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20 Cards in this Set

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True or False, the ventricular or false vocal folds lie below the true vocal folds.
Damage to which nerve leads to difficulty adducting the vocal folds?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve of cranial nerve X
What is the difference between jitter and shimmer?
Jitter or frequency perturbation refers to the variation of vocal frequency, while shimmer or amplitude perturbation refers to the cycle to cycle variation of vocal intensity.
List the perceptual qualities a clinician uses in evaluating a patient's voice.
Pitch, volume, vocal quality, resonance, respiration and ability to sustain phonation.
What is a localized inflammation that is composed of granular tissue in a firm rounded sac is called what?
What instrument uses a pulsating light for perceived slow motion in viewing the vocal folds?
What does the Blom-Singer device do?
The Blom-Singer device shunts air from the trachea to the esophagus so the patient can speak on that air.
What is diplophonia?
Diplophonia is a term that refers to double voice.
Which muscle is a chief vocal fold tensor?
Posterior cricothyroid muscle
List the vocal fold adductors.
1. Thyroarytenoid muscles
2. Lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
3. Transverse and oblique interarytenoid muscles
What is the function of the extrinsic muscles of the larynx?
They help stabilize and alter the position of the laryngeal skeleton during respiration, deglutition and swallowing.
Where do most benign laryngeal pathologies such as vocal fold polyps, nodules and cysts develop?
They develop in the superficial layer of the lamina propria.
What is the aging of the laryngeal structures is called?
What can mucosal irregularities caused by scarring, atrophy secondary to vocal fold paralysis be treated with.
Bovine collagen injections.
What are the benefits of the Visi-Pitch device?
Visi-Pitch device is helpful in providing biofeedback of nonvocal airflow control and various sound parameters.
Which instrument uses surface electrodes placed on the thyroid cartilage and high frequency electric current while the patient phonates?
In accessing the respiratory status of a patient for voice, what types of breathing does the clinician analyze?
1. Clavicular breathing: patient inhales and shoulders elevate.
2. Diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing - using the abdominal region and lower thoracic cavity - used by professional singers
3. Thoracic breathing
True or False. Hypernasality is when nasal resonance is absent on nasal sounds.
What is the purpose of the s/z ratio phonation time?
The s/z ratio determines whether there is a laryngeal pathology present.
List the vascular supply of the larynx.
Superior laryngeal, cricothyroid and inferior laryngeal arteries.