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5 Cards in this Set

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List reserved JavaScript keywords
break, case, catch, continue, default, delete, do, else, false, finally, for, function, if, in instanceof, new, null, return, switch, this, throw, true, try, typeof, var, void, while, with
List words reserved for ECMA extensions A - I
abstract, boolean, byte, char, class, const, debugger, double, enum, export, extends, final, float, goto, implements, import, int, interface
List words reserved for ECMA extensions L - V
long, native, package, private, protected, public, short, static, super, synchronized, throws, transient, volatile
List words to avoid A - I
arguments, Array, Boolean, Date, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, Error, escape, eval, EvalError, Function, Infinity, isFinite, isNAN
List words to avoid M - U
Math, NaN, Number, Object, parseFloat, parseInt, RangeError, ReferenceError, RegExp, String, SyntaxError, TypeError, undefined, unescape, URIError