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133 Cards in this Set

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John Stuart Mills
i. Conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control
ii. Proponent of utilitarianism: the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome  maximizing happiness and reducing suffering
iii. Theory of liberty: it is acceptable for someone to harm himself as long as he is not harming others but excuses those who are incaple of self-government
iv. He argues that despotism (tirannie) is an acceptable form of government as long as the despot has the best interest of the people at heart
Mills, Bentham, Hart, Austen
John Austen Theory
Law is Comman
Analytic jurisprudence v. social jurisprudence
Jurisprudence exams
Human behavior, how people are controlled and not why
Herbert Wechsler
Narutal Law -
Law stems from moral
Potentially no way for enforcement
All con cases should be decided if they meet procedural requirements--> duty which is often breached
A Concept of Law
A Theory of Justice, ppl are behind a veil of ignorance when attempting to determine fair arrangement for society
Kantian Universalist
Legal positivist, but not like Austen
Penumbra of Rights in Griswold v. CT
Lon Fuller
Case of Spulcean Explorers = natura law
debated w/ hart (who was apositivists arguing laws and morals are sparate)
Legal positivism
o Positivists believe in a separation between the law as it is and the law as it should be. Legal rights and moral rights are not related, beyond mere coincidence. Hart believes the method of deciding cases through logic or deduction is not necessarily wrong, just as it is not necessarily right to decide cases according to social or moral aims. Hart uses the problem of "the core and the penumbra" to illustrate the idea that laws must be related to the meaning of the words, not any natural or moral belief. A "core" case would be one that the statute is intended to cover. In the classic example, a statute that bans vehicles from a park is obviously intended to cover cars. A "penumbra" case would be one not considered by the creators of the law, such as a skateboard in the example above. A judge interpreting such a law from a positivist viewpoint would look to a definition of the words in the statute.
o The natural law view believes that the creation of law should be based on natural laws or common morals. Laws are viewed based on purpose, not on meaning of the words. In the vehicle in the park example above, Fuller would say that it would depend on the purpose for banning vehicles from the park. For example, if the purpose were to prevent noise pollution, a bicycle would not be a vehicle for the purposes of the law. Because of this focus on purpose instead of meaning, a judge using a natural law interpretation of statutes relies much more heavily on legislative history.
Legal systems
can be exported/tranplanted
i.e. roman law
Decartes, I think, therefore I am
Humans are fallible
Everything a blank slate
The Social Contract - Natural Law
ppl surrender some right for protection for protection of remaining rights
Rousseau proposed that although The Social Contract was not embodied in a written constitution, he believed that is a likely form it may take.
Problems with social contract
May not provide for termination
Civil Liberties
are not absolute, subject to suspension
Problem with natural law
Even if rights confered, no effective means of enforcement
Survival of the fittest applied to society by Herbert Spencer
Bill of Rights
Not a comprehensive list of rights of man
Americans had rights even if not explicit before bill of rights
con = fraework of gov
bill of rights = mix, afterthought
Purpose of 2nd ammend
Hunting BUT ALSO arm militia
A decline in the role of god/morals
led to the belief that law stems from the sovereign, positivism
Nation-state is the primary focus in intl law
'Law is command'
not from military
support positivism, silent on the role of intl law
Nat law lawyers
in order for a law to be enforced/upheld it must be adequate morally
Austen also suggest
that incentives and disincentives serve a better role
Law is command does not address
the fact that many rules/laws are default (probate code UCC)
Austen may have been trying to
suggest law should be obeyed and not necessarily the origins of law
Ronald Dworkin
critques Hart's legal positivism,
Dworkin argues that moral principles that people hold dear are often wrong, even to the extent that certain crimes are acceptable if one's principles are skewed enough. To discover and apply these principles, courts interpret the legal data (legislation, cases etc.) with a view to articulating an interpretation that best explains and justifies past legal practice. All interpretation must follow, Dworkin argues, from the notion of "law as integrity" to make sense.

Law and morality have an epistimic relation as opposed to an onotlogical one (nat law)
Dworkin argues
application of no may should profit from his own wrongdoing would prevent the state from awarding estate to widow of woman who killed her husband (does not address state supreme court actually doing that)
Riggs v. Palmer
As a system matures
it tend to add exceptions to laws
Rules are
more specific than a standard
Legislation varies in
its level of specificity
Jacobellis and Papachristou impose
a duty of legislative specificity
The code of professional responsibility
does not prohibit attnys from arguing against the spirit of the law

attnys can also counsel clients on how to achieve something indirectly that is directly illegal
Law is
also a system of justice, i.e. tragedy of the commons
Austen must be wrong
if his command theory included intl law
The law of the high seas is predicated
on a super-national universalist theory
Univeralsilism - some system of ethics applies universally, regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality, sexuality
Inl law
did not treat the building of the Panama canal as illgeal
A diplomat can
• A diplomat accused of a serious crime can hide behind diplomatic immunity
not all war illegal, casus belli
can institute a draft for a bad/illegal war
Post-colonial third-word nations
can come into existence even if they do not have a viable economic basis
Norway and Iceland w/r/t fishing rights
boy killed his parents then ask for lienancy because he was an orphan
created the situation by ceding
Roman Catholic Chucrch
had intl influence standing even before it became its own state
confers status and privliage within the intl community
DOnt need to be on the secuirty council to have nuclear weapons, but strong correlation
ie N Korea
Possessing nuclear weapons
increases a nations chances it will be heard
has not made traditional diplomacy obsolete
Treatyer provisions
not very useful, US does not enter into a lot of traties
Roman law
incoproates intl law more than common law, US domestic law trumps any intl law, civil law makes treaties law
Belligerent nations
still communictae with one another but as a matter of int do not accept diplomats
Int law
does not bind the SCOTUS, European Convention on Human Rights have subordinated EU countries (US not a party)
Nat law
no geogprahic limit, unlike positivism
EU convention on human rights
does not bind its member, takes margin of appreciation method by ECJ
Margin of appreciation
not in european convention explicity, approach adopted by ECJ
Lord Cook
law is pure reason, much critism
disproved pure reason.
law of contradiction aufficient to prove all knowledge wrt the law 'an intelligant man is intelligent'
advocates reasoning with their clients
is not disinterested
in most legal arguments
there are valid arguments on both sides, so therefore law is also an expression of preference
in common law
propositions of law are understood in the background of facts, not the same for the civil proprositions of law....addressing a wide variety of people and not just the case at bar
codified law
encourages thinking on a higher level
hybrids pose a difficulty of categorizing an issue
with respect to binary rules
Baysiean truth
sherlock holmes, 100% true = no doubt
res ips loquitor = the facts speaks for themselves
shows duty and breach together, ie probleems with surgery dont know who did it but patient certinly did not
not 100% accurate, bare head count need questions regarding race etc. problems of bias, what is exactly mandated?
Private parties
do not often prove gov stats wrong because of info costts
Brandeis brief
Mueller v. Oregon, shaped law....can show effects of decision on larger pro and not witth the case at hand...more like civil law? facts sewed, ie in the case.
Also, paved the way for class actions
US courts do not admit
all the facts, have strict procedural rules....protection of rights etc.
law has not been influenced by
phil skeptiscism
C sections
an example of discrepancies, when to do what
posits fear with respect to using formal creditals as a proxy of experience. Judical recognition of experts do not assure that that person is the most qualified to speak about the issue....slanted considerably in favor of
In a random walk down wallstreet
Malkiel questions to need for financial advisors
Rights establish by poli processes
can be taken away via poli process unless entrenching measures made
no right is indefinite or irrevocable
law hates perpetuity
also subject to poli process
law of irrevocale entitlements is
more de fact than de jure
If people given a right they do not directly pay for
there is more opposition to taking that right away
jural opposites and jural correlatives to all rights ie (right/no right or right/duty)
poltical campaign to establish rights
do not always link duties to them
In Tyler, Justice Holmes observed,
ALl rights are really against persons
Rights are never
cost free, justice holmes. no such thing as a free lunch
a. a right I assert is paid for by another
b. No such thing a s a free right
Arthur Pigou
may agree that no right is free, but those asserted against an amorphous group difficult to identify
ie black smoke in a river
Pirgou effect
If cost of living deacreases, then money spent from family income will increase in the market and overall wealth as a result will increase
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
ideal, not what is actually granted by nations of the world
Wirt of habeus corpus
only works if offficials ackowledge person is in custody
not rep of pub at large
2nd ammend
does not provide for a system of background checks
found fathers intent
does not always typify todays modern con law due to societal changes
selective in its fights,
ACLU does not believe
emergency powers should be more feared than emergencies
took up the passage of the = rights ammend as the next big thing, jumped on the wagon of gender equality
ACLU supports civil liberties
not plainly enumerated in con
May have influenced con construction
i. Conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control
ii. Proponent of utilitarianism: the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome  maximizing happiness and reducing suffering
iii. Theory of liberty: it is acceptable for someone to harm himself as long as he is not harming others but excuses those who are incaple of self-government
iv. He argues that despotism (tirannie) is an acceptable form of government as long as the despot has the best interest of the people at heart
Proble with utilitarian calculation
the happiness ppl get from less than desirable acts not considered (smoking)
Poli official who support
eglaitarin policies do better on the whole
Lord acton
keep poli equal to the people
Grigg v. Power
ackoeldges disparate impact but permits it with respect to upward mobility in the workplace based on tests
Equality of freedom
for people to do what the want is essential, start everyone off on the same foot


equality of outcome, shift to what is equality now
Milton Friedman
believed in the free market w/ minimal gov intrusion
Equality at the concept
provides for freedom, equality of outcome limits overall freedom
J. Dougals
read intent / purpose of con = nat law creating right to privacy
Nat law
Darwinism a form of it, most tagh by catholic church
Thomas Aquinas
that for the knowledge of any truth whatsoever man needs divine help, that the intellect may be moved by God to its act.
wants world to be as close to nature as it can be
 Hermeneutics
science of text interpretation, especially in areas of literature, religion and law
how we know what we know
Con Law
is natural law
Law is not =
some laws are more important than others
o Palko & Connecticut:
ex how a fund righ can give way to other important gov interests
necessary element is a source of rights/laws
positivism to an extreme, no god
// nat law
Betham believed
written codified law of nations, common law for brutes
Jurisprudence believes
that law is not always mandatory, stemming from one source or command
Intl law
involves practice and custom, not just from one source ....common law //
treaties were not binding, legit in so far as the gov takes them
Austin, law as command
no mechanism for enforcement addressed, no police force at the time, could maybe get the military?, reading of the riot act
Holmes noticed
that law as it was written and as applied were two different things
do laws need enforcement?
no, can be coerced and some are self enforcing
attorney advice
can also be law, reflects how law is interpretted and applied on the ground
A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.
law of war v. law of the see
nation states over no specified law
role of the diplomat has changed
before - keep com pen
now-figure out whats going on
Diplomats can be prosecuted
once they leave office, i.e. chilli pinochet prosecuted by spain
law is language, ie when is delivery of a sold good? uses lang of everyday life but the law gives new/dif meanings....lay peorson does not always understand
Karl Olive Crona
law is social facts to who people responded
Inquistorially system
not very inquisitive, ie princess Di case
"the rational alone is real" Entwicklung
o There is no political freedom without economic freedom
Who is paying fr right is not always clear
Pigou effect
Norman Rockwell 4 freedoms in painting
1. want 2. from fear 3. of speech 4. races
fredom from and freedom two, less gov intrusion the better
Affirmative action
equality of outcome
American view on jurisprudence
constitutionalism, econ freedom taken for granted, Sherman antitrust law great US contribution --> american exceptionalism