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30 Cards in this Set

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1. What does the Falciform ligament connect, contain, and what is it derived from?
a. Connects liver to anterior abdominal wall
b. Contains Ligamentum teres
c. Derivative of fetal umbilical vein.
2. What does the Hepatoduodenal ligament connect, contain, and clinical significance?
a. Connects Liver to duodenum. Connects greater and lesser sacs.
b. Contains Portal Triad: Hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct.
c. May be compressed between thumb and index finger placed in omental foramen (epiploic foramen of Winslow) to control bleeding.
3. What does the Gastrohepatic ligament connect, contain, and significance?
a. Connects Liver to lesser curvature of the stomach.
b. Contains gastric arteries
c. Separates right greater and lesser sacs.
d. May be cut during surgery to access lesser sac.
4. What does the Gastrocolic ligament connect, contain, and significance?
a. Connects the greater curvature and transverse colon.
b. Contains the Gastroepiploic arteries
c. It is part of the greater omentum.
5. What does the Gastrosplenic ligament connect, contain, and significance?
a. Connects the greater curvature and spleen.
b. Contains the short gastric arteries.
c. Separates the left greater and lesser sacs.
6. What does the Splenorenal ligament connect and contain?
a. Connects the Spleen to posterior abdominal wall.
b. Contains the Splenic artery and vein.
7. Layers of gut wall form inside to outside?
a. Mucosa
b. Submucosa
c. Muscularis externa
d. Serosa/adventitia?
8. Mucosal function?
a. Epithelium- Absorption
b. Lamina Propria- support
c. Muscularis mucosae- Motility.
9. What layer contains Meissner’s plexus?
a. Submucosa
10. What layer contains Myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus?
a. Muscularis externa.
11. Esophagus histo?
a. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
12. What area of the digestive tract has the largest number of goblet cells?
a. Jejunum.
13. What area contains Brunner’s glands (submucosa) and Crypts of Lieberkuhn?
a. Duodenum.
14. What area has Plicae circulares and crypts of Lieberkuhn?
a. Jejunum.
15. What area has Peyer’s patches (lamina propria, submucosa), plicae circulares (in its proximal portion), and crypts of lieberkuhn?
a. Ileum.
16. What area has crypts but no villi?
a. Colon.
17. Level of Left renal artery?
a. L1- Same as SMA of course.
18. Level of testicular or ovarian arteries coming off aorta?
a. L2.
19. Bifurcation of abdominal aorta?
a. L4.
20. 3 sites of portal-systemic anastomosis?
a. Esophagus. Esophageal varices. Left Gastric A (portal) <-> Esophageal (systemic).
b. Umbilicus. Caput Medusae. Paraumbilical (portal) <-> Superficial and inferior epigastric (systemic)
c. Rectum. Internal hemorrhoids. Superior rectal (portal) <-> Middle and inferior rectal (Systemic).
21. Pathology above Pectinate line?
a. Internal hemorrhoids.
b. Adenocarcinoma (endoderm derivation).
22. Arterial and venous supply above pectinate line?
a. Superior rectal artery (branch of IMA).
b. Venus drainage to superior rectal vein-> IMV-> portal system.
23. Pathology below pectinate line?
a. External hemorrhoids
b. Squamous cell carcinoma (ectoderm derivation)
24. Arterial and venous supply below pectinate line?
a. Inferior rectal artery (branch of internal pudendal artery).
b. Venous drainage to inferior rectal vein -> Internal pudendal vein -> Internal iliac vein-> IVC.
25. Pain from external hemorrhoids?
a. Inferior rectal nerve (branch of pudendal).
26. Arrangement of femoral nerves, aa, vv?
“You go from lateral to medial to find your NAVEL” or
b. Nerve, Artery, Vein, empty space, Lymphatic
c. “Venous near the penis.
d. Femoral triangle contains femoral nerve, artery vein.
27. Femoral sheath?
a. Fascial tube 3-4 cm below inguinal ligament.
b. Contains femoral vein, artery, and canal (deep inguinal lymph nodes) but not femoral nerve.
28. Diaphragmatic hernia?
a. Abdominal structures enter the thorax.
b. May occur in infants as a result of defective development of pleuroperitoneal membrane.
c. Most commonly a Hiatal Hernia, in which stomach herniates upward through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm.
29. Sliding hiatal hernia?
a. Most common.
b. GE junction is displaced
30. Sliding hiatal hernia characteristic?
a. “hourglass stomach”.