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24 Cards in this Set

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The central cavity in the gastrula stage of embryological development;
It is lined by endoderm and ultimately gives rise to the adult digestive tract.


Small canals connecting lacunae within the bone matrix with Haversian canals, allowing for the flow of nutrients and wastes

Cardiac Output

Found by multiplying the heart rate by the stroke volume;
This is the total blood volume pumped by the left ventricle in one minute


A small organelle in the cytoplasm of animal cells;
It organizes the spindle apparatus during mitosis or meiosis


Paired cylindrical organelles, located in the cytoplasm, that contain the centrioles

Chief Cells

Cells within the stomach that secrete pepsinogen, a zymogen that is converted to its active form, pepsin, by the acidic environment of the stomach


Soluble lipid molecule that consists of triglycerides and esterified cholesterol molecules;
Absorbed into lacteals from the digestive tract


A specialized subset of plasmids capable of integrating into the genome of bacteria under specific circumstances

Haversian Canal

Central channel within the osteon (Haversian System) containing blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymph vessels

Helper T-cells

Type of T-cell that secretes lymphokines;
The specific combination of lymphokines secreted will determine the nature of the immune response;
Activation of Tb1 cells will results in a cytotoxic response, while a Tb2 rsponse will rely on B-cells


The stage between successive nuclear divisions;
It is divided into the G1, S, and G2 stages;
Cell growth and DNA replication occur during interphase


A chromosomal mutation in which a section of a chromosome breaks off, flips over, and then reattaches in its original spot


A protein structure, located at the centromere, that provides a place for spindle fibers to attach to the chromosome


Tendency for certain alleles to be inherited together due to proximity on the same chromosome


Small polymerized rods of actin that participate in muscle contraction, movement of material within the cellular membrane, and amoeboid movement


A small hollow tube composed of two types of protein subunits;
Serves numerous functions in the cell, such as comprising the internal structures of cilia and flagella and allowing vesicle movement int he cell

Missense Mutation

Type of mutation that results in the substitution of one amino acid for another, like in sickle-cell (Glu to Val)

Neural Crest Cells

Cells that originate at the tip of the neural fold and then migrate outward to form the PNS, melanocytes, C-cells of the thyroid, etc.


Failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis

Nonsense Mutation

A change in nucleotide sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon in the mRNA sequence

Pattern recognition receptor

Type of receptor on macrophages and dendritic cells that is able to recognize the nature of the invader and release the appropriate cytokines to attract the right immune cells to the area


a structure dividing cells composed of microtubules;
It is involved in the separation of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis

Starling Forces

A sum of the forces generated by hydrostatic and osmotic pressures;
Results in a greater attraction of fluid to one side of a membrane

Tropic Hormone

Hormone that is secreted and travels to a target cell or organ, where it triggers release of another hormone, which causes changes in the physiological activity of target cells