
strain does not give tenderness of the spine itself
anterior spinal artery infartion
all position lost but position and vibratory-- no therapy
most urgent step in management of cord compression
steroids-- hyperreflexia in cancer patient that is tender
hyper reflexia and fasciulations/waisting
als-- both upper and lower--
treat als
riluzole blocks accumulation of glutamate
tx bell's palsy
steroids or acyclovir, not clear acyclovir helps
tx with nsaids gabpentin nerve block
Restless leg
pramipexole or ropinrole
tx guillan barre
do a peak inspiratory pressure, ivig and plasmaphereis, steriods are not effective, lp shows elevated protein no cells
best test myasthenia gravis
antiacetylcholine antibodies,
best tehrapy mg
pyridostigmine or neostigmen
theymectomy mg
<60 if pyridostigmine doesn't work
predisone mg
if thymectomy doesn't work
when is renal failure acute
normal kidney size normal hct, normal calcium… later all drop (calcium from loss of vitamin d hydroxylation)
tests for kidney failure
urinalysis, chemistry, renal ultrasound
treat prerenal failures
underlying ccuase
finds in prerenal
bun:cr 15:1 or higher, low urinary sodium, fena<1, urine osmolalti >500
distended bladder, hydronephrosis, bilateral to cause renal fialure, urnilaterl usually not
intrarenal findings
bun:cr closer to 10:1 urin sodium >40 urine osmolatiy <350
atn cause
hypoperfusion or toxic injuries
muddy brown casts
what does pip tazo cause
AIN-- also phenytoin, allopurinal cyclospoirne, quinidien, quiinolones or rifampin
what cuases atn
CAAC contrast (order mg level) amphotericin, aminoglycoides (hypomagnesemia suggestive of aminoglycoisde) chemotherapy such as cisplatin
wright or hansel's stain
will show eosi in urine- more senstive for AIN than blood or IgE level
tx AIN
tx ATN
fever and rash and renal failure
think AIN
hemorrhagic cystitis not renal fialure
tx rhabdo
bolus, mannitol and diuresis, alkinilize the urine
tests for rhabdo
urine myoglobin, also the hypkalemia, hypocalcemia, chemistries fo rbicarb
square crystals
oxalate crystals
antifreze ingestion
metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap tx fomepizol or ethinal with dialysis
uric acid crystals
usually post lymphtoma for tumor lysis syndrome
crystal induced renal failure
usually oxalate antifreeze or uric acid from tumorlysis
most urgent step in rhabdo
tx hyperkalemia
calcium gluconate, insulin and glucose
prevent contrast renal fialure
normal sailine, bicarbe, nacytly cystein or both
when contrast renal prevention
cr 1.5-2.5 slifgh elevation in cr= 60- 70% of renal funciton loss
nasaid kidney damage
direct and atn, ain, nephrotic vasoconstriction
red blood cells /casts in urine and proteinuria
glomerulonephritis may lead to nephrotic sydnrome need kidney biopsy
linear deposists on renal biopsy
good pastures anti basement membrane treat with plasmapheriss and steroids
tx churg struase
1. prednisone, 2 cyclophosphamide--
dx churg strouss
cbc for eos
dx wegener's
c-anca initial then biopsy
tx wegner's
cyclophosphamide and steroids
mutliple morot and senory neuropathy with pain
PAN purpuric skin lesions, stroke uveitis
what does pan effect
everythign but the lung
best tests for pan
esr, sural nerve biopsy most accurate, hep b+C, angiography showing beading
painless recurrent hematuria in asia
aga nephropathy berger's not breugers
dx berger's
renal biopsy
tx bergers
steroids/ace (all proteinuria) fish oil
kid with raised non tender purpuic skin lesions, abdominal pain bleeding and joint involvment
best test hsp
bipsy is most accurate but not necsary resolves over time
tea colored urine with periorbital edmea after soare throat
PSGN-- dx aso, antidnase, anthihyaluronidase,
most accurate test for psgn
bipsy shows IgG and C3, not done
ppencillin and other abx diruetics
hep c with renal involvment
cryoglobulinemia/component levels (light chaisn Igm)
tx cryglobulinemai
hep c with joint pain and pupruic skin lesions
cryoglobulinemai hep c with renal involvment
lupus sle
never drug-- do biopsy to dx extent of disease, sclerosis-- scar, mild steroids, advance myocophenolate mofeitl
eye /ear/.kidneys
albort no therapy
platelet for hus or ttp
no make it worse
when nephrotic synrome
more than 3.5g /day of urine
what does nephrotic sydnrome cause
low albumin, edema, hyperlipidemia, thromsobis b/co of loss of antithrombin prient c an dpotein s
test for nephrotic sydnorme
urinalysis , spot urine for proetien to cratingin = to 24 hour
hiv heron and renal
focal segmental
hep c and renal
minimal change
cancer and renal
proteinuria workup
repeat the ua, orthostatic? Protein creatinine ration, renal biopsy
orthostatic proteinuria
job wehre must stand allday
dx orthostatic
split the urine do not treat
manifestation of esrd
hyperphosphatemia, hypermagnesemia, anemia, ahypocalcemia
when dialys ?
hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, urenmia with encephalopathy, fluid overload, uremia with PERICARDIS
dialyzable drugs
lithium , ethylene glycol, or asa
esrd hyperphosphatemai
calcium acetate phophaate binder
vit d
dietar restricuion
diabetes insibitus
low urine asmolality, low urine sodium can be central or nephrogenic
causes of nephrogenic
insensitivyt to adh.. Hypokalemia, hypcalcemia, lithum toxicty
treat diarrhea
central DDAVP or vasopresin, nephrogenic-- thiazide and correct underlyin cause
hypervolemic hypernatremia
chf, nephrotic, cirrhois
hypovolimic hyponatmeia
diuretics, gi loss, skin loss
addison's hyper or hypo
addison's hyponatmerim with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidos
euvolemic hypotnatermia
SIADH, hypotheyroid, psychogenic polydypsia, hyperglycemia
siadh causes
cns, lung diseae, sulfonylreas or SSRI's, cance
siadh urine
high urine sodium inappropriate and high urine osmolality
tx hyponatremia
adh blocker tolvaptan, conivapan, hypertonic saline,
tx chronic siadh
demeclocycline or coivapan/tovaptan
type IV renal tubular acidosis
decreased aldosterone-- hyperkalmeia
hyperkalemia ekg changes
peaked t waves then loss of p wave then widen qrs
hyper/hypokalemia and seizure
tx severe hyperkalemia
calcium gluconate IV and insulin and glucose when tpeaked t waves
moderate hyperkalemia
no ekg changese, use insulin and glucose then bicarb when acidosis is causeing then Kayexalate orally
proximal and distal renal tubular acidos, conn sydnrome, diuretics, vomiting, amphoteric, Barters'
u waves
between tand p hypokalemia
muscle weakness in hypokalemia
inhibits contraction
glucose in hyopkalemia
muscular weakness and loss of dtr
hypermagnesmia tx with saline and dialiysis if needed
loop diruetic etoh withdawl, gentamycin, cisplatin
mg is required for pth release
respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidossi
aspirin use-- causes hyperventalion and loss of aerobic metablism treat with bicarb
intoxicated patient with visual distubance
methanol intoxication
dx tx methanol
methanol level, fomepizol or ethanol administration
metabolic acidosis with normal ag gap
diarrhea or rta
test rta type II
bicarb-- can't absorb so urine becomes basic
urin ph in rta
high in type 1 low in others
diarrhea vs rta
urine na-urine cl-- if negative diarrhea b/c it's negative to have diarrhea
stones in rta
type 1 only
treat type 1 rta
bicarb (causes stones)
rta with fractures
type II
tx type II
thiazide and high dose bicarb
treat type IV (high K)
metabolic alkalosis causes
volume contraction (secondary hyperaldosteronism), conn syndrome, hypokalemia, milk alkali, vomiting
most common cause of death in cystic disease of kidney
not sah, renal failures, cuases hematurea stones, mvp, and diverticulosis-- most common site of extratenal cysts is liver
tx urge incontinence
behavior, oxybutynin, tolterodine, trospium dariflcan
tx stess incontinence
kegl or estorgen kcream
htn workup ccs
come back 1-2 weeks, takes 3, work up UA, EKG, eye exam, Cardiac exam
when to investigate for secondary htn
if 2 drugs don't control it
first line htn
thiazide, in diabetics ace or arb
<30 or >60 patient with new onset htn
thingk secondary
best stest renal artery stenosi
renal ultrasound, if small kidney then MRA, dublpex, nuclear renogram… most accurate renal angiogram
when start tamoxifen prophylaxis
multiple first degree relatives start at age 40
when adjuvant chemotherapy
cancer in axilla or larger than 1cm
colon cancer tx
5 fluoruracil and resection
when screen hnpcc
25 then 1-2 years
when screen fap
age 12 then 1-2 yeasr
when screen juvenile polyposis, peutz jergerhs, turcot's, gardner
no additoina
prostate cancer with mets
(if spine steroids) then flutamide--- block tempary flaire that acopanies leuprolide or goserelin (gnRH) flutamide is receptor blcoker
5 alpha reducatese BPH
ca 125
follow progression of ovarian not diagnosis
needle biopsy of testicle cancer?
no orchiectomy order afp, ldh BHCG, ct scan of abdomen and pelvis
hpv testing if hpv positive colposcopy
when pap
who gets influenza vaccine?
everyone, but best for >50, pregnant, health care workers
who gets pneumoccal
patietns ?65 asthma ettc
hpv vaccination
between 13 and 26
who gets zostervax?
everyoen above 60
who gets menigococal vavvine
age 11 or asplenic or terminal compliment earlier
bone desniometry
age 65
AA screen
age 65 who were smokers
htn screen
all pateints above 18
hyperlipidemia screen
men >35 women >45
diabetes screen?
tx pemphigus vulgaris
glucocorticoids or azathioprien
tx bullous pemphgoid
steroids or tetracycle or nicotinamide
what phemphigoid is life threatening
causes of vulgaris
idopathic, ace, penicillamine
which has nikolsky's isgn
what causes porphyreia cutatnea trada
etoh, liver disea, hep c, oral contraceptives, diabetes
tx pct
no etho, no estrogen, phlebotomy to remove iron DEFEROXAMINE to remove iron if no phlebotomy, chloroquine inceases porphyrin exretion
treat eerythema multifomre
treat stevens johnson
burn unit if respiratory invovlemnt, iv ig, cyclophosphamide
what causes sjs
penicillins, sulfa drugs, nsaid, phenytoin and phenobarb
does SJS involve the mouth?
yes also conjuctivate and respiratory tract
most sever-- nikolsky's sign ten looks like SSS no ABX dx with skin biopys and do not give steroids
fixed drug reaction-- same site always with repeaded exposure, tx with topical steroids
erythema nodosum tx
analgesic andnassiads, causes are pregnancy, sterp, coccidiomycosis, hisoplasmiosis, sarcoid, ibd, syphilis, hepatitis
treat hair or nail infection with fungus
terbinafine or itraconazole… need to check lft's with terbinafine
tx fungal c/o hair or nails
take your pic ketoconazole etc
pen allergic cellulitus
don't use cipro, use macrolides or fluroquinoones
impetigo tx
tx with pen g or ampicillin if strep culture +.
tx cellulitis
dicloxacillin, cephalexin or cefadroxil
folliculitus tx
topicl mupirocin
furnucle and carbuncle tx
dicloxacillin or ceadroxil
tx nec fasc
ampicillin sulbactam, pip/tazo, ticarcillin clauvlonate. If definitley strep a, then clindamycin and penicillin
tx varicella
gernerally know unless child immunocompromised or adult primary then acyvclovir, valacyclovir or framicyclover
dx herpes
tzank smear or most acurate viral culture, serology not useful
tx shingles
acyclovir decrees risk of postherpteic neuralgia, gabapentin tca or topicalcaspaicin
tx HPV instead of cryotherpay or podophyllin
best test syphilis
dark field examination in primary better than vdrl or rpr
secndary syphyllis dx-
vdrl and rpr
tx syphillus
both primary and secondary pnicillin g single dose. If pen allergic doxycycline for 2 weeks
dx scabies
(hands spares the head) scarping out organism after mineral oil applied ot aburrow
tx scabies
permetrhin, or severe ivermectin orrally
dx pediculosis
can be seen attached to hair, tx with permetrhin
retianed foreign body
toxic shock sydnrome
tx anthrax
cipro or doxy
SSS superficial layer not full thickness
nafcillin, in burn unit
stuck on appearance
seborrheic keratosis benigh
sun exposed tender lesion
actinic keratosis, pre cancerous… remove with cryotherapy 5 FU
ulceration on lip or sun exposed
squamous cell, do biopsy and surgical remeoval-- mets are rare
basal cell
moh's microsuregery
shiny or pearly
basacl cell, mets rate only 0.1
benign moles
do not grow, smooth borders, diameter <1cm, homongeousn-- bipsy if ?
extensor scaly
flexor scaly
salmon colored patch that spare spalms and sole and negative vdrl/rpr
pitryiasis rosa-- chrismas tree patter, resolves on its own tx with topical steroids
tx acnem mild
topical antiboitix clindamycin, erythromycin sulfactamide, or topical retinoids
tx moderate acne
benzoyl peroxide and retinoids tazarotene, tretinon and adapaline
sever cystic acne
oral abx-minocycle tetracycline clindamycin and isotretinoin
asymptomatic head injury with closed skull fx
if no neurolgic signs and ct negative then clean lacs
warm and flushed shock
vasomotor--- medication use, (PCN allergy) spinal anesthesia or allergen (bee sting) give vasoconstrictors and fluids
basal skull fracutre
csf leak will stop by itself, steroids will resolve facial palsy symtopms that occur 2-3 days later…
racoon eyes or behind the ear
basal skull fracture-- ct head and neck not x-ray
tx epidermal hematoma
emergency craniotomy
tx subdural hematoma
steroids for conservative-- emergency craniotomy if lateralizing signs or midline displacement
tx diffuse axonal injury
decrease ICP
head trauma then improves then progressive drowsiness
elevated ICP, may have gradual dilation of one pupil get ct head
managmeent eleaated icp
head elevation, hyperventilation, avoid fluid overload,.. Then second line mannitol furosemide sedation
primary peritonitis
spontatneous in childrin with nephrosis or adult with ascities even if there is fever and leukocytosis-- medicall treat no surgery
all other peritonitis
emergecny ERCP not surgery
pancreatitis complications
10 days abcesss surgical drainage, 5 weeks pseudocysts-- <6cm and present <6 weeks observe, >6 cm or present >6weeks perc trainage
chronic pancreattiis damage
treat with insulin and pacreatic enzyme supplements
abx an appendctomy
perforated appendic
continue iv until fever and wbc normalized
mesenterich ischmia in surgery
perform embolectomy and revascularization
if mesenteric ischmeia during angiography
vasodilators or thrombolyzsis
tx abdominal abscess
drain either surgically or perc, give abx
acute ascending cholangitis
cholangitis except higher fever and higher whit cound and HIGH LEVLES OF ALKALINE Phosphatase
tx acute ascending cholangitis
iv abx and decompression of bile duct by ercp followed by surgery later
billiary colic
elective cholycestecomy
when emercency cholecystecomy for acute cholycystitis
gernerlized peritonitis or emphysematous cholecytsis
post op fever
atelectasis day 1, pneumoia uti day 3, dvt day 5 wound day 77 , dep abscess days 10-15
post op disorientation
most important is hypoxia other uremia hypoonatremia dt's iatrogenic-- get a blodo gas first
temp 104
if right afer anestheisa then malignant htn if 30-45 minutes after invasive procedure bactermia
post op fecal or gastric fistula
not an emergency if ok
when i+d wound infection
if abscess
when PE
day 7
tx claudication
smoking cessation cilostazol, if disablign surgery
best predictive test for RDS in kids
lecithin sphingomylein ratio on amniotic fluid prior to birth
cds vs pneumonia on cxr
look same give abx if in doubt-- both show atelectasis air bronchograms ground glass
all newborn repirstory distress
abg blood clutures, clugose CBC, caranial ulrasound .. Give 02 and snasal cpa and empirc abx
tx meconium
ppv, nitric oxide
meconium plug
lower colon, hirschprug cystic fibrosis
meconium ileaus
lower ileum- cystic fibrosis
tx ileus or plug
gastrogaffin enema
double bubble
duodenal atresia-nasogastric decompression.. Look for polyhydraminos down's sydnreom
pneumatosis intestinalis
gas cysts in bowel wall instead of bowel lumen-- NEC
treat NEC
stop feed decompress gut broad spectrum
when is jaundice pathologic in newborn
1st day of life >5mg/dl .day, >12, direct >2
when phototehrapy for jaundice
when exchange transfuion in jaundice
bilirubin ecephalopathy
early newborn sepsis
gbs, ecoli, h flu, listeria
lumbar puncture for spesis workup
not if no lethargy
tx newborn sepsi
no menigits amp and aminoglycoide, if menigitis amp and cephalosporin (not ceftriaxone)
best test enuriesis
best tx enuresis
behavor and motivation, then trycilic, imipramine and desmopressin
best test encoporesis
abdominal xray- retentive constipation, non retenive abue
tx encoporesis
retentive disimpaction, stool softeners, non reetneive behavior modification
x ray bronchiolitis
hyperinflation patchy atelectasiss
xdx bronchiolitis
viral antigen testing
tx bronchiolitis
hospitalize if tachypnea >60.minute-- no steroids B agonist?-- no ribavirin
high risk for bronchiolitis
rsv ivig or palvizumab
foreing body sites
children>1 year larynx, children <1 year mainstem bronchus
staccato cough , peripheral eosinophilia in 1-3 months old
c. trachamotosu
mos common bacterial in children >5
s. pneumonia, m. pneumonia, c. pneumonia
most common <5 year spneumonia
unilateral lower lobe intesrtitial pneumonia in not that iskc
mycoplasmia-- igm titiers
pneumonia in kids sputum cultures
no adults only
tx pneumonia
amoxicillin, cefuorime, amoxicillin clavulanic acid
hospitialzied pneumonia kids
cefuroxime, add vanc if s . Aurisu
chlamydia or mycoplasma
best test CF
2 sweat chlorid concentrations
dx secondary amenorrea
progestin, then estrogen progestin bleed then no ovulation, if no bleed 3 week estrogen