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53 Cards in this Set

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Case and Controversy Requirement
Federal court adjudication requires an actual and definite dispute between parties having adverse legal interests
Plaintiff must show a concrete personal stake in the outcome
Standing: Constitutional Standard
1. Injury in fact
2. Causation/redressability
Political Questions
Just because it's foreign affairs doesn't mean its a political question - purely economical questions (Iike wrongful death) it will not be political questions
Advisory Opinions
Political Questions
For a case to be ripe, there must be a genuine, immediate threat of harm
A case is moot unless an actual controversey exists at all stages of review, unless the injury is capable of repetition, yet evading review
Abstention Doctrine - Pullman
Federal court will refuse to review a case based on an unsettled issue of state law
Abstention Doctrine - Younger
Federal court review is prohibited where there are pending state criminal proceedings
Statutory Regulation of Appellate Jurisdiction
1. By Certiorari (discretionary - rule of 4)
2. By Appeal - 3 judge panel injunctive relief
Wrong Answers in Con Law
1. General Welfare Clause - does not stand alone; limitation on taxing and spending can be correct
2. Necessary and Proper Clause - carries into effect other enumerated powers
3. 14th A. P&I Clause - protects rights of national citizenship (navigable waters)
4. Contracts Clause - only applies to the states - cannot retroactively impairing the obligation of an existing public or private contract
5. Distinction between rights and priveledges
6. 10th Amendment - weak limitation on commerce power BUT NY vs. US- no commandeering Congress can't tell the states to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program
Pardon Power
Applies to federal crimes - not state
Appoinment Power
President appoints principal officers with Senate consent
Congress delegates appointment of inferior officers to the President, Heads of Departments, and/or, the Judiciary
Hierarchy of Laws
1. Constitution
2. Act of Congress & Treaty (last in time prevails)
3. Executive Agreement - foreign policy/affairs
Executive Order - domestic policy
4. State law
11th Amendment
A state may not be sued in federal court by its own citizens or citizens of another state without consent
Exceptions to the 11th Amendment
1. State officials may be sued personally for money damages or enjoined for federal law violations
2. A state can be sued by another state or the US
3. Congress may waive a state's 11th amendment immunity under the enfrocement Clause of Section 5 of the 14th Amendment
State taxation of Federal government
Fed government is immune, but federal contractors can be taxed.
Validity of state tax: Valid if it is reasonable and non-discriminatory, and fairly apportioned (satisfies the commerce clause)
Property Power
Congress has the power to dispose of the territory or other property belonging to the US: wild animals on federal land, military ships and airplanes, federal enclaves, and Indian reservation)
Affectation Doctrine
Congress may regulate any activity which has a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce
Fundamental right to travel
Only violated when travel is violated for the purpose of establishing residency
State Action
Have to address state action before you can address equal protection or due process
A threshold requirement of government conduct which must be satisfied before private discrimination can be restricted under the 1st, 4th, 14th, or 15th Amendments (e.g. public function; signficant state involvement or "encouragement")
Public Function
Private entity performs activities historically only by the government = a company town
Licensing as State Action
Licensing alone is insufficient to constitute state action
Strict Scrutiny
Burden is on the state to show the law is necessary (no less restrictive means) to a compelling interest
Strict Scrutiny Applies to:
1. Protected 1st Amendment rights
2. Suspect Classes (Race, Alienage, National Origin)
3. Fundamental IRghts
- Right to Vote
- Right to Pravel
- Right to Privacy
Middle Tier (Intermediate)O Scrutiny
Burden on state to show that the law is substantially related to an importtany interest
- applie to Gender, Illegitmacy, and Illegal Alien Children (school)
Rational basis Scrutiny
Burden is on plaintiff to show the law is not rationally related to any legitiamte interest
Rational Basis applies to
mental retardation
necessities of life
economic and social welfare measures
everything else
Statute is Nuetral on its Face
Plaintiff must show:
1. Discriminatory effect and
2. Discriminatory purpose
in order to raise standard above rational basis
Fundamental Right of Privacy
C ontraception
A bortion
M arriage
P rocreation
E ducation (private) - homeschooling
R elations (family) - related people live together; child birth; child rearing
Substantive Due Process
A term used to classify the source from which the fundamental rights (right to vote, right to travel, right to privacy) derive.
Substantive Due Process vs. Equal Protection (which do I choose)
SDP is used where a law affects all persons.
EP is used where a law effects some persons.
A state may regulate abortion provided undue burden is placed on a woman's right to obtain an abortion
Can't impede up to 6 months because fetus isn't viable
Fundamental Right to Vote
Applies Strict Scrutiny
1. Discrimination in voting
2. Reapportionment
3. Switching Party Affiliation
4. Ballot Restrictions based on special interests (land ownership).
Voting Issues Not Deemed to be Fundamental
Apply Rational Basis
Right to be a Candidate
1. Payment of a filing fee
2. Both minimum and maximum age requirements
Election Funding
"Total Spending" limits by a candidate are unconstitutional - violation of 1st amendment freedom of speech
Individual campaign contribution limits - Constitutional if reasonable
Article IV P&I Clause
Prevents ecnomic discrimination by one state against citizens or residents of another state unless a substanital government interest exists
P&I vs. Commerce Clause
If entire business/industry = commerce clause
Individuals = P&I
Procedural Due Process
The procedural safeguards of notice and a hearing are avaialbe whenever there is a serious deprivation of any life, liberty, or property interest
Liberty Interests
Right to Contract
Right to Engage in Gainful Employment
Property Interests/Entitlements
Welfare benefits (pre-termination)
Disability benefits (post-termination)
Takings Clause
Can't take private property for public use without just compensation
Bill of Attainder
Legislative punishment of a named group or individual without judicial trial
Ex Post Facto Clause
Invalidates retroactive criminal laws that
1. Make criminal an act that was not a crime when committed; or
2. Decrease the amount of evidence needed to convict/change the procedures for conviction
4 Facial Attacks on Statutes
1. Overbreadth
2. Vagueness: people of ordinary intelligence would wonder
3. Prior restraints: restrictions on speech in advance of publication (gag orders, pre-trial publicity)
4. Unfettered Discretion: mayor or some official has the discretion to grant or deny license
Regulation of Non-Public Forum
Rationally related to a legitimate government interest and viewpoint nuetral
Regulation of Public Forums
Regulations must be content nuetral, narrowly tailored, and further a signifigant governmental interest
Freedom Not to Speak
You can refrain from promoting a viewppoint that you do not accept
Content Specific Regulation
1. If Protected Speech = apply strict scrutiny
2. Unprotected speech
* Clear and present danger
* Defamation
* Obscenity
* Child Pornography
* Fighting Words
* Fraudulent commercial
Vice Advertising
Government reguation must
1. Directly Advance
2. A substantial governmental itnerest AND
3. be narrowly tailored
Free Exercise of Religion
Purposeful Interference
Apply Strict Scruitny
Free Exercise of Religion
Incidental Burden
Apply rational basis
Establishment Clause
In order not to violate the establishment clause
1. The primary purpose must be secular
2. Primary effect must neither inhibit nor advance religion
3. No excessive government entanglement with religion