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104 Cards in this Set

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How does Shakespeare make the common people paper appear to be less noble?
Have no name, not acting serious when they should be
What are the people doing that angers Marullus and Flavis? Why does this anger them?
They are celebrating victory. Wont answer them Directly about their questions. Not Working
What actions do Marullus and Flavius take to correct the situation?
They scatter the rest of the commoners. They hope that turning away some of Coesar's supporters will prevent him from becoming too powerful.
Why does Caesar want Caphuria to stand in Anthony's path during the race in honor of the feast of Lupercal?
Calpernia is sterile and it is a superstition that women can become fertile if touched by one of the racer.
What is Anthony's response to Caesars instructions? What does this suggest about their relationship?
He says that he remembers when Caesar says"Do This" it must be performed. Anthony listens to whatever Caesar Says
What is Caesars reaction to the soothsayer's warning?
He says that he is a dreamer an makes him leave
What complaint does Cassius make about Brutus's behavior towards him? How does Brutus answer this complaint?
He hasn’t seen the friendliness in his face. That he used to see. Brutus answers that he has been frowning at himself
Cassius's story attacks what aspect of Caesars' makedp? What is this attack supposed to say to Brutus?
That he is human and not immortal. Attacks his weaknesses. That Caesar shouldn’t be king because he is weak like the rest of us.
What does Cassius mean by the following statement? " Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesars." (147)
He is just as persuasive
How does Brutus respond to Cassius's attack?
Stop trying to convince me . I will let you know what I decide.
What astute observation does Caesars make of Cassius?
That Casius thinks too much.Affraid he could betray him.
What faults does Caesars see in Cassius's nature
He smiles to much, too quiet, observes too much.
What does Caesars mean by the following statement? "I rather tell thee what is to be feared/than what I fear; for always I am Caesars?
He's not going to admit a weakness
What does this statement show about Caesars nature?
Hes arrogent
What information does Casca give about Marullus and Flavius?
That they were punished in some way
At the end of the scene, what plans does Cassius make to sway Brutus to his cause?
Write letters pretending they are from other citizens.
What wondrous things has Casca seen on this night
Lion,Storm, Mens with hands on fire, Devastated Women.
What reason does Cassius give for the terrible storm?
An Omen of bad things to come to Caesar.
What important news does Casca give Cassius about the Senate's plan?
They want to make Caesar king of all Roman Territory except Rome, Where he would just be considered leader.
What does Casius mean by the following statement? "He were no lion, were not Romans hinds." (106)
The hinds are females and trash for allowing Caesar to come to power.
What instruction does Casca give Cinna that that will help sway Brutus to their cause?
Cassius gives Cinna several notes addressed to Brutus along with instructions about where each note should be placed
What reason does Casca give for wanting Brutus to join their cause?
The People love Brutus
What Strange and horrible things does Calphurnia report to Caesar that have been seen that night?
She Dreams about a fountain of blood & Caesars statue is bleeding
What does Calphurnia mean by the following statement? "When beggars die, there are no comets seen;/ The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princess."(3031)
When the poor die no one cares, but when a prince dies, the heavens cry.
How does Decius convince Caesar to go to the Capitol?
Don't be a women, be a man.
What is Artemidorus's Plan?
Stand in streets & wait for Caesar; hand him a letter warning about the plot to kill him
Why is Portia so nervous and upset? On what errand does she send Lucius?
Found out plot to kill Caesar, worried about Brutus.
In regard to Artemidorus's request, how does Caesars' nobility doom him?
To see Caesars Arrogance
What is Metellus Cimber's petition to Caesars? What is Caesars' response and why does he give this response?
To unbanish his brother, to bring him back. Caesar says no because he is never wrong.
What does Brutus instruct the conspirators to do before they go before the public? Why does he instruct them to do this?
Dip their hands in Caesars blood, so everyone looks equally guilty
What request does Anthony's servant bring to Brutus? What is Brutus's response?
Wants to know if Antony could return & not be killed. Brutus says yes.
What does Cassius object to letting Anthony speak at Caesars funeral? What reassurance does Brutus give him?
It might influence people to think killing Caesar was wrong, that Marc Antony was their friend now & there was blood on his hands too
What promise does Anthony give Brutus about his funeral speech?
He wont speak bad of them & will only speak good of Caesar
After being left alone with Caesar's body, what does Anthony promise to do?
To take revenge, to retaliate against them.
What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar? What is the crowd's reaction?
He was too ambitious, they eventually end up agreeing with him
What final mistake does Brutus make in letting Anthony speak?
By leaving Antony alone & walking away.
Why does Anthony read Caesar's will to the people?
Because he leaves them money & property. They do it so they will support the idea that Caesars death was wrong.
At the end of the scene, what are the fates of Brutus and Cassius
Banished from Rome. Marc Antony & Octavious are out to kill them
What are Anthony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing at the beginning of the Scene?
They are making a list of people they are going to kill
Why do they want Caesars will? What is ironic about this?
They wanna add more people to the hit list, they are killing Caesars friends,traders, power hungry.
What is Anthony's Plan for Lepidus? What is his reason?
They are going to kill him because he might become too powerful.
What does Brutus tell Lucilius about dying love?
Love that begins to sickin and decay has no tricks
What practical instruction does Brutus give Cassius about their disagreement? What is unusual about this?
Come inside the tent, don’t argue in public. They wont argue in public, yet they will kill someone in public.
What wrong Does Cassius say Brutus has done him?
That he is ignoring him & does not include him in the defense.
In response, what does Brutus condemn Cassius for doing?
You openly supported Lucius. Who they are trying to get rid of.
What does Cassius threaten to do if Brutus continues to "urge" him?
He threatens to kill Brutus.
According to Brutus, how has Cassius wronged him?
He would not load him money
To prove that he has been wronged, what does Cassius tell Brutus to do to him?
Kill Him
What is the real reason for Brutus's ill temper? Give all of the Details
Because Portia died, Worried about Marc Antony killing him, has no money
Messala brings what ill news of the triumvirate's actions in Rome?
They have killed at least 100 people in power
What reason does Cassius give for NOT going directly to Philippi?
Bad idea, let them attack us first
What reason does Brutus give for going directly to Philippi? Who prevails?
The army is going to decline soon, alliances may crumble, cant hold up muh longer,WE ARE RIGHT, Brutus
How does Shakespeare make the common people paper appear to be less noble?
Have no name, not acting serious when they should be
What are the people doing that angers Marullus and Flavis? Why does this anger them?
They are celebrating victory. Wont answer them Directly about their questions. Not Working
What actions do Marullus and Flavius take to correct the situation?
They scatter the rest of the commoners. They hope that turning away some of Coesar's supporters will prevent him from becoming too powerful.
Why does Caesar want Caphuria to stand in Anthony's path during the race in honor of the feast of Lupercal?
Calpernia is sterile and it is a superstition that women can become fertile if touched by one of the racer.
What is Anthony's response to Caesars instructions? What does this suggest about their relationship?
He says that he remembers when Caesar says"Do This" it must be performed. Anthony listens to whatever Caesar Says
What is Caesars reaction to the soothsayer's warning?
He says that he is a dreamer an makes him leave
What complaint does Cassius make about Brutus's behavior towards him? How does Brutus answer this complaint?
He hasn’t seen the friendliness in his face. That he used to see. Brutus answers that he has been frowning at himself
Cassius's story attacks what aspect of Caesars' makedp? What is this attack supposed to say to Brutus?
That he is human and not immortal. Attacks his weaknesses. That Caesar shouldn’t be king because he is weak like the rest of us.
What does Cassius mean by the following statement? " Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesars." (147)
He is just as persuasive
How does Brutus respond to Cassius's attack?
Stop trying to convince me . I will let you know what I decide.
What astute observation does Caesars make of Cassius?
That Casius thinks too much.Affraid he could betray him.
What faults does Caesars see in Cassius's nature
He smiles to much, too quiet, observes too much.
What does Caesars mean by the following statement? "I rather tell thee what is to be feared/than what I fear; for always I am Caesars?
He's not going to admit a weakness
What does this statement show about Caesars nature?
Hes arrogent
What information does Casca give about Marullus and Flavius?
That they were punished in some way
At the end of the scene, what plans does Cassius make to sway Brutus to his cause?
Write letters pretending they are from other citizens.
What wondrous things has Casca seen on this night
Lion,Storm, Mens with hands on fire, Devastated Women.
What reason does Cassius give for the terrible storm?
An Omen of bad things to come to Caesar.
What important news does Casca give Cassius about the Senate's plan?
They want to make Caesar king of all Roman Territory except Rome, Where he would just be considered leader.
What does Casius mean by the following statement? "He were no lion, were not Romans hinds." (106)
The hinds are females and trash for allowing Caesar to come to power.
What instruction does Casca give Cinna that that will help sway Brutus to their cause?
Cassius gives Cinna several notes addressed to Brutus along with instructions about where each note should be placed
What reason does Casca give for wanting Brutus to join their cause?
The People love Brutus
What Strange and horrible things does Calphurnia report to Caesar that have been seen that night?
She Dreams about a fountain of blood & Caesars statue is bleeding
What does Calphurnia mean by the following statement? "When beggars die, there are no comets seen;/ The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princess."(3031)
When the poor die no one cares, but when a prince dies, the heavens cry.
How does Decius convince Caesar to go to the Capitol?
Don't be a women, be a man.
What is Artemidorus's Plan?
Stand in streets & wait for Caesar; hand him a letter warning about the plot to kill him
Why is Portia so nervous and upset? On what errand does she send Lucius?
Found out plot to kill Caesar, worried about Brutus.
In regard to Artemidorus's request, how does Caesars' nobility doom him?
To see Caesars Arrogance
What is Metellus Cimber's petition to Caesars? What is Caesars' response and why does he give this response?
To unbanish his brother, to bring him back. Caesar says no because he is never wrong.
What does Brutus instruct the conspirators to do before they go before the public? Why does he instruct them to do this?
Dip their hands in Caesars blood, so everyone looks equally guilty
What request does Anthony's servant bring to Brutus? What is Brutus's response?
Wants to know if Antony could return & not be killed. Brutus says yes.
What does Cassius object to letting Anthony speak at Caesars funeral? What reassurance does Brutus give him?
It might influence people to think killing Caesar was wrong, that Marc Antony was their friend now & there was blood on his hands too
What promise does Anthony give Brutus about his funeral speech?
He wont speak bad of them & will only speak good of Caesar
After being left alone with Caesar's body, what does Anthony promise to do?
To take revenge, to retaliate against them.
What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar? What is the crowd's reaction?
He was too ambitious, they eventually end up agreeing with him
What final mistake does Brutus make in letting Anthony speak?
By leaving Antony alone & walking away.
Why does Anthony read Caesar's will to the people?
Because he leaves them money & property. They do it so they will support the idea that Caesars death was wrong.
At the end of the scene, what are the fates of Brutus and Cassius
Banished from Rome. Marc Antony & Octavious are out to kill them
What are Anthony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing at the beginning of the Scene?
They are making a list of people they are going to kill
Why do they want Caesars will? What is ironic about this?
They wanna add more people to the hit list, they are killing Caesars friends,traders, power hungry.
What is Anthony's Plan for Lepidus? What is his reason?
They are going to kill him because he might become too powerful.
What does Brutus tell Lucilius about dying love?
Love that begins to sickin and decay has no tricks
What practical instruction does Brutus give Cassius about their disagreement? What is unusual about this?
Come inside the tent, don’t argue in public. They wont argue in public, yet they will kill someone in public.
What wrong Does Cassius say Brutus has done him?
That he is ignoring him & does not include him in the defense.
In response, what does Brutus condemn Cassius for doing?
You openly supported Lucius. Who they are trying to get rid of.
What does Cassius threaten to do if Brutus continues to "urge" him?
He threatens to kill Brutus.
According to Brutus, how has Cassius wronged him?
He would not load him money
To prove that he has been wronged, what does Cassius tell Brutus to do to him?
Kill Him
What is the real reason for Brutus's ill temper? Give all of the Details
Because Portia died, Worried about Marc Antony killing him, has no money
Messala brings what ill news of the triumvirate's actions in Rome?
They have killed at least 100 people in power
What reason does Cassius give for NOT going directly to Philippi?
Bad idea, let them attack us first
What reason does Brutus give for going directly to Philippi? Who prevails?
The army is going to decline soon, alliances may crumble, cant hold up muh longer,WE ARE RIGHT, Brutus