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12 Cards in this Set

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1. Libman-Sacks endocarditis?
a. Verrucous (wartlike), sterile vegetations occur on both sides of valve.
b. Most often benign.
c. Can be associated w/mitral regurg and, less commonly mitral stenosis.
d. SLE causes LSE!
204. Cause of Rheumatic fever?
a. It is an immune mediated (type II hypersensitivity); Not direct effect of bacteria.
b. Antibodies are made to M protein of pyogenes.
c. Group A β-hemolytic strep (strep pyogenes).
205. Rheumatic fever?
a. Consequence of pharyngeal infection w/GABS.
b. Early deaths due to myocarditis.
c. Late sequelae include rheumatic heart disease, which affects heart valves – Mitral > Aortic >>tricuspid (high-pressure valves affected most).
d. Early lesion is mitral valve prolapse.
e. Late lesion is mitral stenosis.
206. Key histo features of rheumatic heart disease?
a. Aschoff bodies (granuloma w/giant cells).
b. Anitschkow’s cells (activated histiocytes).
c. Elevated ASO tires.
207. Mnemonic for Rheumatic fever “FEVERSS”?
a. Fever
b. Erythema marginatum
c. Valvular damage (vegetation and fibrosis)
d. ↑ ESR
e. Red-hot joints (migratory polyarthritis)
f. Subcutaneous nodules
g. St. Vitus’ dance (chorea).
208. Findings w/Cardiac tamponade?
a. Hypotension
b. ↑ venous pressure (JVD)
c. Distant heart sounds
d. ↑ HR
e. Pulsus paradoxus!
209. Pulsus paradoxus (Kussmaul’s pulse)?
a. Exaggerated ↓ in amplitude of pulse during inspiration.
b. Seen in severe cardiac tamponade, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, pericarditis, and croup.
210. Syphilitic heart disease?
a. 3º syphilis disrupts the vasa vasorum of the aorta w/consequent dilation of the aorta and valve ring.
b. May see calcification of the aortic root and ascending aortic arch.
c. Leads to “tree bark” appearance of the aorta.
d. Can result in aneurysm of the ascending aorta or aortic arch and aortic valve incompetence.
211. Most common 1º Cardiac tumours in adults?
a. Myxomas
212. Where do Myxomas occur and how are they described?
a. 90% occur in atria (mostly left atrium).
b. Usually described as “ball-valve” obstruction in the left atrium.
c. Associated w/multiple syncopal episodes.
d. Kussmaul’s sign: ↑ jugular venous pressure on inspiration.
213. Most frequent 1º cardiac tumours in children and with what condition are they associated?
a. Rhabdomyomas
b. Associated w/Tuberous sclerosis.
214. Most common heart tumours?
a. Mets from melanoma and lymphoma.