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Purpose of $.support
Provides flags for various functions to replace browser sniffing and ensure cross-browser functionality.
Dose $.support.boxModel return true for IE?
In quirksmode it returns false, in standards mode it returns true.
define $.support.boxModel
Set to true if user agent renders according to standards compliant box model.
when is $.support.boxModel defined?
on document ready
define $.support.cssFloat
true if cssFloat of elements style property is used by current browser
define $.support.hrefNormalized
true if obtaining href element attributes returns the value exactly as specified
define $.support.htmlSerialize
true if browser evaluates style sheets referenced by <link> elements when injected into the DOM via innerHTML
define $.support.leadingWhitespace
true if browser honors leading whitespace when text is inserted via innerHTML
define $.support.noCloneEvent
true if browser does not copy event handlers when event is cloned
define $.support.objectAll
true if getElementsByTagName() method returns all descendants when passed "*"
define $.support.opacity
true if browser correctly interprets standard CSS opacity property
define $.support.scriptEval
true if browser evaluates <script> blocks when they're injected via calls to appendChild() or createTextNode() methods
define $.support.style
true if the attribute for obtaining the inline style properties of an element is style
define $.support.tbody
true if browser doesn't automatically insert <tbody> elements into tables lacking them when injected via innerHTML
list browsers for which all $.support variables return true
All except for Internet Explorer, which always returns false for everything except boxModel
purpose of $.browser object
detects user agent types and sets flags for browser detection (DEPRECATED FUNCTION)
list the flags set on $.browser
msie - Internet Explorer
mozilla - Firefox and Camino (mozilla based)
safari - Safari, Chrome, OmniWeb (web-kit based)
opera - Opera
version - number of rendering engine for browser
(true or false) $.browser.version is the version of the browser, such as IE 5.5
false - it's the version of the rendering engine (which happens to be the same as the browser version in IE only)
(true or false) $.browser.version represent the browser version for IE
true - $.browser.version is the rendering engine number; however, in IE the rendering engine and browser have the same version number
define $.noConflict(boolean)
Restores control of $ identifier back to another library (such as Prototype), allowing multiple libraries on a single page.

If the boolean is set to true, then jQuery identifier is relinquished, too
when using multiple libraries, at what point in loading scripts should $.noConflict() be called?
After including jQuery but before including the conflicting library
What is an instance where browser sniffing (using $.browser) would be appropriate, instead of feature detection (using $.support)?
When the attributes passed to a method are different, based on the browser, so there is no way to differentiate using feature detection, such as the following example:

element.add(element, below) for <select> elements
"below" is an object reference for standards compliant browsers, but an integer for IE
what does this do?
(function($) { /* function body here*/ }) (jQuery);
It sets $ equal to jQuery, but only in the scope provided.

The purpose is to normalize the $ identifier without affecting the global scope, so that if $.noConflict() has been called, the $ identifier may still be used inside the context of the function.
which characters are removed by $.trim( string )?
from the beginning or end of the string only:
\s - space
\n - carriage return
\r - line feed
\f - form feed
\t - tab
\v - vertical tab
\u00A0 - unicode character of some sort
define $.each(container, callback)
Iterates items in container and invokes callback for each

container - (Array|Object) to be iterated
callback - (Function) first param is index or key from container, second is the value

returns the container
how can we break out of iteration while using $.each(container, callback)?
return false from callback
define: $.grep(array, callback, invert)
Filters array, using callback to decide whether each value is added to results

array - (Array)values examined
callback - (Function)function executed, returns true to add, false to skip; passes current value and index
invert - (boolean)flips the callback behavior

returns new array with matched elements
define: $.map(array, callback)
Iterates array, invokes callback on each item and returns results

array - (Array)values examined
callback - (Function)return value is added to results, unless null or undefined; passes current value and index

returns new array of callback results
define: $.inArray(value, array)
returns index position of first match of value in array
what is an 'array-like object' in JavaScript?
Any object that has a length and the concept of indexed arrays

Example: NodeList, returned by document.getElementsByTagName()
define: $.makeArray( object )
Converts array-like object to actual JavaScript array

object - an array-like object, such as a NodeList
define: $.unique(array)
returns array of unique elements from array
define: $.merge(array1, array2)
adds values of array2 into array1
define $.fx.off
Enables or disables effects by setting this to true/false
define: $.extend(deep, target, [src1, src2...])
simulate extending object, as in inheritance

deep - if true, deep copy is made
target - object to receive new methods
src* - the objects that will be inherited
(true or false) When using $.extend(deep, target, source1, source2), if an object exists in both source1 and in target, the one in target overrides source1
false, the method/property in target is overwritten, additionally, if it is declared in source2 that would overwrite source1 in turn
define: $.param(params, traditional)
Serializes the passed arguments into URL string

params - (Array|jQuery|Object) can be array of form elements (jQuery wrapped set)
traditional - (bool)forces function to serialize like versions of jQuery before 1.4
what happens if a jQuery wrapped set that doesn't contain form elements is passed to $.param()?
the query string shows &undefined=undefined; $.params() does not filter invalid elements
for $.param(parms), what happens if an element in parms contains an array of key/value pairs? (i.e. how does $.params() handle nested objects?)
they are passed to the query string like this:

define $.isArray(o)
returns true if o is a JS array, but not any other array-like object (like jQuery wrapped sets)
define $.isEmptyObject(o)
returns true if o is JS object with no properties, including ones inherited from prototype
define $.isFunction(o)
returns true if o is a JS function.
browser built-in methods, like alert() and confirm() are returned as functions by $.isFunction(o)
Except in IE ; (
define $.isPlainObject(o)
returns true if o is a JS object created via { } or new Object()
define $.isXMLDoc(node)
returns true if node is an XML document, or a node within an XML document
define $.noop()
It does nothing; used as a placeholder for optional callbacks in arguments
define $.contains(haystack, needle)
determine if DOM element haystack contains DOM element needle
define $.data(element, name, value)
stores or retrieves custom data on DOM elments

element - (Element) DOM elm on which data is stored
name - (String) key which value is stored under
value - (Object) if provided, sets name to this
define $.removeData(element, name)
removes data with key name stored on a DOM element by the $.data() method
define $.proxy(function, proxy)
creates a copy of a function with proxy used as the context (this) when invoked
define $.proxy(proxy, property)
Same as $.proxy(function, proxy) except that the function to be modified is inside of proxy already; property defines the element inside proxy that contains the function.
define $.parseJSON(json)
parses JSON string provided and returns its evaluation (an object)
why doesn't $.parseJSON() use the browser JSON.parse() function?
It does, if it's supported by the browser, otherwise it provides an equivalent trick
define $.globalEval(code)
evaluates passed code in global context (JS eval normally executes in the current context)
how can a script be dynamically included in the page by jQuery?
for the context, $.getScript(url,callback), define callback
callback is a Function executed after the script is loaded ,which receives the text loaded and a status message "success" if it works
What is special about using $.getScript(...) in older versions of Safari?
In Safari 2 and younger, the script definitions loaded don't become available in the callback - not until the script block in which it is loaded relinquishes control back to browser.
what is the difference between a standards compliant box model and IE box model
in IE's box model, margins are included in the element's size (i.e it measures border to border); in standards compliant browsers, they are not (they measure content edge to content edge)