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18 Cards in this Set

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laceratus fibrosus or bicipital aponeurosis
from bicep brachii short and long head tendon of insertion into radial tuberosity, this passes from tendon of insertion to blend w/ fascia covering the muscles on the medial side of the forearm
elastic cartilage
nose, ear, tubular structures such as auditory eustacian tubes
contains elastin scattered in matrix
hyaline cartilage
lines articular surfaces of bones
found in costal cartilages and epiphyseal cartilage of growing bone
mostly type II collagen fibers
resilient, flexible, some rigidity
mostly type I collagen fibers
less ground substance than hyaline b/c so much collagen fibers
found in intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis, menisci of joints, often occurs when tendon and ligament are joined to bones, AC joint
synarthrodial joints
fibrous joint
not moving, union of two bones by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity
sutures - skull
syndesmosis - contiguous bones connected by interosseous ligament, such as inferior tibiofibular, between radius and ulna
fibrous joint, slightly moveable, contiguous bony surfaces united by an interosseous ligament

ex: inferior tibiofibular articulation, between radius and ulna
cartilagenous joint, slightly moving
joint in which surfaces are connected by fibrocartilage
symphyses - intervertebral discs and pubic symphisis (fibrocartilage)
synchondrosis - ribs and sternum - are made of hyaline(articular cartilage)
cup and saucer, not very deep, oval shaped end of one bone fits into an oval shaped cavity in another bone

ex: wrist joint (between radius and carpals)
joint between metacarpals and phalanges
cartilagenouse or amphiarthrodial
made of hyaline cartilage, not moving much

ex: joint between ribs and sternum has hyaline (articular) cartilage
hinge joint
synovial or diarthrodial joint
allows flexion and extension; convex surface of one bone fits into concave surface of another bone

elbow joint (humeroulnar joint)
knee (between femur and tibia)
amphiarthrodial joint or cartilagenous joint
Much more cartilage present than in a synchondrosis; adjacent bones separated by and fused to a fibrocartilagenous pad

intervertebral discs, pubic symphyses
synovial joint
has outer capsule, synovial membrane
space between two articulating bones, has articular cartilage
synovial cavity is small space between articulating bones and filled w/ synovial fluid (lubricates to reduce friction and provide nourishment for the articular cartilage)
diarthrodial joints
freely movable
also called synovial joints
bathed in synovium
pivot joint
designed to allow one bone to rotate around the surface of another bone

atlanto-axial joint (turn head)
proximal radioulnar joint (supination, pronation)
plane joint
also called gliding joint
SC joint
facet joints of spine
costoverterbral joint (ribs)
joint between scapula and clavicle (AC joint?)
between intercarpals and intertarsals
ball and socket joint
ball and socket join
knee, shoulder, synovial joint, diarthrodial
saddle joint
carpometacarpal joint of thumb (protect during massage) - this is the joint between the trapezium and the first metacarpal