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82 Cards in this Set

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What do historians tell us that Luke was?
A physician
Who did Luke travel with a lot?
What type of believer was Luke?
A converted gentile believer
What is the gospel of Luke?
A record of the life of Jesus and His mission
What does the book of Acts reveal?
The risen Jesus and how His followers carried on His mission after His departure
What are the five main themes of Luke?
1) Jesus and the common people 2) The attitude of Jesus toward women 3) The law of the Christian community 4) The Holy Spirit 5) Prophecy and the activity of prophets
What three parables did Luke record that teach of God's love for sinners?
1) The Good Samaritan 2) The lost coin 3) The lost son
What three parables did Luke record that teach about prayer?
1. The friend at midnight; 2. The widow and the judge; 3. The pharisee and the tax collector
What does Luke 9:51 talk about?
“And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.” This text marks a key turning point in the Gospel of Luke. From this point on his record deals with aspects of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
What did Jewish society think of interaction between unmarried women and men not of their immediate family?
Jewish society strongly discouraged it.
How were boys educated?
They were educated by the Priests and Rabbis
How were girls educated?
They rarely received any formal education
What place did women have in Jewish society?
Although women could voice their opinions and concerns to their husbands, overall, Jewish society at the time of Christ was definitely male dominated.
What does the story of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus teach?
It teaches that He was willing to teach women in the same way he taught men.
How did Jesus defend Mary's act of letting down her hair?
By telling the parable of the two debtors
Why did Jesus tell the parable of the two debtors?
In order to defend Mary's act of letting down her hair
How did the parable of the two debtors defend Mary's act of letting down her hair?
By using this parable, Jesus contrasts the level of repentance of Mary with that of the Pharisee who condemned her actions.
In what four ways does Luke reveal Christ's attitude toward women?
By pointing out how he 1) accepted invitations to their houses; 2) allowed sinful women to approach and touch Him; 3) was moved with sympathy for women's plight; 4) accepted women as part of His group of followers
What question does the parable of The Friend at Midnight answer?
“Why should we take our requests to God?”
What parable does Jesus use to answer the question “Why should we take our requests to God?”
The Friend at Midnight
What answer does the parable of The Friend at Midnight give to the question “Why should we take our requests to God?”
Because God is anxious to give us good things.
What question does the parable of The Widow and the Unjust Judge answer?
“Does God care about justice?”
What parable does Jesus use to answer the question “Does God care about justice?”
The Widow and the Unjust Judge
What answer does the parable of The Widow and the Unjust Judge give to the question “Does God care about justice?”
Yes, He will quickly answer calls for justice.
What question does the parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector answer?
“Will God hear my prayers, even though I am a sinner?”
What parable does Jesus use to answer the question “Will God hear my prayers, even though I am a sinner?”
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
What answer does the parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector give to the question “Will God hear my prayers, even though I am a sinner?”
Yes, God responds warmly to the sincere repentance of even the worst kind of sinner.
Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan in response to what question?
The lawyer's question, “Who is my neighbor?”
What parable did Jesus use to answer the lawyer's question, “Who is my neighbor?”
The Good Samaritan
What is the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan?
God will help every person, no matter who they are
What does Luke reveal in regard to the Pharisee's idea of holiness?
They would try to completely separate themselves for all sin and all sinners.
What parables did Jesus tell in defense of His eating with sinners?
1) The Lost Sheep; 2) the Lost Coin; 3) the Prodigal Son.
What was Jesus' purpose in telling the parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son?
Defending His habit of eating with sinners
What four clear similarities are there between the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin parables?
In both: 1) something is lost; 2) risks are taken; 3) great effort is expended; 4) all is done to recover that which is lost.
What is the central principle revealed in the parable of the Prodigal Son?
All that is needed to be reinstated in the family is to return and submit once again to the father's authority.
What is the overall message about God's love in the book of Luke?
God's love is all-encompassing; it reaches out to all people, especially sinners and outcasts.
What did Jesus say that added a future aspect to what had been only a remembrance of God's past works?
At the last supper with His disciples, Jesus said He would not eat the bread and wine again until the coming of the Kingdom of God.
What did Jesus' words do when, at the last supper with His disciples, He said that He would not eat the bread and wine again until the coming of the Kingdom of God?
With these words He was adding a future aspect to what had been only a remembrance of God's past works.
What did Jesus teach by referring to the bread and the wine as His body?
That the Passover lamb was actually a symbol of Himself
How did Jesus teach that the Passover lamb was actually a symbol of Himself?
By referring to the bread and the wine as His body
What percentage of the book of Luke deals with the cross?
What seven reasons that Jesus' crucifixion was special does Luke identify?
1) Because Jesus is the Messiah; 2) because it was clearly God's will; 3) Because of the link between the cross and the Passover; 4) because of the innocence of Jesus; 5) because of its connection with the coming Kingdom of God; 6) because Jesus resurrected with a real, literal body; 7) because this crucifixion and resurrection led to the missionary commission given to the disciples.
In what gospel does the author not directly identify himself?
The gospel of John
How does the author of the gospel of John identify himself?
As: 1) “That disciple;” 2) “The disciple whom Jesus loved;” 3) “The disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things.”
What three evidences in the book of John indicate that its author was a Palestinian Jew?
1) His free use of the Old Testament; 2) His clear understanding of the Jewish ideas, traditions, and expectations; 3) His obvious knowledge of Palestine.
What indicates that the author of John was an eye witness?
The exactness of the details included
What do the exactness of the details included in John indicate?
That its author was an eye witness
What four clear identifiers does Ellen White use to establish the disciple John as the author of the gospel of John?
He: 1) was “the disciple whom Jesus loved;” 2) was one of the three witnesses of Christ's transfiguration; 3) was one of the witnesses of Christ's agony in Gethsemane; 4) was the one to whom Jesus entrusted the care of His mother.
Of what occupation were John, his father, and his brother James?
What were John and James known as?
The “sons of thunder”
What did John and James prove themselves to be?
Proud, self-assertive, ambitious for honor, impetuous, and resentful of injuries
Which disciples does Ellen White tell us were closer than the rest to Jesus?
Peter, James, John
Who was the youngest of all the disciples?
To what two concepts does John return in his gospel over and over?
1) A Messiah who dwelled above, came below, and returned above; 2) the future brought into the present.
To what concept did the people at the feast of tabernacles refer when they said, “Where is He from?”
A Messiah who dwelled above, came below, and returned above
What did John teach with “The future brought into the present” concept?
That Jesus offers future salvation to all who will receive Him as their Savior now
What do we learn from the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11?
How Jesus feels about death
From what story do we learn how Jesus feels about death?
From the story of the raising of Lazarus
What could Mary and Martha not understand?
Why Jesus waited to come after He was informed about Lazarus being seriously sick
Why did Jesus speak of death as a sleep?
Because He understood that death, like sleep, ends with a return to consciousness in the resurrection
What can we see from Martha's words?: “Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
Even though Christ declared that He had the power to raise the dead, she really did not expect Him to raise Lazarus at that time.
What is the big truth revealed in the raising of Lazarus?
If Jesus can raise a man to life who had been dead many days, He can raise anyone He chooses
Why does Ellen White say that Jesus wept after the death of Lazarus?
Because His pitying heart sympathized for all those who were suffering
What three main divisions does John divide his gospel into?
Ch. 1: introduction of general concepts and themes; Chs. 2-12: a series of miracles, dialogs, and discourses; Chs. 13-21: events surrounding the arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ.
How did the disciples respond to Jesus' washing their feet?
They were alarmed because it was highly improper for the master to wash the feet of his disciples
In Jesus' act (washing feet) of selfless service, what did Jesus demonstrate?
How believers should love one another
What did Jesus teach in response to Philip's request, “Show us the Father?”
Jesus taught that to know Him is to know the Father
“If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforer, that he may abide with you for ever.” In this statement that Jesus made, what does the Greek word translated “comforter” literally mean?
Advocate or lawyer
What was the Comforter Jesus promised His disciples?
The Holy Spirit
What three main functions of the Holy Spirit does John list?
1) Stay with the disciples. 2) Teach the disciples. 3) Convict the people of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
What is one example of Jesus fulfilling the advocate role of the Holy Spirit?
When He prayed the prayer for His disciples recorded in John 17
What picture do we have of Jesus just prior to His arrest?
His calm preparation of His disciples for the turmoil that is about to break over them
What two-fold perspective does John show of the events surrounding the death of Jesus?
1) Jesus was in conrol throughout those events. 2) The death of Jesus was completely voluntary.
What proves clearly that those sent to arrest Jesus were only able to do so because He allowed it?
When those who came to arrest Him were physically cast to the ground
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” What does the Greek word translated “gave up” literally mean, and what does this show?
To give over to another. This reveals that Jesus voluntarily yielded to death.
What three aspects of the cross does John present?
1) The cross was God's pre-ordained will. 2) The cross is the moment of the glorification of Christ and the Father. 3) The cross marks the enthronement of Jesus as king.
What do the cross and resurrection reveal?
Who Jesus is, where He came from, and the way to eternal life
In the gospel of John, what types of things does Jesus say?
Things that would be highly disturbing to the Jewish mind
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” What did Jesus just do in this statement?
He set Himself even above the law as the only means of salvation
“I and my Father are one.” What is Jesus claiming here?
To be equal with God
What do the extraordinary claims of Jesus about Himself demand of the reader?
That the reader make a choice regarding who He really is. He is either truly divine, or the greatest imposter the world has ever known.
What two purposes does John tell us he has for writing his gospel?
1) Bring his readers to a belief in Jesus as the Son of God. 2) Bring his readers to salvation through Jesus.