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43 Cards in this Set

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The sum of all interior angles in a triangle is...

...180 degrees.

The perimeter of a triangle is...

... the sum of all sides.

Formula for the area of a triangle...

Area = ½(Base) x (Height)

Every side of a triangle must be longer...

...than the difference of the lengths of the other two sides.

Every side of a triangle must be shorter...

...than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides.

Definition of an Isosceles Triangle:

Two sides are equal and two angles are equal.

Definition of an Equilateral Triangle:

Three sides are equal and all angles equal 60°.

One base of a triangle is 7. The height drawn to the base is 4. Even though the height drawn to the base meets the base at a point that is on the extension of the base...

One base of a triangle is 7. The height drawn to the base is 4. Even though the height drawn to the base meets the base at a point that is on the extension of the base...

...the height is still 4, and the formula Area = ½(Base) x (Height) applies.

Parallel lines will never intersect. When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal...

...corresponding angles are equal.

Vertical angles are...

...pairs of equal and opposite angles formed by the intersection of two straight lines.

The sum of angles around a point is...


A straight line is equivalent to an angle of...


Perpendicular lines make an angle of...


A right triangle has...

...one 90° angle.

The longest side of a right triangle is called...

...the hypotenuse.

In a right triangle, if the sides are a, b, and the hypotenuse is c, then...

a² + b² = c²

(Pythagorean theorem)

A Pythagorean triplet consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a2 + b2 = c2. Two examples are...



For a right triangle for which the other two angles are 45° and 45°, the relationship between the sides will be...

x : x : x√2

in which x√2 is the hypotenuse.

This relationship can also be expressed as 1 : 1 : √2

For a right triangle for which the other two angles are 30° and 60°, the relationship between the sides will be...

x : x√3 : 2x

where 2x is the hypotenuse.

This relationship can also be expressed as 1 : 2 : √3

(where 2 is the hypotenuse)

Formula for the area of a circle:


Formula for the circumference of a circle:

2πr = πd

(where r is radius, and d is diameter)

The length of an arc as a fraction of a circle's circumference is equal to...

(arc length/circumference)

...the degree measure of the corresponding central angle as a fraction of 360.

arc length/circumference = n/360

The area of a sector as a fraction of a circle's area is equal to...

(sector area/area)

...the degree measure of the corresponding central angle as a fraction of 360.

sector area/area = n/360

A line that has exactly one point in common with a circle is...

..tangent to the circle, and it is perpendicular to the radius.

If a triangle is inscribed in a circle so that one of its sides is a diameter of the circle...

...then the triangle is a right triangle.

A polygon is...

...a closed plane figure formed by three or more line segments.

The sum of the interior angle measures of a polygon with n sides is equal to...

(n - 2)180°

A parallelogram is...

...a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel.

Parallelograms include...

...rectangles and squares.

In a parallelogram, the opposite sides are...

...equal in length.

In a parallelogram, the opposite angles are...


Formula for the area of a parallelogram:

Area = Base x Height

In a parallelogram, the diagonals...

...bisect each other.

Formula for the area of a trapezoid:

Area = ½(the sum of the bases)(height)

2√2 divided by 2, or 2√2/2 is...


Almost all solids on Test Day are uniform solids, which are...

...solids in which the measure of each dimension is constant through the entire object.

To determine the volume of a uniform solid, we...

...multiply the area of the base by the area of the height.

Formula for the volume of a cylinder:


(where h is height)

Formula for the volume of a rectangular solid:

ℓ x w x h

length x width x height

Formula for the surface area of a rectangular solid:

SA = 2(ℓw + ℓh + wh)

Formula for the surface area of a cube with an edge of length e:

SA = 6e²

Formula for the surface area of a right circular cylinder:

SA = 2πr² + 2πrh

Aside from 3:4:5 and 5:12:13, list three more Pythagorean triples:

