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97 Cards in this Set

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Egyptian pharaoh who is commemorated in the earliest Jewish inscription
Ramses II
Hykso Pharaoh who kicked out aboriginal Egyptians who worshipped multiple Gods and put in place belief in Ra; the Israelite exodus from Egypt occurred during his reign
Responsible for the leading the Jews out of Egypt, consecrating the Israelites as God’s chosen people
Common deity that bound the Canaan tribes together
First king of the Israelites
One of King Saul’s officers who distinguished himself in a combat against Goliath and won a reputation among Judeans as their protector
The son of David whose reign, along with his father’s, is considered the golden age of Jewish History
Tiglath-Pileser III
Powerful Assyrian ruler who turned all of the states of Syria and northern Canaan into a near anarchy
Babylonian king whose troops destroyed the first temple in Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E
Persian who conquered Babylonia in 539 B.C.E. establishing the Persian Empire that stretched from India to Ethiopia, eventually ordering the restoration of the Jewish community in Judea
Alexander (the Great)
Conquered the Persian Empire, including Judea and Egypt; creating his own empire strongly marked by Greek culture
One of Alexander’s generals who acquired the eastern territories of the empire when Alexander died, forming the Seleucid dynasty
One of Alexander’s generals who acquired Egypt when Alexander died, forming the Ptolemid dynasty
Antiochus IV
Leader of the Seleucids who tried imposing Hellenistic culture on the Judeans
Begun the Jewish rebellion against the Seleucids in attempt to combat Hellenization
Judah the Macabee
Third son of Matthias who entered Jerusalem in 164 B.C.E. and restored the worship of Yahweh; his acts are commemorated by Hanukah
High priest who established the Hasmonean dynasty
Roman king appointed at the end of Hasmonean dynasty in Judea; realist who killed his wife and children
General who started the conquest of Judea, but went back to Rome to become Emperor
The son of Vespasian who was sent to complete the conquest of Judea
Roman emperor whose plan to rebuild Jerusalem and make it a Roman Empire led to the second Jewish war
Bar Kokhba
Leader of the revolt against Hadrian
Palestinian rabbi who introduced Babylonian Jews to the Mishnah and established the academy at Sura
Constantine I
Started the process of making Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire
Pope Gregory I
Confirmed the authoritative attitude toward Jews as Church policy
Shapur II
Persian emperor who threatened the Roman Empire in Mesopotamia
Roman emperor who rescinded the anti-Jewish legislation and promised to rebuild the Temple and resettle the Jews in Jerusalem
Chosroes II
Persian king who attacked Rome and killed and deported large numbers of Christians and then handed the city over to the Jews. However, he soon after changed course and restored Jerusalem to a Christian domination
Roman emperor who entered Jerusalem in 629 and restored it to Byzantine control
Saadia ben Joseph
The first important rabbinic authority to write books on Jewish law and religion in Arabic and translate the Bible into Arabic
Anan ben David
Sought to overthrow the authority of the geonim
Hasdai Ibn Shaprut
Jew who rose to prominence in Cordova as doctor to the Rahman III and used his power to create a scholarly community of Jews in Cordova
Samuel ibn Nagrela (Samuel the Nagid)
Became chief rabbi to the Berber king in Granada and eventually became commander of the army
Jewish rationalist in the 12th century who lived most of his life in Egypt and wrote the Mishneh Torah, the code of Jewish law and “A Guide for the Perplexed”
Edward I
Expelled the Jews from England in 1290
Famous rabbi who opposed Maimonides’ philosophical opinions and attended the disputation at Barcelona in 1263
Pablo Christiani
Jewish apostate who attended the disputation at Barcelona in 1263
King James I
Known as the defender of the faith after he presided over the disputation at Barcelona in 1263
Geronimo de Santa Fe
Apostate who completely turned on the Jews and persuaded pope Pedro de Luna to hold a disputation in Tortosa
Dona Gracia Nasi
Powerful Marrano who was born in Portugal to Spanish Jews; she helped Marranos who were trying to escape to Portugal, and when she was given up, she fled to Istanbul
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent
Welcomed Dona Gracia and her capital to Istanbul
Don Joseph Nasi
The nephew of Dona Gracia Nasi who used connections in the Ottoman to secure the sultan’s support for Dona Gracia’s release
Rabbi Isaac Luria
The central figure of the academies of Safed who devised a new approach to the Zohar by which he attempted to explain the sufferings of the Jews as cosmic events bound up with the very nature of the Deity and Jewish ritual as a means of redeeming God Himself and bringing about the messianic age
Rabbi Joseph Caro
Author of the authoritative code of Jewish law
Shabbetai Zevi
Came to believe that he himself was the expected messiah, gaining followers in a mass movement called Sabbateanism
Nathan of Gaza
One of Shabbetai’s adherent who shaped Sabbateanism as a mass movement
Jacob Frank
Revived the Sabbateanism movement, claiming to be the reincarnation of Shabbetai
Murad III
Ottoman sultan who enforced the discriminatory regulations against the Jews. He extorted money from the Jewish community by threatening to massacre them all, then rescinding the decree in exchange for a bribe
Martin Luther
Started the Reformation, ultimately creating Protestantism
Pope Paul IV
Ordered the Jews of Rome and other papal territories to be segregated into ghettos in 1555
Elijah de Medigo
rabbi to the Medici family of Florence
Judah Mintz
Chief rabbi of Padua in the 16th century who led the Jewish intellectual movement of Italy
Rabbi Leone de Modena
One of the greatest preachers of Venice who wrote about morality and values of Jews in the Renaissance
Sara Copia Sullam
Jewish woman of Venice who wrote "Manifesto" defending her Jewish faith
Mordecai Kaplan
Founder of Reconstructionist Judaism who believed Judaism was a religious civilization
Benedict Spinoza
Portuguese Marrano who converted Jewish youth of Amsterdam
and who took the bible literally
Rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel
Petitioned the English parliament to allow the Jews to enter England and to practice their religion openly
Joseph II
Austrian emperor who was eager to “improve” the Jews and make them useful for society
Josh Toland
Argued that merely granting Jews civil rights would turn them into more useful and productive citizens
Moses Mendelssohn
German Jewish philosopher who translated the Bible into German and influenced a generation of Jewish intellectuals to convey the ideas of the Enlightenment to the Jewish masses
Philosopher who said the only way a person can be modern is to be a Christian
Abraham Geiger
Founder of Reform Judaism
Samson R. Hirsch
Founder of Conservative Judaism
Dethroned as Queen of Persia before Esther was enthroned
Crypto-Jew who becomes Queen of Persia by winning a beauty pageant
Wanted to genocide Jews of Persia, but Esther stopped him and he was in turn hanged along with the rest of his family
Captain Alfred Dreyfus
High-ranking Jewish officer in the French army who was charged with treason and convicted on false evidence
Emile Zola
French Journalist who wrote “J’accuse” that accused all of France that it was retreating back to anti-Semitism
Theodore Herzl
Assimilated Hungarian Jew who turned the Zionist idea into an international movement
Eliezer Ben Yehuda
Russian man started the rebirth of the Hebrew language by teaching his family Hebrew
Czar Alexander I
Issued the Jewish Statute in 1804
Nicholas I
Czar Alexander’s successor who tried assimilating the Jews by establishing a quota of Jewish male youths to be supplied for military service
Israel Baal Shem
Founded Hasidism
Roger Williams
Governor of colony of Rhode Island, at Newport
Haym Salomon
Jew involved in financing during the Revolutionary war
Isaac Mayer Wise
Succeeded in organizing Reform Judaism nationwide by creating the Hebrew Union College in 1875
Solomon Schechter
Reorganized New York’s Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1902; creating Conservative Judaism
Henry Ford
Attacked the Jews as racially inferior and as members of a master plot to control world civilization
Father Coughlin
Regularly denounced the Jews on his radio program
Adolf Hitler
Chancellor of Germany who blamed the Jews for the Communist revolution in Russia and claimed they were working to bring about a similar revolution in Germany
Adolf Eichmann
Empowered to set the final solution in motion in 1942
A.D. Gordon
His ideas led to the development of the Kibutz and the Moshav
David Ben-Gurion
First prime minister of Israel
Chaim Weizmann
First president of Israel who headed the World Zionist Organization
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi
Second president of Israel
Edmund Allenby
British general who entered Jerusalem in 1917
Lord Balfour
British foreign secretary who made the Balfour declaration
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Pan- Arabist with an aggressive vision of Arab unity and expansion; he headed Egypt during the cold war
Yasir Arafat
Head of Fatah
Manchem Begin
Head of the Lukid Party who came into power in the 1977 elections
General Ariel Sharon
Begin’s defense minister who headed the Lebanon War
Yitzhak Rabin
Took office in 1992, heading the Labor government, eventually coming to accept the necessity of dialogue with the PLO
Shimon Peres
Israel foreign minister alongside Rabin who succeeded Rabin as president
Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister who campaigned on the slogan "peace with security," but delayed implementing important parts of the Oslo agreement and systematically strengthened the position of the Orthodox Jewish settlers in the occupied easten territories of east Jerusalem
Sally Priesand
First woman rabbi, ordained in 1972 by Hebrew Union College
Antiochus III
Seleucid ruler who drove the Ptolmeds out of Asia, putting Palestine under complete Seleucid control
Played a central role in forming an anti-Assyrian coalition