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73 Cards in this Set

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define XHR
Refers to XMLHttpRequest, a method implemented by standards compliant browsers to receive asynchronous requests in JavaScript
define AJAX
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
where did AJAX get its origins?
As part of Outlook Web Access, Microsoft released an ActiveX control in 1998. It wasn't made popular until Google used it in 2005
Describe difference between AJAX implementations in IE 6 and 7
IE 7 uses a wrapper that is compliant with the XHR standard, instead of IE 6's active X call.
(true or false) jQuery uses the new IE 7 wrapper for XHR
As of 1.4, this is false; jQuery feels that the wrapper in IE 7 is buggy, so it goes straight to the source
Define the XHR method: abort() method
cancels currently executing request
Define the XHR method: getAllResponseHeaders()
returns string containing the names and values of all response headers
Define the XHR method: getResponseHeader(name)
returns value of one header
Define the XHR method: open(method,url,async,user,pass)
Sets the HTTP request method (GET or POST) and URL to be requested. Other parms are optional
What is the purpose of async in this method: open(method,url,async)
async is true by default, is false, the request is much like normal HTTP (synchronous, not loaded in background)
Define the XHR method: send(content)
initiates XHR request with 'content' as the body of the request
Define the XHR method: setRequestHeader(key, value)
sets a request header used in the XHR request
Define the XHR property: onreadystatechange
The event handler invoked when the request is returned or fails.
Define the XHR property: readyState
Integer representing current state:
4 - DONE
Define the XHR property: responseText
body content returned in the response
Define the XHR property: responseXML
if the body was XML content, this is the DOM structure for that content
Define the XHR property: status
HTTP response code from the server: 200/success; 400/not found
Define the XHR property: statusText
description of the HTTP response code
when using ajax queries, what do status codes 200-299 represent?
success (these are actually the HTTP request codes)
when using ajax queries, what do status codes of 300 or above represent?
failures (these are actually the HTTP request codes)
explain the purpose of the $(...).load() method
sends an XHR request via get or post, depending on the arguments passed, loads the results into each element of the wrapped set
explain the params argument in $(...).load(url, params, callback) and its effect on the request type
an optional string, array, or object

if omitted, GET method is used

as a string, it is a query string and GET is used

as an array, each element is an object formatted: {name: "name", value: "the val} and POST is called

as an object, POST is called
explain the callback argument in $(...).load(url, params, callback)

It receives two arguments: response text (i.e. 'success'), and the XHR instance

invoked once for each element in the wrapped set with 'this' equal to DOM element being iterated
explain how to force $('...').load() method to use the GET method when passing arguments
place the arguments into the URL parameter using encodeURIComponent() or $.param()
explain how to filter the results of $('...).load() so that only div elements are inserted into the wrapped set
put a space and a selector onto the url, for example:

$('...').load("/xhr.php div");
what method can be used to prepare form data for use as an argument to jQuery XHR methods?

Any form elements in the wrapped set are used.

If forms exist in the wrapped set, all their elements are used.
explain the purpose of $(...).serializeArray()
returns form elements as array of {name: ..., value: ...} objects suitable for use with jQuery XHR methods
what jQuery utility method executes a GET request?
what are the valid data types for parms in:

$.get(url, parms, callback, type)
query string, array of name/value objects, or JS object
explain the callback parm in:

$.get(url, parms, callback, type)
method called when $.get() returns
explain possible values of the dataType property passed to the $.ajax() utility method

Hint: It is the same as the type argument in $.get(url, parms, callback, type)
xml, html, json, jsonp, script, text
When setting properties for $.ajax() method, explain the dataType of 'xml'
returns XML DOM object parsed from the returned text body
When setting properties for $.ajax() method, explain the dataType of 'jsonp'
similar to json, except remote scripting is allowed
What happens to <script> tags when setting the dataType for jQuery's $.ajax() method to 'html'?
they are evaluated when inserted into the DOM
what method returns AJAX call in JSON format?
$.getJSON(url, parameters, callback)

returned JSON object is passed to callback
what type of HTTP request does $.getJSON() utilize?
GET request
what is the purpose of callback in $.getJSON(url, parms, callback)
receives the JSON object returned
what jQuery utility creates an HTTP request with type POST?
what jQuery utility method provides advanced control over execution of XHR requests?
explain the $.ajax() option: type
the HTTP request type (GET or POST)

defaults to GET
explain the $.ajax() option: data
a query string, JS object, or array of name/value objects

Passed in the url for GET requests, as part of body for POST requests.
explain the $.ajax() option: dataType
Defines the format of the returned data. If omitted, jQuery will guess based on returned content

One of xml, html, json, jsonp, script, or text
when using $.ajax(), the property dataType can be set to 'script' - what does this do?
executes the returned value as JS statements, then passes it to the callback (if any)
explain the $.ajax() option: cache
if false, ensures response is not cached by the browser
in what cases does the $.ajax() cache option default to true?
All cases except when dataType is set to jsonp or script
explain the $.ajax() option: context
overrides 'this', setting the context for all callback invocations
explain the $.ajax() option: timeout
milliseconds until timeout, if expired, request is aborted and error callback is invoked (if defined)
explain the $.ajax() option: global
if false, disables triggering of jQuery global ajax events, defaults to true (enabled)
explain the $.ajax() option: contentType
content type specified in HTTP request, defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default for form submissions)
explain the $.ajax() option: success
a function invoked if request succeeds

first parm is request body, second is the text 'success', third is XHR instance
explain the $.ajax() option: error
a function invoked if request fails

first parm is request body, second is the text 'error|timeout|notmodified|parseerror', third is XHR instance
explain the $.ajax() option: complete
called after error or success callbacks (if they are defined), receives XHR instance and status string
explain the $.ajax() option: beforeSend
called before initiating request, receives XHR instance as param

returning false from this callback cancels the request
explain the $.ajax() option: async
defaults to true, if set to false, synchronous request is sent (blocks browser activity just like a page load)
explain the $.ajax() option: processData
if false, data passed is not processed into a url-encoded format
explain the $.ajax() option: dataFilter
callback function called to filter result data, passed the raw result data and dataType value, must return the "sanitized" data
explain the $.ajax() option: ifModified
if true, request succeeds only if response content has not changed since last request, according to the Last-Modified header, defaults to false
explain the $.ajax() option: jsonp
overrides the default jsonp callback parameter
explain the $.ajax() option: scriptCharset
the character set used for script and jsonp requests when remote and local have diff charsets
explain the $.ajax() option: xhr
a callback used to provide custom implementation of the XHR method
explain the $.ajax() option: traditional
if true, traditional parameter stylization is used (see $.param())
how can one set a default list of ajax options instead of passing them each time to $.ajax()?
(true or false) defaults set with $.ajaxSetup() also affect the $(...).load() method
false, additionally, overriding the type option has no effect on $.get() and $.post() util methods (they igonore it)
What method is used to establish global listeners for Ajax requests?
$.bind(), just like any other listeners in jQuery
What are the Ajax related events that can be monitored?
ajaxStart, ajaxSend, ajaxSuccess, ajaxError, ajaxStop, and ajaxComplete
What arguments are given to the listeners for ajaxStart events?
What arguments are given to the listeners for beforeSend events?
the XHR instance
What happens if the listener for beforeSend returns false?
the XHR is canceled
What arguments are given to the listeners for ajaxSend events?
jQuery.Event, XHR instance, and options passed to $.ajax()
What arguments are given to the listeners for ajaxSuccess events?
jQuery.Event, XHR instance, and options passed to $.ajax()
What arguments are given to the listeners for ajaxComplete events?
jQuery.Event, XHR instance, and options passed to $.ajax()
What ajax event is always triggered, even for synchronous events?
What arguments are given to the listeners for ajaxError
jQuery.Event, XHR instance, options passed to $.ajax(), and the error as an optional 4th parameter