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66 Cards in this Set

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To resemble another person
tener un aspecto similar
Clase de comerciantes
the merchant class
. . . y algún que otro cliente
and the occasional customer
Una botica
an apothecary shop
To afford
get this: permitirse pagar, or permitirse. What an excellent idiom. I can’t afford it is “no me lo puedo permitir. To be able to afford something: “poder permitirse algo.”
Un sanador
a healer. Remember that sano = healthy. The Latin root of sanitary is sanus, which means “healthy, sane.”
El hogar
the home. Remember: hogar is not a verb. It’s HOME. Casa is house, and hogar is home.
But, to be honest . . . .
pero, para ser sincera . . .
No soy de las que perdonan
I’m not the forgiving type. NOTE the use of “no soy de LAS,” where LAS refers to LAS PERSONAS – the type of person who . . .
to spread or smear
Una rebanada
a slice
to adjust, settle in, settle down
Rebosante DE
(adj) brimming, overflowing with
summer; pertaining to summer. Vacaciones estivales is summer vacation, or the summer holidays (what the Brits would say). Comes from the Latin “stivale,” which is NOT where we got the word “festival,” but you can think of the summer solstice and summer festival and remember estival that way if you want . . .
Las verduras
vegetables or just “greens”
El raíz
a root, as in a plant root. Los raíces would be root vegetables, like carrots, rutabaga, potato, and other types of roots. You might as well know that raíz cuadrada is a square root, and raíz cúbica is a cube root. You can also put down roots, meaning to settle down in a new place. Do not confuse raíz, which is always “root,” with raza, which is race, as in the human race or race relations . . .
to dig, to scratch, to scrape, investigate, poke, or pry into. To scrape or scratch the earth, the way birds do, bulls do, or horses’ hooves do . . .
Irisado, a
rainbow-hued. You know, like Iris and the rainbow iris-messages the half-bloods use. Iridescent is, of course, another word for this.
to wander, to roam. To loiter, to range. To be at leisure, to be idle (think: vagrant)
El sorteo
the raffle, the drawing
Pero para el caso es lo mismo
but it might as well be the same; or but it’s all basically the same thing.
El lote
the piece of land, plot, share of land
Entrar en el lote
enter the lot; join in the batch; join in the prospects
Manteca de cerdo
manteca = lard. Remember: mantequilla is butter; lard is worse. Cerdo is pig, so manteca de cerdo is pig fat (used to cook with – a lot easier to get than butter, which has to be made.)
Un cordón de zapato
La única persona en el mundo A LA QUE estoy segura de querer?
The only person in the world I’m certain I love?
Una niña flacucha
a skinny girl. Flaca= skinny. Flacucha is slang (not in the regular dictionary, but listed as slang), as just another form of very skinny.
Nos Llevamos mucho tiempo
it took us a lot of time
to haggle over, to bargain
Lo bastante fuerte como trabajar en las minas
strong enough to (handle the)(be able to) work in the mines
The way in which . . . .
por la forma en que . . . .
to whisper
Ponerse celoso, a
to become jealous
Las cañas
canes, poles
Everyone is supposed to celebrate
se supone que todos tienen que celebrar
Hacer caso
to pay attention
to find out
painful, sorrowful
to approach
El fresal
the strawberry patch (get it? Fresas are strawberries)
Las redes
the nets (remember? La red = the net, or even the “internet,” at present)
De camino a casa
on the way home (remember: camino = way. This means “of the way home,” literally, or “on the way home,” as we would say it. Our preposition “on” isn’t very literal, either.
Un almacén
a store or warehouse. Regarding weapons, it’s a magazine, but in our book’s context, it’s a store or warehouse. Remember, I’ve mentioned this before, the term “El Quemador,” the black market, is called “The Hob” in this book, for reasons I don’t know.
Concurrido, a (adj)
busy. Crowded, as n a place. Well-attended, full of people
La huesuda
the bony person. They are using this adjective, huesuda, which means bony or having large bones, and turning it into a noun by sticking “la” in front. Like we do when we say “the red one” or “the bony one.”
A pesar de que
although, or in spite of the fact that
No los cazamos a propósito
we don’t hunt them ON PURPOSE. Yes, a propósito means by the way, but in this position in the sentence the meaning changes!
La ternera
veal (the meat)
Exigente (adj)
demanding (adjective) to be a demanding person
El alcalde
the mayor
La mitad de las fresas
half of the strawberries. The point here is that LA MITAD DE means “half of”
Soso, sosa
tasteless, bland, dull, uninteresting (think of it as “so-so.” I wonder if that’s it’s origin???
to squeeze, to press together, to tighten
“Por si acabo en el Capitolio”
in case I end up in the Capitol (note how ACABAR is used here)
Estar desconcertado
to be confused
Hablar con frialdad
to speak coolly
to lay down, put, or rest. In our book, it says “sus ojos se posan en” which means, “his eyes settled on . . . “
La cosa es de bella factura
the thing is beautifully made (
Cuántas inscripciones tienes?
How many entries do you have?
“hay gato incerrado”
this is an idiom to mean “there’s a catch.” (meaning, a trick. The rules aren’t always followed, because . . . here’s the catch).
Un exiguo siministruo
a meager supply
Sembrar el odio
to sow the seeds of hatred (remember? Sembrar is to sow)