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19 Cards in this Set

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3 types of joints

Synarthroses = allows no movement

Amphiarthroses = allows slight movement

Diarthroses = allows free movement

Suture is

a synarthroses ,where bones join and form a nonmovable joint

ex: skull (jagged lines that meet )

Fontanelle is

soft spot remaining at the junction of the sutures that usually closes after birth

symphysis is...

and also know as ?

a joint where 2 bones join and are held firmly together so that they function as one bone.


Mandibular symphysis is

a small vertical ridge that marks the fusion of the left and right parts of the mandible (jaw)

Pubic Symphysis is

the midline of the cartilaginous joint that fuse the left and right of the pubic bone

Synovial Joint

ball and socket joints , allows range of motions in many directions ex: hipand shoulder joints


Arthrodial or Condyloid Joints

kind of diarthrosis,

joints with oval projections that fir into a socket

( ex : carpal joint )

Trochoid or Pivot joints

kind of diarthrosis, allows rotation

Hinge joint

kind of diarthrosis, allows motion in one plane or direction ex: canine stiffle and elbow joints

Gliding joints

kind of diarthrosis, joints that allow bones to glide by each others flat surfaces in any direction

Saddle joint

the additional joint that primates have .

carpometacarpal joint of the thumb wich allows primates free movement of the thumb ( flex, extend,abduct,adduct )

Ligament and a Tendon is

Ligament =a band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another bone

Tendon= a band of fibrous connective tissue that connect muscle to bone

Combining form for ligament is


Ten/o, Tend/o and Tendin/o

Bursa is

a fibrous sac that acts like a cushion to ease movement in areas of friction (ex: within the shoulder )

combining form for Bursa


* more then one bursa is bursae

Inner lining that Bursae and synovial joints have are called

Synovial membrane

what does the synovial membrane do

secretes synovial fluid wich acts as a lubricant to make joint movement smooth

combining form for synovial membrane
