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20 Cards in this Set

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List 5 variables in that influence individual behavior within a culture.
1. Religion
2. Gender
3. Age
4. Educational level
5. Socio-economic status
List the factors that cause dilectal differences.
1. Geographic regions
2. Socio-economic status
3. Speaking situation
4. Group membership
List some characteristics of African American English.
1. Omission of noun possessive
2. Omission of noun plural
3.Past tense ending omitted
4. Multiple negatives
List some characteristics of Spanish influenced English
1. Adjective comes after noun
2. s is often omitted in plurals and possessives
3. Omission of past tense ed
4. Double negatives
5. The adverb often follows the verb
List some characteristics of Asian influenced English
1. Omission of plurals
2. Omission of copula
3. Omission of possessive
4. Misuse of pronouns
5. Past tense double marking
Explain the term Silent period.
When learning a second language, the student goes through a silent period in which there is much listening and comprehension and little output.
Explain the term Code Switching
Code Switching is the alternating or switching between two languages at the word ,phrase or sentence level.
True of False. children adopted before age 12 cannot be expected for the most part to develop English language at the same rate as a baby born in the United States.
True of False. Children who show language delays when they first arrived the US are likely to continue to show delays in language development over time.
True or False. It takes culturally and lingustically diverse children 2 years to develop basic interpersonal communication skills to a level commensurate to that of native speakers.
True or False. According to IDEA, 2004, all children, regardless of their disabilities, are entitled to an appropriate and free education.
List 5 alternatives to standardized tests.
1. Authentic assessments
2. Language samples
3. Dynamic approach assessments
4. portfolio method assessment
5. Narratives
List some medical conditions prevalent in African Americans as a group.
1. High incidence of traumatic brain injury
2. High incidence of stroke and hypertension
3. Low incidence of cleft palate
List some medical conditions prevalent in Asian Americans as a group.
1. High prevalence of cleft palate
2. High incidence of strokes
3. Low incidence of Alzheimers
True or False. Less than 8% of speech-language pathologists in the USA are non-whites.
True or False. An example of a cognitively demanding tasks is greetings and rehearsed utterances.
List 4 types of cultural biases.
1. Situational bias: a mis-match between clinician and client.
2. Format bias
3. Value bias
4. Linguistic bias
True or False. A disadvantage to using non-standardized tests is that they are time consuming.
List specific accommodations in in administering standardized testd to CLD children.
1. Provide additional response time
2. Provide additional repetitions
3. Continue testing past the ceiling
4. Accept revised answers
5. Ask client to explain unusual responses
List factors that would influence a family's participation in therapy.
1. Beliefs concerning health and illness
2. Financial concerns
3. Accessibility to services
4. Poor familiarity to treatment models
5. Expectations regarding progress and outcomes.