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20 Cards in this Set

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What do the terms alternative communication and augmentative communication mean?
Alternative communication refers to the replacement of communication skills while augmentative communication is used to refer to situations where strategies and techniques are used to supplement a person’s existing communication skills.
What are unaided symbols and strategies?
Unaided symbols and strategies do not require anything external to the body. They include manual signs, gestures, “body language” and natural speech.
List examples of non-electronic communication aids.
Manual boards, books, and wallets/communication books are examples of non-electronic communicton aids.
Explain why AAC services are provided under a zero exclusion model.
The principle of zero inclusion means that AAC services are considered if there is a discrepancy between an individual’s current abilities and their communication needs and that no one is excluded from consideration because of his/her level of functioning. There are no developmental, cognitive, or behavioral prerequisites to AAC use.
What is the Fritzgerald's Key method or strategy of arranging vocabulary on an AAC device?
The Fitzgerald key is a strategy that involves organizing vocabulary items by grammatical function. This strategy helps the AAC user read and write.
Why is scanning an advantageous method of AAC selection for some AAC users?
Some AAC users lack the motor skills or physical ability to use direct selection and some AAC users who use direct selection for much of the day, use scanning due to fatigue or changes in positioning.
What are the speaking rates AAC users as opposed to natural speakers.
Studies show that AAC users communicate at about 5 – 25 words per minute, while natural speakers communicate at about 150-250 words per minute.
What are the reasons for conducting an AAC assessment?
1. Determine service eligibility
2. Identify the course of therapy
3. Device selection and feature match
List 3 components of communicative competency.
1. Linguistic competence: knowledge of their native language as well as learning their AAC system language
2. Operational competence: using the device efficiently and effectively
3. Strategic competence: knowing what strategies to use when.
What should a clinician do if he/she gets a client who needs AAC and he/she does not feel qualified to conduct the evaluation?
1. Seek a professional who is qualified
2. Contact a local universoty
3. Contact ASHA and/or local AAC Assessor
How are AAC devices and services funded?
AAC devices and services are funded by both public and private sources. Adult AAC users may apply for funding from private sources, such as insurance and service organizations, or public sources, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Vocational Rehabilitation, while children’s AAC devices may be funded by health insurance companies, public schools, and Medicaid.
List some modificications in an inclusive classroom for an AAC user.
1. Reduction of workload
2. Adaptation to academic testing
3. Selective retention, and the use of peer instruction.
True or False. AAC intervention does not facillitate development of the AAC user's natural speech.
True or False. Many disruptive behaviors occur because the client does not have a way to communicate their needs or wants.
Why should an AAC vendor be part of the assessment team?
An AAC vendor can be part of an AAC assessment to demonstrate features of a device and to arrange for a device trial.
True or False. It is the responsibility of the SLP to conduct the AAC assessment and make decisions using the feature match process.
Define the term "feature match."
A feature match is used to match a client’s needs to a device that would meet these needs.
True or False. Word prediction is a strategy that not only saves key strokes but also enhances the overall rate of interaction.
What does "acceleration vocabulary" mean?
Acceleration vocabulary refers to pre-stored messages that are needed in interaction where timing is critical. This would include situations as greetings or commonly used comments.
List the first priority of an AAC evaluation.
1. Seating
2. Positioning