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75 Cards in this Set

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what is karyokinesis
nuclear division
what happens at interphase
chromosome is replicated
what is chromatin
DNA is uncoiled during interphase and chromosomes are not visible
how is sister chromatids held together
what happens at prophase
chromosome condense and centrole separate and move toward opposite poles of the cell
what happens at metaphse plate
spindle apparatus attach to each chromatid at centromere to align the chromosomes in the center of the cell forming the metaphase plate
what happens at anaphase
sister chromatids separate
what happens at telophase
new nuclear membranes form and chromosomes uncoil
what happens at cytokinesis
cytoplasm divide via cleavage furrow
what is the spindle apparatus in plant cells synthesized by
microtubule organizing centers
what is synapsis
when homologous chromosomes come together and intertwine during prophase I
what is crossing over
exchange of equivalent pieces of dna at corresponding points between chromatids of homologs
what is disjunction
homologous pairs separate and pulled to opposite cells in anaphase I.
in human females only one of the daughter cells in meosis becomes a functional gamete
for which organisms does fission occur
one celled organisms such as algae, amoebae and bacteria
what is budding
replication of nucleus followed by unequal cytokinesis
what organisms use budding
hydra and yeast
what is parthogenesis
development of an unfertilized egg into an adult organism.
what is alternation of generations
exhibited in plants in which a diploid generation is succeeded by a haploid generation.
what is the diploid generation in plants
sporophyte which produces haploid spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generation
what is meristem
undifferentiated tissues in plants
what ia vegetative propagation
natural means of plant reproduction.
what is auxin used for
it is a synthetic plant homrd in artificial vegetative propagation used to acceleration root formation
what are oocytes
eggs produced by ovaries
where does spermatogenesis occur
sperm production in the seminiferous tubules.
how does spermatogenesis occur
diploid cells called the spermatogonia undergo meosis to produce four haploid sperms of equal size
what does head of sperm contain
nucleus with paternal genome
what does the neck of the sperm contain
where does oogenesis occur
production of female gamete occur in the ovaries
how does oogenesis occur
one diploid primary female sex cell undergoes meiosis in the ovaries to produce a single mature egg.
what is the polar body
produced by the meiotic division of oogenesis which is a small cells that contains ittle more than the nucleus that rapidly degenerate.
what affect egg production
site of fertilization, site of early development of offspring and amount of parental care after birth
where is testes located
scrotum w/ 2-4 celsius lower than body temp
how does the sperm travel
from testes through the vas deferens to the ejaculatory duct and then to the urethra. The urethra passes through the penis and opens to the outside at its tip
where is testosterone produced
what does testosterone regulate
secondary sex characteristics in male such as hair and voice changes
where is ovary found
in the abdominal cavity and below the digestive system
what is a follicle
ovaries contain thousands of follicle that are multi-layered sac of cells than contains the immature ovum
what produces estrogen
the follicle cells
where is the immature ovum released to once a month
from the ovary into the abdominal cavity and into the nearby oviduct
what is the site of fetal development
what is the cervix
site of sperm deposition during intercourse and is also the passageway through which a baby is expelled during child birth.
what sex hormones does ovary produce
estrogen and progesterone
what is the secretion of estrogen and progestrone regulated by
LH and FSH which in turn is regulated by GnRH
what is estrogen secreted by
ovarian follicles and corpus luteum
what does estrogen do
thickening of endometrium (uterine wall) and stimulate development of female reproductive tract
what is progesterone
secreted by the corpus luteum during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
what does progesterone do
stimulates the development of the endometrium wall for implantation
what happens at the follicular phase
begins with cessation of menstrual flow from previous cycle. FSH from the anterior pituitary promote the development of follicles which begins secreting estrogen
what happens during ovulation
LH surge at midcycle which triggers ovulation. A mature ovarian follicle bursts and releases an ovum
what happens at luteal phase
ruptured follicle becomes corpus luteum and secretes estrogen and progesterone to build up uterine lining in preparation of implantation. LH and FSH inhibited.
what happens at menstruation
if ovum is not fertilized, corpus luteum atrophies. The drop in progesteron and estrogen level cause the endometrium to flough off giving rise to the menstrual flow (menses)
what happens if fertilization occurs during menstruation
the developing placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin hCG maintining corpus luteum until placenta takes over.
what is the evoluiontary trend in plants suggest
increased dominance of sporophyte generation
how does the gametophyte generation produce gametes
by mitosis and this generation reproduces sexually (haploid)
what does the sporophyte generation produce
a haploid spore by meiosis and this generation reproduces asexuallly
what is the reproductive organ in angiosperms
what is the stamen
the male organ of the flower and contains a thin stalk like filament with a terminal sac called the anther
what does the anther produce
haploid spores that develop into pollen grains
what is the pistil
the female organ of the flower
what is the stigma
the sticky part of the pistil that catches pollen
what is the style
the tubelike structure connecting the stigma to the ovary
what is the ovary
the enlarged base of the pistil
what are sepals
green leaves that cover and protect the flower bud during early development
what is the male gametophyte in plants
pollen grain
what is the female gametophyte in plants
the embryo sac that develops in the ovule from one of four spores
how does fertilization in plants occur
when sperm enters the embryo sac
what is the epicotyl
the part of plant zygote that is precusor of upper stem and leaves
what is the cotyledons
the seed leaves of the plant zygote
what is the hypocotyl
part of plant zygote that develops into the lower stem and root
what is the endosperm
grows and feeds the embryo
what is the seed coat of plant zygote
develops from the outer covering of the ovule
what is the fruit formed from
ovary walls
what is apical meristem
where plants grow in length
what is the cambium
the lateral meristem cell that permits growth in diameter.