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73 Cards in this Set

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Father of the factory system
Samuel Slater
invented the mechanical mower-reaper
Cyrus McCormick
a nature preservationist
George Catlin
Commonwealth v. Hunt
labor unions were declared legal
a powerful steam engine boat that traveled the Hudson
installed an engine in the first steam engine boat, the Clermont
Robert Fulton
the governor of NY, who built the Erie Canal
DeWitt Clinton
ran telegraph wire across Atlantic Ocean, making direct communication between America and Europe possible
Cyrus Field
inventor of the Bunsen burner
inventor of camera film
inventor of elastic
inventor of ice cream
inventor of jeans
inventor of the motorcycle
inventor of pasteurization
inventor of rubber vulcanization
inventor of the small pox vaccine
inventor of the automobile
What was the 2nd Great Awakening?
anyone could be saved/go to heaven
Who was a major reformer for education? What major plans did he start? (4)
Horace Mann
public school system
grade level system
public high schools
Who was a major advocate of mental hospitals and prisons?
Dorothea Dix
What was the anti-slavery movement called?
Name the four steps of the plan of abolition.
1. importation of slaves illegal
2. buying and selling illegal
3. DC (and some other cities) outlaw slavery
4. totally illegal
Was slavery outlawed cold turkey or gradually? Why?
to ensure slaves would be able to provide for themselves and live on their own & so that slavery would remain outlawed forever
What is another name for the Mormons?
the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints
Who was the founder of the Mormons?
Joseph Smith
What, in addition to the bible, does the Mormon church use as a guide for prayer?
the Book of Mormon
What three states did the Mormon church begin in?
Ohio, Illinois, Utah
Who set up the Mormon church in Salt Lake City?
Brigham Young
What is the name for the actual building of the Mormon church?
What is special about the college years in the life of a Mormon?
they go on a mission trip
What is the limiting of alcohol called? The outlawing of alcohol?
What was the name of the white American group of people morally against slavery, that did NOT consider freed slaves as their equals?
American Colonization Society
Where did the American Colonization Society want to send freed former slaves to? About how many went?
What caused a great increase in cotton production? What slogan for the south did it produce?
cotton gin
"cotton is king"
The south relied on the _______ to buy their cotton, which caused economic problems during the war.
_______ of slave owners were white and the average owner had less than ____ slaves.
Who published the antislavery newspaper, the Liberator?
W. Garrison
Name two of the most famous slave revolt leaders.
Nat Turner
Denmark Veasey
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who wrote Cannibals All?
George Fitzhugh
Who wrote Treatise on Domestic Economy?
Catherine Beecher
Who wrote the Liberator?
William Lloyd Garrison
Who wrote the North Star?
Fredrick Douglas
What is Harriet Tubman known for ?
the Underground Railroad
Who organized (2) the Seneca Falls Convention?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B Anthony
What naturalist wrote a widely used nature resource book including birds, insects, and plants?
What word describes someone who believes that they can base their ideas and beliefs on their own, without entire help from the Bible or Church?
Who founded the Methodists?
John Wesley
Who founded the Baptists?
Roger Williams and Dr. Clarke
What was the first public state university?
What was the first college to allow blacks and females to enroll?
Oberlin College
Who were two prominent slave revolt leaders?
Vessey and Turner
Who was a former slave that worked hard not only as an abolitionist, but also a woman suffragette?
Sojourner Truth
What does "fifty-four forty" mean?
the Oregon-Canada border
What is Manifest Destiny?
that the US should own all land between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
What six purchase were contributing factors to Manifest Destiny?
LA purchase
TX War
Mexican cession
Gadsen purchase
When was the CA gold rush?
The last battle with Mexico, because of the border, established the ____________.
Rio Grande
Over half of the US in late 1800s were ____________.
People who moved to the west were moved by ________ needs. They moved because of the vast _________.
Who were the two immigrants that moved the most? Where did they live? What religions were these immigrants?
Irish and German
Irish-Catholic; Germans- catholic and protestant
Why did immigrants (particular groups mentioned) move to US? What did they bring with them?
Irish- potato famine; whiskey
German- concerned about education and escape autocratic govt.; furniture and beer
People who favor Americans over immigrants are called _________.
Who benefited from the early factory system?
Who worked in the factories?
children and young women
What started the canal era?
the building of the Erie Canal
What connected the east to the west? West to east?
What did each region of the US provide?
south- cotton
north- textile industry
west- food (grain and livestock)
east- machines for the north
What early 19th century religion was devoted to reason and free will?
Who started the second great awakening?
Charles Finney
What two denominations appealed to the poor?
baptists and methodists
What split alot of churches?