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76 Cards in this Set

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How could one select all div and span elements to create a wrapped set in jQuery?
With a comma between the selectors: $('span,div')
What is matched by: $('*')
matches any element
What is matched by: $('x')
matches any element of type x
what is matched by $('x y')
matches any element of type y that is a descendant of x
what is matched by $('x>y')
mathches element of type y if it is a direct descendant of x
what is matched by $('E+F')?
elements with tag F immediately preceded by E
what is matched by $('E~F')?
elements of type F preceded by any sibling E
what is matched by $('E.C')?
elements of type E with class C.
what is matched by $('.C')?
same as $('*.C') - elements with class C
what is matched by $('E#I')?
elements of type E with id I
what is matched by $('E[A]')?
elements with type E having attribute A (of any value)
what is matched by $('E[A=V]')?
elements with type E having attribute A with value of V
what is matched by $('E[A^=V]')?
elements of type E with attribute A whose value starts with V
what is matched by $('E[A$=V]')?
elements of type E with attribute A whose value ends with V
what is matched by $('E[A!=V]')?
elements of type E with attribute A that doesn't match value V (or doesn't have attribute A)
what is matched by $('E[A*=V]')?
element of type E with attribute A with value containing V
what css selector matches any element?
the * selector
what css selector matches all elements of type E?
what css selector matches all elements with type F that are descendants of E?
what css selector matches all elements of type F that are direct children of E?
what css selector matches elements of type F immediately preceded by sibling E?
what css selector matches tags type F preceded by any sibling E?
what css selector matches element E with css class C?
what css selector matches element E with ID F?
what css selector matches elements of type E with an attribute A?
what css selector matches elements of type E with attribute A having value V?
what css selector matches elements of type E with attribute A having value starting with V?
what css selector matches elements of type E with attribute A having value ending with V?
what css selector matches elements of type E with attribute A having value not containing V, or no attribute A?
what css selector matches elements of type E having attribute A with value containing V?
what is matched by css selector 'li a:first'?
the first link that is a descendant of a list item
what is matched by css selector 'li a:last'?
the last link that is a descendant of a list item
what is matched by css selector li:first-child?
the first list item in each list
what is matched by css selector 'li:last-child'?
last list item in each list
what is matched by css selector ':only-child'?
returns all list items with no siblings
how does one return the first descendant of type F from parent E?
E F:first
how does one return the last descendant of type F from parent E?
E F:last
how does one return all elements of type F that are the first sibling in the DOM tree?
how does one return the last list item of every list on the page?
how does one return all elements with no siblings?
what is returned by the selector $('li:nth-child(3)')?
the third list element of each list
which selector matches a child element at a specific position relative to its siblings?
:nth-child(x) where x is the position
which selector returns even or odd children, relative to the sibling elements?
:nth-child(even|odd) or :even or :odd
explain what is return by $('table#data tr:nth-child(odd)')
returns odd rows from table with id #data
explain what is returned by $('ul li:even')
returns even positioned list elements from each unordered list
explain the difference between :eq(n) and :nth-child(n)
both return the nth matched element; however, nth-child starts at index 1 where :eq, :lt, :gt, start at index 0
name the CSS selector that returns all elements after x in a given context
name the CSS selector that returns all elements before x in a given context
explain what is returned by $('div#menu a:gt(2)')
all a tags after the 2nd contained in the div with id 'menu'
explain what is matched by $('input[type=checkbox][checked]')
This only matches checkboxes with an INITIAL state of checked, not ones currently checked.
explain what is matched by the filter selector :checkbox:checked;enabled
Only checkboxes that are both enabled and currently checked
explain the purpose of the :animated filter selector
selects only elements that are currently under animated control
explain the purpose of the :button filter selector
selects any of the following
input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button]
explain the purpose of the :checkbox filter selector
checkbox elements, equivalent to input[type=checkbox]
what is matched by the filter selector :checked
selects checkboxes or radio buttons in a selected state
what is matched by the filter selector :contains(y)
selects elements containing the text 'y'
what is matched by the filter selector :disabled
any element in a disabled state
what is matched by the filter selector :enabled
any element in an enabled state
what is matched by the filter selector :file
equivalent to input[type=file]
what is matched by the filter selector :has(selector)
selects elements that contain at least one child matching 'selector'
what is matched by the filter selector :header
matches <h1> through <h6>
what is matched by the filter selector :hidden
matches elements in a hidden state
what is matched by the filter selector :image
equivalent to input[type=image]
what is matched by the filter selector :input
selects form elements (input, select, textarea, and button)
what is matched by the filter selector :not(selector)
matches elements that do not match selector
what is matched by the filter selector :parent
selects only elements with children (including text)
what is matched by the filter selector :password
equivalent to input[type=password]
what is matched by the filter selector :radio
equivalent to input[type=radio]
what is matched by the filter selector :reset
equivalent to input[type=reset] or button[type=reset]
what is matched by the filter selector :selected
selects any <option> element in a selected state
what is matched by the filter selector :submit
equivalent to button[type=submit] or input[type=submit]
what is matched by the filter selector :text
equivalent to input[type=text]
what is matched by the filter selector :visible
matches elements in a visible state
explain what is matched by the selector:

all input fields that are not checkboxes
explain what is matched by the selector:

every dom element that is not an image and all image elements that do not have 'dog' in the src
explain what is matched by the selector:

all div elements that contain at least one child of type span