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251 Cards in this Set

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Most CPTED practitioners prefer _____________lamps because they last about ________ hours and accurately reproduce the color of cars, clothes, and people.

Different light sources produce different qualities of light. Most CPTED (pronounced sep-ted) practitioners prefer metal halide lamps because they last about 20,000 hours and accurately reproduce the color of cars, clothes, and people.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED).

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 71.

Physical Security Domain (25%)

One footcandle is equal to ______ lux.

10.76 lux (often approximated to a ratio of 1:10).

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 169.

The quantity of light emitted by a lamp is measured in ________.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 169.

It is strongly recommended that the position of _______________ report to a key _______ -level executive of the organization...

It is strongly recommended that the position of Chief Security Officer (CSO) report to a key senior-level executive of the organization...

Chief Security Officer - An Organizational Model Standard Pg 2 #4.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Three financial reports or statements have become accepted as a standard: ____________,

_________, and ____________.

the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Through these statements it is possible to paint a clear picture of a company's current and prospective financial health.

Ref: POA Security Management Page 15, 2.2

Memorize this!

Business Principles and Practices (13%). Financial Statements

The standard measure for explosive comparison is _____________.

TNT (trinitrotoluene), which has a VoD of 6,900 meters (22,600ft.) per second.

VoD = velocity of detonation.

Crisis Management (10%)

Ref: POA Crisis Management Pg 88.

_____________ is the concentration of light over a particular area.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 169.

Physical Security (25%)

Illuminance is measured in _______, representing the number of lumens per square meter or in foot-candles (fc), the number of lumens per square foot.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 169.

Physical Security (25%)

Corrected color temperature (CCT) is a measure of the ________ or __________ of a light.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

warmth or coolness of a light. It is measured in degrees Kelvin.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 172.

_____________ vapor lamps typically last about _________ hours and are the most energy-efficient, but their poor _____________ makes them unsatisfactory for capturing crime scene details.

Low-pressure sodium


color rendition

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 71.

_____________vapor lamps and __________ vapor lamps are less expensive than ____________ lamps but do not last as long and do not render colors as well.

High-pressure sodium


metal halide

There is no one right answer for all facilities. The CPTED approach allows diversity in lighting, based on risk and threat assessment and desired user experience.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED).

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 71.

Explosions may be __________, ___________, or


Explosions may be mechanical, chemical, or nuclear.

Ref: POA Crisis Management P87, 3.13.1

Memorize this!

________ is best applied using a _____________ approach that engages planners, designers, architects, landscapers, law enforcement, security professionals and facility users in working teams.

CPTED (pronounced sep-ted) is best applied using a multidisciplinary ..

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED).

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 37.

The ability of a lamp to faithfully reproduce the colors seen in an object is known as ___________.

color rendition. Measured as a color rendition index (CRI) on a scale of 0 to 100. A CRI of 70 to 80 is considered good, above 80 is considered excellent, and 100 percent is considered daylight.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 173.

____________ and _____________ and ____________ vapor light sources have very low CRI values and should not be used in conjunction with color camera applications or where color identification is critical.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

High- and low-pressure sodium and mercury.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 173.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

The restrike time in minutes for a __________ lamp is instant.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 178, Figure 6-6 Lamp Starting and Restrike Times.

Memorize this!

A general rule for lighting levels is _____fc for detection, _____fc for recognition, and _____ fc for identification.

A general rule for lighting levels is 0.5 fc for detection, 1.0 fc for recognition, and 2.0 fc for identification.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 179.

Physical security uses ________, ________, and ________ to protect assets.

Physical security uses people, procedures, and technology (both hardware and software) to protect assets.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 1.

The primary functions of a physical protection system (PPS) are ________, _________, and ____________.

A secondary function is _____________.

The primary functions of a physical protection system (PPS) are detection, delay, and response; a secondary function is deterrence.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 1.

Memorize this!

Also, read Analysis of PPS Pg 301

A _________ is a collection of products, processes, or both, combined to provide a solution to a problem or goal.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 5.

______________ is the combination of a variety of components to form a system.

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Integration is the combination of a variety of components (such as people, procedures, and technology) to form a system. Integration includes both electrical integration as well as functional integration.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 5&6.

_______________ is that part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard people; to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material, and documents; and to safeguard them against a security incident.

Physical security.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 1.

A _____________ is a logical method for problem solving in which a comprehensive solution is developed in relation to a problem having several dimensions. A type of systems approach follows three general steps: _______________, _______________, and ________________.

systems approach/

assessment of vulnerability, implementation of countermeasures, and evaluation of effectiveness.

After the threats and assets are defined, a vulnerability assessment is generally performed to establish a PPS effectiveness in meeting goals and objectives.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 6.

_____________ means that to accomplish the goal, an adversary should be required to avoid or defeat a number of protective devices in sequence.


Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 31.

Strong physical security applies the principle of defense of depth, using appropriate combinations of overlapping and complementary controls moving from the outer perimeter of a facility to the center (Patterson).

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

_______________ is the kind of threats or risks affecting the assets.

Loss event profile is the kind of threats or risks affecting the assets.


__________________ is the chance of those threats becoming actual loss events.

Loss event probability is the chance of those threats becoming actual loss events.

_________________ is the effect on assets or business if the loss occurs.

Loss event criticality is the effect on assets or business if the loss occurs.

________ is the design or redesign of a venue to reduce crime opportunity and fear of crime through _________, ___________, and __________



natural, mechanical, and procedural means. CPTED is a crime prevention theory grounded in environmental criminology...

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED).

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 37.


Typical lighting levels are _____ fc for walkways, ___ - ___ fc for roadways, ____ fc for entrances and _____ fc for open yards.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Typical lighting levels are 1-4 fc for walkways, 0.5-2 fc for roadways, 10 fc for entrances and 2 fc for open yards.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 179.

A ____________ lock is one that will remain locked when power is lost or another failure occurs.

A fail secure lock is one that will remain locked when power is lost or another failure occurs.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 245.

A __________ locking mechanism is one that will unlock under any failure condition.

A fail safe locking mechanism is one that will unlock under any failure condition.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 245.

The _____________ sensor, a proximity sensor, is a large electrical condenser that radiates energy and detects change in the capacitance coupling between an antenna and the ground. In a typical installation, a _____________ sensor wire is connected to an object to be protected, such as a ______ or a file cabinet.

The capacitance sensor, a capacitance sensor wire...

a safe or a file cabinet.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 125.


Add'l notes:

Capacitance/proximity sensor. The object protected becomes an antenna, electrically linked to the alarm control. When and intruder approaches or touches the object/antenna, and the electrostatic field is unbalanced and the alarm is initiated. Only ***metal objects ***can be protected in this manner e.g. **safe/filing cabinet**

UL standards require that a safe weighing less than ________ lb. be anchored.

less than 750 lb. (340kg) be anchored.

UL = Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 276.


© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

__________________ is the term for a four-pronged process used by the emergency management community throughout the United States.

Emergency Management

Ref: POA Crisis Management Pg 6.

Crisis Management (10%)

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

The four elements of emergency management are __________, __________, __________,and __________.

The four elements of emergency management are mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Ref: POA Crisis Management Pg 6&7

Note: Proceed to the reference and read each definition.

YES!!! mprr

When an organization chooses to terminate an employee of concern, it should engage in strategies designated to ensure _____________,

_____________, and _______ termination.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

thoughtful, respectful and safe termination.

Note: Proceed to the reference to review each strategy a-f.

Ref: Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention Standard Pg 31&32

Personnel Security (12%)

_____________ are the most important written instructions for the security force.

Post orders

Ref: POA Security Officer Operations Pg 34&35.

Post orders should be developed with the following criteria in mind:

-each order deals with a ________ subject

-each order is as ________ as possible

-each order is written in ________, easy-to-understand terms

-orders are _________ in detail

-each order deals with a single subject

-each order is as brief as possible

-each order is written in simple, easy-to-understand terms

-orders are indexed in detail

Ref: POA Security Officer Operations Pg 34&35.

Re: Executive Protection - assassinations. Attackers and those who made near-lethal approaches described having a combination of motives. Eight specific motives were identified:

_______________ ______________

_______________ ______________

_______________ ______________

_______________ ______________

-to achieve notoriety or fame

-bring attention to a personal or public problem

-avenge a perceived wrong

-end personal pain

-be removed from society, or be killed

-save the country or the world

-develop a special relationship with the target

-make money

-bring about political change

Ref: POA Security Management Pg 269.

Personnel Security (12%)

The EP specialist (EPS) should develop a particular mindset that focuses on ____________ and _________ trouble rather than combating it. Six principles can guide one's thinking about EP:







focuses on preventing and avoiding trouble rather than combating it. The following six principles can guide one's thinking about EP (Oatman, 1997):

-prevent and avoid danger

-realize that anyone can protect anyone

-don't stop to think

-keep clients out of trouble

-understand the security vs. convenience continuum

-rely on brains,not technology

Ref: POA Security Management Pg 271.

The ____________ sheet summarizes an organization's investing and financing. The report's underlying equation is as follows:

_________ = __________ + _________________

The balance sheet

equation is as follows:

assets = liabilities + shareholder equity

Financial Management

Ref: POA Security Management Pg 17.


A high-rise structure is considered between ______ feet and ______ feet, or approximately ____ - _____ stories.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

In absolute numbers, this has been set variously between 75 feet (23 meters) and 100 feet (30 meters), or approximately 7-10 stories (depending on the slab-to-slab height between floors). Generally, a high-rise structure is considered to be one that extends higher than the maximum reach of available fire-fighting equipment.

Ref: POA Applications Pg 51.


Add'l info.: Fire Detection. This ranks as the first priority in a high-rise structure.

Note: The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific.

The _____________ Act of ______ prohibits discrimination, failure or refusal to hire, discharge, limitation, segregation, or classification in any way adverse to an employee or employment applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 . Originally applicable to businesses and not the government itself, it was amended in 1972 and 1991 to apply to any employer with 15 or more employees whose business affects interstate commerce, to the federal government, and to state and local governments.

Ref: POA Legal Issues Pg 133.

The Civil Rights Act of 1991 modified some rights and limited the amount a jury could award.

The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific.

Federal statutory law is contained in the 50 titles of the United States Code (U.S.C.). Title ______ deals with criminal and criminal procedure.

Title 18 deals with crime and criminal procedure. The remaining titles are primarily civil...

Ref: POA Legal Issues Pg 117.

A ______ is a willful or negligent wrong done to one person by another.

A tort

Ref: POA Legal Issues Pg 129.

_________ Theory ____ and ____ holds that two worker models can be contrasted. Theory ____ contends that workers are inherently lazy and tend to avoid work. Theory ____ states workers are naturally motivated and want to work hard.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Behavioral Theories

Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y holds that two worker models can be contrasted. Theory X contends that workers are inherently lazy and tend to avoid work. They lack creative ambition, must be goaded, require constant supervision, and are motivated by fear. Theory Y states workers are naturally motivated and want to work hard and do a good job.

Refs: POA Sec. Mgmt. Pg 90 & Sec. Officer Ops. Pg 47, 48 & 49. Also read Maslow, Herzberg, Argyris, and Bennis!!!

_______________ studied the relationship between particular design features and crime in public housing developments in New York....He modified housing developments by implementing elements of ________ design: high fences; designated paths, etc.

Defensible Space Theory

Oscar Newman studied the relationship between particular design features and crime in public housing developments in New York... He modified housing developments by implementing elements of CPTED design: high fences; designated paths, etc.

Ref: POA Physical Security Pg 50.

Need to know!!

Five attributes characterize an effective and reliable investigation: ___________, ___________, ____________, and ____________.

Five attributes characterize an effective and reliable investigation: objectivity, thoroughness, relevance, accuracy, and timeliness.

Ref: POA Investigation Pg 2.

Note: The investigative process is both science and art. The art manifests itself in these important qualities. It is managements role to ensure these qualities are present at both the strategic level and on an individual case basis.

OTRAT. Read the definitions!! Do you know the difference between Objectivity and Thoroughness, etc. ?

Very important!

Investigations (10%)

A commonly accepted definition of an ______________ is a systematic and thorough examination or inquiry into something or someone and the recording of that examination in a report.

A commonly accepted definition of an investigation is a systematic and thorough examination or inquiry into something or someone and the recording of that examination in a report.

POA Investigation Pg 1. The word investigate can be traced to the Latin word investigare, meaning "to search into".

Another definition from PCI materials - An investigation is a logical collection of information through inquiry and examination for the purpose of developing evidence leading to problem resolution. Also, an investigation is a fact-finding activity that involves searching, collecting data, and studying information in order to respond to an inquiry or problem. The process is focused so that a hypothesis or conclusion can be drawn or information learned.

The _____________ sensor operates on generally the same principle as the ultrasonic sensor. It uses a higher-frequency electromagnetic energy. A transmitter sends a signal that is reflected back to an antenna. When the signal is reflected from a moving object, the wave form changes and initiates an alarm. They may be used in indoor and outdoor applications, because they are generally not affected by weather, noise, etc. The beam may be blocked or diverted by metal objects.


Add'l notes: Microwave sensors detect intruders by the use of radiated RF electromagnetic field ****energy field***.The unit operates by sensing a disturbance in the generated RF field.

Doppler Shift involved. Ultrasonics state a Doppler effect. Fennelly states ultrasonics are rarely used.

The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific.

__________ = imprisonment of more than one year.

__________ = imprisonment of one year or less.

Felony = imprisonment of more than one year.

Misdemeanor = imprisonment of one year or less.

A ____________ is usually defined by two parallel fences extending the entire length of the perimeter. It provides a view of the barrier and adjacent terrain.

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

A clear zone is usually defined by two parallel fences extending the entire length of the perimeter. Clear zones provide a view of the barrier and adjacent terrain.

A clear zone of _____ feet or more should separate a perimeter from exterior structures, parking areas, and natural features. A clear zone of _____ feet or more should separate a perimeter barrier from structures within the protected area, except when a building wall constitutes part of the barrier.

A clear zone of 20 feet or more should separate a perimeter from exterior structures, parking areas, and natural features. A clear zone of 50 feet or more should separate a perimeter barrier from structures within the protected area, except when a building wall constitutes part of the barrier.

Managing investigations entail basic tactics of management. List the five functions:



Managing investigations entail basic tactics of management: planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling. All five of these functions apply at each level of investigative management: the strategic level, the operational level, and the case level.

Ref: POA Investigation P.10 1.3 Review>>Fig. 1-1. Also, review Pg 14 Fig 1-2 Investigative Services-Outsourcing Versas Internal

The value of private sector investigative capabilities is frequently measured in terms of __________, __________, and ____________.

The value of private sector investigative capabilities is frequently measured in terms of recovery, restitution and risk reduction.

Ref: POA Investigation Pg 7.


In investigations, it is important to:

-open an investigation ________

-complete an investigation _________, and

-avoid closing an investigation ______________.

In investigations, it is important to:

-open an investigation asap,

-complete an investigation as quickly as possible, and

-avoid closing an investigation prematurely.

Ref: POA Investigation Pg 6.


The main objective of any investigation is to attempt to answer six basic questions:


The main objective of any investigation is to attempt to answer six basic questions:


When, where, who, what, how, and why

The three main tools of an investigation are often called the 3I's:




© 2015 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

1. Information

2. Interrogation

3. Instrumentation

Remember this!

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific._

___________ Amendment: provides against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Fourth Amendment: provides against unreasonable searches and seizures.

____________ Amendment: provides the right to be free from self-incrimination...

Fifth Amendment: provides the right to be free from self-incrimination.

Successful workplace undercover investigations unfold in five distinct phases:


planning and preparation, information gathering, verification and analysis, disciplinary and corrective action, and prevention and education.

The primary purpose of a private sector security organization is to protect the interests of the ______________________.

© 2015-16Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

employing enterprise.

Interview and Interrogation

A ___________ subject responds to questions with complicated, detailed explanations that include factual information that is overly broad for the questions.

A deceptive subject responds to questions with complicated, detailed explanations that include factual information that is overly broad for the questions. A deceptive person also gives delayed, evasive, or vague answers.

A ___________ person not only responds directly to questions, but also speaks clearly,and may make general, sweeping denials.

A truthful person not only responds directly to questions, but may make general, sweeping denials.

The primary function of the security officer is? Choose the one most correct answer:

a. fire prevention

b. security

c. prevent theft

d. access control

e. life safety

f. guard

g. eyes and ears

The primary function of the security officer is access control.

Ref: POA Security Operations Pg 4.


An opening less than ____ feet above the ground or ____ square inches or larger invite penetration into a building and must be addressed.

Building Openings

Any opening less than 18 feet above the ground or 96 square inches or larger invite penetration and must be addressed.

Chain link fencing _________ posts should be equally spaced not exceeding ____ feet.

Line posts should be spaced at equal distances not exceeding 10 feet.

The extended re-lighting time is typical of ___________ lamps.

The extended re-lighting time is typical of high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps.

Magnetic media will deteriorate at ______ degrees F or higher and with humidity levels of more than ____ %.

Magnetic media will deteriorate at 150 degrees F or higher and with humidity levels of more than 80%.

The Pin Tumbler Lock consists of at least three elements:

____________ ___________ ___________.

1. Pin

2. Driver or separate metal cylinder

3. Spring

There are five basic types of countermeasures:


-policies and procedures



-equipment and records

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Barrier Types: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________






Intrusion detectors can be divided into three classes:


Alarm Sensors

-Perimeter or point of entry

-General area


Memorize this!!!

__________________ sensors are the most widely used intrusion detectors.

Passive Infared Sensors (PIRs) are the most widely used intrusion detectors. PIRs see thermal or infared (IR) energy. Because they emit no energy, they are called passive.

______________ detectors initiate an alarm upon simultaneous activation of two alarm technologies working in concert.

Dual technology such as PIR/microwave detectors initiate an alarm upon simultaneous activation of two alarm technologies working in concert.

Read carefully!

_____________ sensors can be affected by extremes of snow or heavy fog.

Photoelectric sensors can be affected by extremes of snow or heavy fog.

Three types of line transmission installations are commonly used in electronic protection systems:







Read these topics!

_____________ transmits several messages simultaneously on the same medium.

Multiplexing transmits several messages simultaneously on the same medium.

The three key elements in the theft/fraud triangle are _____________, ______________, and __________________.

opportunity, motivation, and rationalization.


You better remember this!

Trade Secret must meet the following conditions:

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

-it is identified by group or type

-it is not available in public sources

-it is disclosed only to persons with a duty to protect it

-persons must know it is a secret

-owner must show effort to protect it

The most serious internal threat to a trade secret is an employee.

A _________ for an invention is granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The term is generally ____ years.

A patent for an invention is granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The term is generally 20 years.

________ is the right to literary (or written) property as recognized by laws.

Copyright is the right to literary (or written) property as recognized by laws.

_______________ are distinctive mark of authenticity, through which a product is identified...

Trademark and service marks are distinctive mark of authenticity, through which a product is identified...

There are five primary ways in which work can be divided:


-process or method




____________states there is a limit to the number of subordinates who can be effectively be supervised by one person.

Span of Control states there is a limit to the number of subordinates who can effectively be supervised by one person.

_____________ states that a person should have one immediate supervisor to report to. An exception is an emergency.

Unity of Command states that a person should have one immediate supervisor to report to. An exception is an emergency.

_____________ states a person is motivated by a hierarchy of values. The primary is survival and physical/physiological safety, and at the top is the need for self-actualization.

Maslow's Hierarchy states a person is motivated by a hierarchy of values. The primary is survival and physical/physiological safety, and at the top is the need for self-actualization. Abraham H. Maslow names the following human needs:

-physiological or survival needs, such as food, drink, and health

-safety or physical and emotional needs, such as clothing, shelter, and protection against attack

-affection needs, such as belonging to a family or other small group

-esteem needs, such as self-respect, accomplishment, and achievement recognized and appreciated by someone else

-self-fulfillment needs, that is, being able to use one's potential to the maximum in working with and for one's fellow beings

Maslow theorizes that once the primary needs are satisfied, they are no longer driving needs and are replaced by needs higher in the order,

The __________________ is the basic instrument for determining security vulnerability.It identifies people, things, or processes that are necessary to the continuation of the business.

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The security survey is the basic instrument for determining security vulnerability. The survey identifies people, things, or processes that are necessary to the continuation of the business. It is the on-site examination analysis designed to :

-determine existing security measures

-identify deficiencies

-establish the protection needed, and

-recommend measures to enhance overall security

The ________ post on chain link fencing is placed at the ends, corners, and also used to support gates.

The terminal post on chain link fencing is placed at the ends, corners, and also used to support gates.


Locks can be divided into two general classes:




-electrical and combine electrical energy with mechanical operations.


_____________ sensors use a high frequency sound wave and are based on the Doppler Effect. When the sensor detects a distortion of the wave pattern caused by movement, an alarm is initiated. This sensor is limited to indoor application.

Ultrasonic sensors use a high frequency sound wave and are based on the Doppler Effect. When the sensor detects a distortion of wave pattern caused by movement, an alarm is initiated. This sensor is limited to indoor application.

Microwave sensors mention Doppler Shift.

Add'l notes: Ultrasonics are rarely used today per Lawrence J. Fennelly "Effective Physical Security". They work on low-frequency ***sound waves*** projected from the unit. They work on a change in frequency.

Preventing a bomb from entering a site may be acheived through ___________and _____________ of visitors and goods, including mail.

access controls and screening of visitors and goods, including mail.

Access controls and screening!!!!

Incident Command System (ICS) normally consists of five primary elements:






-finance and administration

Several special staff positions, including public affairs, safety and liason, report directly to the incident commander (IC) when the emergency warrants establishment of those positions.

The __________________________ prohibits discrimination against a person ____ years of age or older.

The Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits discrimination against a person 40 years of age or older.

________________ is a way to monitor connection lines between a sensor and the alarm control center.

Line Supervision is a way to monitor connection lines between a sensor and the alarm control center.

A wire alarm system should be designed with _____________ to check the circuits automatically and immediately signal line defaults.

A wire alarm system should be designed with line supervision to check the circuits automatically and immediately signal line defaults.

_________________ means to protect connections. Outside wiring should be installed underground (connection should not be from the nearest pole) and inside wiring should be installed in conduit.

Line protection means to protect connections. Outside wiring should be installed underground (connection should not be from the nearest pole) and inside wiring should be installed in conduit.

The ________________ Rule describes when an employee reasonably believes that an interview may lead to or result in disciplinary action and requests that a union representative be present, the union rep must be allowed.

The Weingarten Rule: When an employee reasonably believes that an interview may lead to or result in disciplinary action and requests that a union representative be present, the union rep must be allowed.

In 2006, among adults 18 or older, the rate of drug use was ________ for unemployed persons vs employed or part-time.

In 2006, among adults age 18 or older, the rate of drug use was higher for unemployed persons (18.5%) than for those who were employed full time (8.8%) or part-time (9.4%). In 2006, there were about 17.9 million illicit drug users age 18 or older.

The ____________________ is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on a qualified disability.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - 1990 is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on a qualified disability. Regulations cover all employers with 15 or more employees in industry affecting commerce

© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

_____________ is a necessary part of risk management.

Risk assessment is a necessary part of risk management, it is the process of defining how big the risk is. Risk assessment techniques may be heuristic (adhoc), inductive, or deductive. Some methods are quantitative, others are qualitative. Quantitative approach requires measurable data, and qualitative techniques are often based on subjective matters.

When an entire population is at risk, it is called a __________________.

When an entire population is at risk, it is called a societal risk.

In general, there are three classifications of CPTED strategies:


-Mechanical measures

-Organizational measures

-Natural or Architectural measures

The emergency planning three-prong approach includes:


The emergency planning three-prong approach includes:





As in other security disciplines, information systems can be divided into three broad classifications:


-administrative controls

-technical controls

-physical controls

The notion of the CIA triad clarifies the type of issues relevant in information security.CIA=


© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Information's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. (CIA)


Written ______ agreements ensure common understanding and legal obligation regarding the protection of information assets.

Written nondisclosure (NDAs) agreements ensure common understanding and legal obligation regarding the protection of information assets.

The goals of an emergency plan include:


-protection of life

-protection of property

-restore normal opertions

__________________ requires executive officers and chief financial officers to personally certify financial reports that are released to the public.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requires executive officers and chief financial officers to personally certify financial reports that are released to the public.

Tree canopies should be trimmed up to ___ feet in height where appropriate to provide a clear line of site and reduce hiding spots and ambush opportunities.

Tree canopies should be trimmed up to 8 feet in height where appropriate to provide a clear line of site and reduce hiding spots and ambush opportunities.

When handling a spent bullet cartridge it is recommended that it is picked up by the open end using ________________ so as not to destroy any partial prints or other evidence that may be on the outside of the cartridge.

When handling a spent bullet cartridge it is recommended that it is picked up by the open end using tweezers or some other tool so as not to destroy any partial prints or other evidence that may be on the outside of the cartridge.

The decision on whether to arm an officer should be based on the existence of one or both of the following conditions:



-There is a great danger to life safety without the weapon

-The officer may reasonably be expected to use fatal force


The best way to reduce theft is to hire employees with ________________.

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The best way to reduce theft is to hire employees with integrity.

The _________________ is the basic starting point for pre-employment screening.

The employment application is the basic starting point for pre-employment screening.

_______________ should be used in potential hiding places or area of illegitimate activity or along walls containing windows from which people should be kept away.

Spiny or thorny shrubs should be used in potential hiding places or area of illegitimate activity or along walls containing windows from which people should be kept away.

A well engineered PPS exhibits the following characteristics:





-minimum consequence of component faillure

-balanced protection

______________________ is:

-private-sector version of comprehensive emergency management (CEM)

-all action taken by businesses before, during, or after an emergency. Includes business impact analysis (BIA).

Business Continuity (BC).

Low-growing plants should be set back ___ yard(s) from the edge of paths or walkways.

1 yard.

The principle of _______________ require that doors and their associated frames, hinges, bolts, and locks be strengthened to provide the same delay as that provided by the floors, walls, and ceilings of the parent structure.

balanced design.

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

In developing an organizational strategy you should ask what are the ________________________________________________

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in the business venture (SWOT).

Guidelines recommend that unarmed private security officers should be at least ____ years old.


Guidelines recommend that armed private security officers should be at least ____ years old.


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Armed private security officers must comply with the Lautenberg amendment which forbids__________________

Anyone convicted of domestic violence (felony or misdemeanor) from possessing a firearm. US Public Law 104-208 Section 658 (known as the Lautenberg amendment).

Note: Also read Sec Off Ops POA Page 9. re: convictions and pleas!!

Regarding information security, one of the most overlooked threats are _______________.

Re: info. sec. - one of the most overlooked threats are inadvertent threats. This can be attributed to inadequate employee training, misunderstandings, lax security enforcement, etc.

______________ refers to the physical equipment used to control the movement of people or material in the area.

Entry control.

____________ refers to the process of managing databases or other records used to determine the parameters of authorized entry.

Access control.

Private sector investigative capabilities is frequently measured in terms of __________________________________.

Recovery, restitution, and risk reduction.

In criminal court the prosecutor must proof the case _________________, while in civil court the _____________________drives the verdict.

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beyond a reasonable doubt/ preponderance of evidence.

What is WAECUP?

Loss prevention and security procedures.

Waste, Accidents, Error, Crime, and Unethical practices (WAECUP).

___________________ is a simple and systematic method of employing safeguards to protect critical information. The ________ process includes five cyclical steps:

Operations security (OPSEC). The OPSEC process includes five cyclical steps:

-identify assets (critical information)

-Define the threat (collectors, capabilities, motivation)

Assess vulnerabilities

-analyze the risk (impact,priority,existing countermeasures, etc.)

-Develop and implement countermeasures

____________ is a term normally applied to the US federal government. It entails movement of critical functions and personnel to an alternate operating site or sites.

Continuity of Operations (COOP).

A business should identify a location for use as an _____________________ or crisis management center (CMC) from which the emergency response can be directed.

Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

____________________ are services, equipment, and techniques designed to locate, identify, and neutralize technical surveillance activities (electronic eavsdropping)

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM).

List some "Lock Planning Considerations":

-total number of locks

-major categories of sectors of the system

-security objectives

-size and turnover of population

-related or supportive security subsystems

-Intelligence or information requirements

-criticality of asset exposure

Types of emergency incidents include:

-natural threats (i.e. all weather related emergencies)

-deliberate human-induced threats

(i.e. terrorism, arson, etc.)

-accidental human-induced threats (i.e. haz mat spills, computer outages, etc.)

The "all hazards" approach to planning should be employed to the maximum extents.<<<<

Peter Drucker, an authority on management, suggests that __________________ is the first and most crucial question in defining business purpose and mission (1974)

"Who is the customer?"

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt P.85

Management should be guided by two principles called "who is the customer?" and "quality." These principles should be part of the organizations culture. Most organizations serve multiple customers. It is important to identify all of them and to understand their interrelationships. Quality "belongs to everyone, all the time." (Dalton, 2003)

The ________________ is set out in writing by a business unit's top leadership. It does NOT focus on the day-to-day operations but provides a general direction.

The organizational strategy (strategic plan).

Ref: POA SM P.3It defines why the business exists and how it will maintain itself as a profitable, viable entity. Answering these questions requires looking at the business not only in the moment but ALSO three to five years out.

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In risk assessment, the analyst attempts to answer three questions:

What can go wrong?

What is the likelihood that it would go wrong?

What are the consequences?

Ref: POA PS P.7

The most visible component of the HR department is ___________________.

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Ref: SM POA P.6

The practice of borrowing capital to purchase assets that can increase revenue is called _____________.



A ____________ is a process for planning where money is to be allocated for the year.


It is a financial tool that estimates costs and revenue and provides a variance warning mechanism and fiscal uniformity for the company. Budgets are usually drawn up on a yearly or other periodic basis.

Read Standards and the Five D's

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt P.34 and P.70

What are some of the reasons emergency management tests and exercises are conducted?

-checking the workability of a plan or portion thereof

-determining the level of staff awareness and training

-evaluating the adequacy of emergency communications and

-identifying shortcomings in evacuation procedures.

Ref: Crisis Mgmt POA P. 12

Every part of an emergency management plan needs to be tested simultaneously. True or false?

False. However, each exercise should be designed to evaluate one or more aspects of the emergency plan and its implementation.

Read Crisis Mgmt POA P.13!!

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The elements required for a bombing are:

__________, ____________, _____________ and ________________.

Motive, material, knowledge and opportunity.

Preventing a bomb from entering the site may be achieved through access control and screening of visitors and goods, including mail.

Ref: CM POA P.61

Bomb threat evaluation consists of the Five R's:








Each site should have its own TET (bomb threat evaluation team). True or false?

True. Because it is difficult for someone off-site to have the required knowledge of the site's operations and security.


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Protection from a bomb is achieved through _____________ and _______________.

Distance and cover.

In general, risk can be reduced in three ways:

-preventing an attack by detecting it before it is under way

-protecting against an attack

-reducing (mitigating) consequences

Ref: POA PS P.8

List the ways that loss impact can be measured:

Loss impact can be measured in a variety of ways. One measure is the effect on employee morale; another is the effect on community relations. The most important measure overall is in dollars.

Ref: POA PS P.15

These are accounts on which an organization owes money:

Accounts payable.

__________ proposes that proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the opportunity, fear, and incidence of predatory stranger-to stranger type crime, as well as result in an improvement of the quality of life.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Ref: FPSM Guideline P.5

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The _______________ theory suggests that an abandoned building or car can remain unmolested indefinitely, but once the first window is broken, the building or car is quickly vandalized.

"broken windows" theory (Wilson & Kelling, 1982)

Ref: FPSM Guideline P.7

Maintenance of a building and its physical elements such as lighting, landscaping, paint, signage, fencing, and walkways is critical for defining territoriality.

________________ is the process of assessing security-related risks from internal and external threats to an entity, its assets, or personnel.

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Risk assessment.

A____________ is a thorough physical (on-site) examination of a facility and its systems and procedures, conducted to assess the current level of security, locate deficiencies, and gauge the degree of protection needed.

Security survey (sometimes called security vulnerability survey).

Ref. FPSM Guidelines P.4

Security Survey, Risk analysis, Vulnerability Assessment etc. Note: There are references listed at the end of each POA chapter if you wish to read up more on the topics presented.

A security plan should be implemented in four distinct phases:

-Vulnerability assessment

-Security program design



_____________ are of nine main types: basic, product, design, process, specifications, code, management systems, conformity assessment, and personal certification.


They require periodic review to remain relevant and state-of-the-art.

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P.34

The ____________ is almost always based on a set of detailed design and construction documents. The specifications are usually generic and performance-based.

Request for Proposal (RFP).

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_______________ is commonly used by government and other organizations whose procedures require that projects be competitively bid and that the award be given to the lowest qualified responsive bidder.

Invitation for Bid (IFB).

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_______________ rests on five core, foundational values: honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness, and compassion.

Business ethics.

Can be applied at three levels: the individual employee, the organization, and society.

One of the most important ingredients in effectively managing an emergency event is:


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In a _________________ association, businesses and other organizations agree to assist each other by providing materials, equipment, and personnel for disaster control during emergencies.

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Mutual aid.

Certain time-tested principles should be applied to the protection of life that include:

Evacuation and shelter, Personnel protection and Rescue and relief.

Read further POA Crisis Mgmt P.15

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For preventing and minimizing injury, what are some guiding principles?

Design safety, and Training.

POA Crisis Mgmt P.15

An organization should avoid establishing a totally new organization to handle most emergencies. True or false?


Read POA Crisis Mgmt. P.19 and 20 to for the listing of reps that may be on an organizations Crisis Management Team (CMT) or similar team.

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A _____________ is a systematic evaluation in which quantitative or qualitative techniques are used to predict physical protection system (PPS) component performance and overall system effectiveness by identifying exploitable weaknesses in asset protection for a defined threat.

Vulnerability Assessment.

After the VA identifies weaknesses, it is used to establish the requirements for an upgraded PPS design. Risk assessment and VA are such closely related activities that many security professionals use the terms interchangeably.

The ______________ mechanism is the most common type of key-operated mechanism used in architectural or builders' (door) hardware in the United States.

Pin Tumbler.

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Cost and ROI for security lighting is broken down into three categories:

_____% energy cost, ____% capital cost,and maintenance.

88% energy cost, and 8% capital cost.

______________ , a necessary part of risk management, is the process of defining how big the risk is.

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Risk Assessment.

Ref: POA PS P.6

Risk assessment techniques may be heuristic (ad hoc), inductive, or deductive. In other words, some methods are more quantitative, others qualitative. Quantitative approach requires measurable data, may make it easier to correlate security system performance and cost. (That is, a return on investment can be demonstrated). Qualitative techniques are often based on lists and depend on how analysts feel about a solution.

Improper component selection, installation, maintenance, operation, and system integration are the biggest causes of _______________ in a PPS.


_____________ is a technique to transmit several messages simultaneously on the same medium.


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Access delay barriers may take the form of ________________________ .

passive barriers, security officers, or dispensable barriers.

Ref: POA PS P.259 Read more

The central report document is the ________________.

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security log. It is the primary record of significant events affecting facility protection

made contemporaneously by security officers.

Ref: POA Sec Officer Ops P.39

_________________ refers to defeat of the adversary by responders.


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The _______________ rule requires that ______knowledgeable people be involved in a situation or activity to prevent the compromise of facility security by a single insider.
two-person. two.This rule applies to functions such as granting access within the site and handling critical assets, information, or equipment. Each person involved in a two-person rule task must be able to detect tampering by the other. This rule will not work if the individuals involved relax the requirement because of long-term friendship or association.

________________ sensors are the most common type of wireless sensors.

Radio frequency (RF). In the United States they typically operate in the 300 Mhz bands, and some systems use spread-spectrum techniques for transmission.

_______________ is one of the basic CPTED strategies to design multiple or concentric layers of security measures so that highly protected assets are behind multiple barriers.

Compartmentalization. AKA Protection-in-depth.

Ref: Facilities Physical Security Measures Guideline P.7 & 8. Also see Figure 1.

These layers of security strategies or elements start from the outer perimeter and move inward to the area of the building with the greatest need for protection. Each layer is designed to delay an attacker as much as possible. This strategy is also known as protection-in-depth. If properly planned, the delay should either discourage a penetration or assist in controlling it by providing time for an adequate response.

Strong physical security applies the principle of defense of depth, using appropriate combinations of overlapping and complementary controls moving from the outer perimeter of a facility to the center (Patterson).

The most common perimeter barriers are ___________ and __________.

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fencing and walls.

Ref: FPSM Guideline P.10

________________ fences are quick to install, can be effective against pedestrian trespassers and animals, and provide visibility to both sides of the fence.


Ref: FPSM Guideline P.11

Read more

An adversary may use several types of attacks to defeat an access control point. Name three:

Deceit, Direct physical attack, and Technical attack.


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____________________may be manual, machine-aided manual, or automated.

Access control systems.


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_________________ systems are integral factors in a security program's effort to: Deter, Detect, Delay, Respond .

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Intrusion Detection Systems.


A _______________ is a central location from which staff can view, record, retrieve, or respond to video from one or more surveillance cameras.

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command center.

Facilities Physical Security Measures Guideline P.32

From a proactive stance, _______________ is the best-known form of risk transfer and is actually considered an asset of the organization.


It is also reactive in that insurance benefits are not used until after a loss occurs.

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P.93

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A word, phrase, logo, or other graphic symbol used by a manufacturer or seller to distinguish its products or products from those of others:

Trade Mark.

An employee's information asset access should be based on his or her current job function and a ___________________basis, not solely on a position or management level.


Ref: Information Asset Protection Guideline P.13

_______________ is removing the problem by eliminating the risk.

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Risk avoidance.

______________ is decreasing the potential ill effects of safety and security problems when it is impossible to avoid them.

Risk reduction.

________________ is decentralizing a procedure or operation so that a security or safety problem at one location will not cause a complete loss.

Risk spreading.

_________________ generally means removing the risk to the company by paying for the protection of an insurance policy.

Risk transfer.

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_____________ means a facility PPS is designed based on the maximum credible threat to the facility.

Design Basis Threat.

Functions of a Physical Protection System (PPS) include ____________, ______________, and ______________.

detection, delay, and response.

Characteristics of a good PPS include protection-in-depth, minimizing the effects of component failure, and balanced protection.

__________________ starts with sensor activation and ends with assessment of the alarm to determine the cause.

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Detection is most effective at the perimeter.

_____________ is the second function of a PPS. It is the slowing down of an adversary progress. It can be accomplished by people, barriers, locks, and activated delays.


Delay is more effective at the target.

_____________ components include communication, proper deployment of the response force, and interruption of the adversary prior to attack completion.

Response (function).

______________ sensors are active, covert, terrain-following sensors that are buried in the ground. These sensors respond to motion of a material with a high dielectric constant or high conductivity near the cables. AKA leaky coax or radiating cable sensors

Ported Coaxial Cables.

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To senior management, _______________ is the primary factor in determining the size or existence of the assets protection program.


In designing CCTV application, security managers should keep in mind that the application dictates the ______________, not the other way around.


The three theoretical views of a CCTV system are:______________, _________________, __________.

subject identification, action identification and scene identification.

________________ prepare safety standards primarily as a guide to device manufacturers, and then certifies whether devices submitted to the laboratories for approval meet those standards.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

Ref: POA PS Pg 94-95

Note: UL often a requirement found in specifications for security systems and in municipal building and fire codes.

Read more about Standards 4.2, P.94

Two standards, known as ___________ and ___________, form an emerging international standard for managing information security.
Two standards, informally known as 27001 and 27002, form an emerging international standard for managing information security.

Official: ISO/IEC 27110:2005 and ISO/IEC 27002:2005

Together the standard identify 11 specific vital information security practices, integrating them into a framework called an information security management system (ISMS).

Ref: POA Information Security P. 118 & 119.

The 11 practices are listed on page 119.

____________ was one of the first significant attempts to adopt a standard of care for electronic transactions in the health care field.

Health Care and Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Ref: Ref: POA Information Security P. 125

Read all the information on P.125.

____________ is the integration of traditional and information systems security functions.


Ref: POA Information Security P. 159

Such convergence makes collaboration even more important. Read further about the security challenges of convergence on page 159.

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_______________ lamps are one of the newest lighting sources and have the potential of furnishing a cost effective alternative that lasts longer without sacrificing illumination.

LED (light-emitting diodes).

Ref: Facilities Physical Security Measures (FPSM) Guideline. Note: On the other hand, metal halide lighting imitate daylight and work well with video surveillance by providing accurate color rendition.

POA Physical Security Chapter 6 Lighting P. 169 thru 185. Study thoroughly, including Figure charts. You need to understand all the concepts. Facts like these need to be put on index cards. Remember The CPTED approach allows diversity in lighting, based on risk and threat assessment and desired user experience.

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

_______________ may be thought of as canons or bodies of principles for protection officers.

General Orders.

Ref: POA Sec. Officer Ops P.33. Read commonly used general orders.

Acccording to ____________, traditional organization principles, structures, and procedures are incapatible with the mental health of employees.

Chris Argyris

Behavioral Theories

Ref: POA Sec. Off. Ops. P.49

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______________ are waist-high cylindrical posts-usually made of steel or concrete-that are anchored to the ground.


They may be fixed position, removable or raised and lowered. Available in DOD K-Ratings K4, K8 and K12. Also read Concrete barriers P.13 of FPSG Guideline.

Thoroughly read Facilities Physical Security Measures Guideline (FPSG) overall.

Definition:“K” indicates the DOD certified

barrier's maximum vehicle impact

speed rating

K12 = 50 mph

K8 = 40 mph

K4 = 30 mph

What are the chain-link fence height requirements for low security _________,

medium security __________and high security (such as prisons) __________.

5-6 ft., 7 ft. and 18-20 ft. respectively may be required.

FPSM Guidelines P.11

Large, heavy __________-made of concrete reinforced with glass-fiber, strenghthened with steel bars, and spaced about ____ ft. apart (sometimes anchored to the ground)- can be effective vehicle barriers.

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Planters. 3 ft.

Planters may be available in crash-rated configurations that meet the Department of Defense (DOD) K-ratings designed to stop a 15,000 pound vehicle:

DOD certified barrier's maximum vehicle impact speed rating K12 = 50 mph, K8 = 40 mph, and K4 = 30 mph

P.13 of FPSG Guideline.

DEA classification Schedule _____ includes examples such as hashish, marijuana, heroin, and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).


Ref: POA Sec Mgmt. P. 313

Note: The abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug per the DEA.

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Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence.

DEA classification Schedule _____ includes examples such as cocaine,morphine, amphetamine, and phencyclidine (PCP).


Ref: POA Sec Mgmt. P. 313

Schedule II drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Other Schedules:

Schedule III drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Schedule III drugs abuse potential is less than Schedule I and Schedule II drugs but more than Schedule IV. Some examples of Schedule III drugs are:Products containing less than 90 milligrams of codeine per dosage unit (Tylenol with codeine), ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone.

Schedule IV drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. Some examples of Schedule IV drugs are:Xanax, Soma, Darvon, Darvocet, Valium, Ativan, Talwin, Ambien, Tramadol

Schedule V drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. Schedule V drugs are generally used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes. Some examples of Schedule V drugs are:cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine or per 100 milliliters (Robitussin AC), Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica, Parepectolin.

After alcohol, ____________ is the second most common drug abuse in the work place.


Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P. 320

_________________ is the disease of compulsion.

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Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P. 322

______________ is an integral part of addiction. It is the physiological craving brought on by ____________changes in the body.

Chemical dependency. chemical.

Repeated use of a drug can also lead to tolerance.

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P. 322

In the United States , the legal foundation (Act) for the federal strategy of reducing the consumption of illegal drugs is _________________________________.

Comprehensive Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, title II (CSA).

Ref: POA Sec. Mgmt. P. 313

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This lighting system's use is limited to times of power failure or other emergencies that render the normal system inoperative. It depends on an alternative source of power: _______________.


Ref: FPSM P. 23

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

All organizations handle private information pertaining to their employees, management, relationships, customers, or others. In some organizations this includes information which is designated ___________________________.

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Personally Identifiable Information or PII.

Information Asset Protection (IAP) professional must maintain the trust and meet legal requirements. Read further POA Info. Sec.

P. 15&16.

The concept of ______________ applies a vision of concentric rings or layers of protection to any asset, is most commonly thought of in terms of physical security. The same approach should be employed in protecting sensitive information assets.

Layered Protection (Defense in Depth).

Defense in depth can be viewed from three different perspectives. Read POA Info. Sec.

P. 13&14.

_______________ is software driven collection of open source data and public information that has become a significant threat.

Data Mining.

POA Info. Sec. P. 6

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The objective of an organization's information systems security (ISS) program is to prudently and cost effectively manage the risk that critical organizational information could be:

______________, ______________, _______________.

compromised, changed without authorization, or become unavailable.

The security professional strives to protect information's confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA).

Ref: POA Info. Sec. P. 85, and Figure 3-1 P. 90

The fundamental equation of ISS (Information Security System) program is:

________________ = ___xxxxx_____________


Residual Risk = Threats Vulnerabilities



Ref: POA Info. Sec. Info. Sec. P. 87

Infrastructure countermeasures are controls placed on information system infrastructure to prevent the exploitation of threats. Countermeasures include:

_____________, ______________, _____________

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perimeter security, device protection security, access control and authentication.

Ref: POA Info. Sec. P. 91

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_____________________ Act provides important legal liability protections for providersof Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technologies - whether they are products orservices. The goal of the SAFETY Act is to encourage the development anddeployment of effective anti-terrorism products and services by providingliability protections.


The Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2003 (SAFETY Act) was enacted as part of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. ASIS International certification programs are one of the first to be awarded this coveted designation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The purpose of the SAFETY Act is to ensure that the threat of liability does not deter manufacturers of anti-terrorism technologies from developing and commercializing new products that could significantly reduce the risks or effects of terrorist events. Specifically, holders of ASIS International certifications and their employers are not considered proper defendants in terror-related liability claims involving certifications.

_________________ is valuable information, owned by a company or entrusted to it, which has not been disclosed publicly; specifically, information that is not readily accessible to others, that was created or collected by the owner at considerable cost, and that the owner seeks to keep confidential.

Proprietary information.

Line of sight transmission is necessary and communication up to 4 miles is possible without repeaters for ______________ communication.

Laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).

If line of sight is not possible, the laser beam may be reflected off a mirror or mirrors, but each reflection reduces resolution quality. Snow, rain and fog can interfere with the beam, but the beam can be expanded to overcome such interferences. It is not necessary to obtain FCC approval for installation.

Ref: POA Physical Security P. 205 &206

The _______________ Act permits employers to obtain consumer credit reports and consumer investigative reports on applicants and employeesfor employment purposes.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as codified in 15 U.S.C. 1681(b).

Ref: POA Legal Issues P. 169

and POA Investigations P. 163

The ________________ deals with the release and disclosure of certain kinds of information by the federal government.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Public Interest Issues must be available for review.

Ref: POA Legal Issues P.143 & 144

The _______________ Act's principle purpose is to ensure that employees furnish workplaces that are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Act of 1970.

Ref: POA Legal Issues P. 197

In the U.S. , the ___________________ Act placed new responsibilities on financial institutions and multinational companies, which must make every effort to detect violations of the _____________and ______________ Act.

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USA Patriot Act of 2001/ Patriot/ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Ref: POA Investigations P. 130

The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. Its title is a ten-letter backronym (U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T.) that stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001".

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) (15 U.S.C. § 78dd-1, et seq.) is a United States federal law known primarily for two of its main provisions, one that addresses accounting transparency requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and another concerning bribery of foreign officials.

Remember: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requires executive officers and chief financial officers to personally certify financial reports that are released to the public.

Comprehensive, cohesive _______ _____________ investigations are not only effective but also critical in weighing the pros and cons of mergers, hiring, alliances, acquisitions, investments, and other deals.

due diligence

Ref: POA Investigations P. 130

Chapter 3. Pages 125 thru 157!!!

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Good luck! Joe R.

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Note: As a Chief Security Officer (CSO) you provide the oversight and leadership. When evaluating risk you need to do a site security survey and risk assessment to determine what cost effective countermeasures need to be implemented. What is the risk (exposure)? This assessment needs to be updated regularly.

Note: A Physical Protection System (PPS) consists of deterrence (lock, lights, signage, security officers), Detection (alarms, sensors, locks, CCTV), Delay (barriers, locks, gates, safes), and a response,apprehension or neutralization (police, security, alarm co.).

After you acheive CPP - you have passed the "bar exam" for security professionals. You need 60 CPE - credits per 3 year term to remain active You can achieve this by webinars, meetings, Fema Courses, etc.

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© 2015-16 Joe R., Cpp --- Study Cards

Promoting Your Certification

Promoting Your Certification


_________________ implies a stable, relatively predictable envirnment in which an individual or group may pursue its ends without disruption or harm and without fear of disturbance or injury.


Today private security has moved toward a new ______________________.

professionalism. In defining the desired professionalism, most authorities often cite the need for a code of ethics, and for credentials including education and training, experience, and membership in a professional society.

Current CPP EXAM:Domain I: Security Principles and Practices (21%)Domain II: Business Principles and Practices (13%)Domain III: Investigations (10%)Domain IV: Personnel Security (12%) Domain V: Physical Security (25%)Domain VI: Information Security (9%)Domain VII: Crisis Management (10%). Note: There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. These would not be specific to one country but rather globally relevant principles - Relevant laws and regulations.


Ensure you download (one copy free) -through ASIS Online - the new STANDARDS:

Investigations Inv.1-2015 & Risk Assessment RA.1-2015

Add'l notes. Here is a link to a Maine Chapter PCI Study Guide. I see some useful Investigation questions.


Brandon Gregg, CPP - Slides:


Familiarize yourself with the seven domains,weights and knowledge statements. Bear in mind that three domains are 59% of the exam. Know your weak areas and concentrate on them.Physical Security 25%Security Principles& Practices 21%BusinessPrinciples & Practices 13%=59%.
I added some more investigations notes.
_____________ : The credibility of a source, whether human, physical or electronic evidence, or the result of observation or surveillance.
___________ : Following all relevant leads to their logical conclusion and focusing on corroboration of all key investigative findings.


___________ : Effectively determining the relevance of information, considering an adequate spectrum and depth of details without gathering so much data as to confuse the facts of the case and bog down the investigation or possibly even obscure the truth.


___________ : Remaining objective and focusing on the use of a rational investigative hypothesis while carefully avoiding the interjection of prejudgement.


__________ : The ability to complete an investigation quickly, buy not too quickly, and to resist pressure by outside forces to inappropriately either rush or stall a case, thereby damaging the quality of the resolution.


In investigations, it is important to: -open an investigation _________________ -complete an investigation ______________, and avoid closing an investigation _________________.
-as soon as possible

-as quickly as possible


The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific.
The legal questions (Legal Issues Domain) was for U.S. students and phased out in the new 2016 exam. There are legal concepts that will be on the exam but they are dispersed through out the domains. Relevant laws and regulations- not country specific.