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30 Cards in this Set

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Describe the "special relationship" that an inner class instance shares with an instance of the outer class.
It gives code in the inner class access to members of the enclosing (outer) class - even those marked private, as if the inner class were part of the outer class (or really a full-fledged member of the outer class).
When we say "regular" inner class , what is it not?
it is not
1. static
2. method-local
3. anonymous
What is the only way you can access a regular inner class?
Through a live instance of the outer class
To instantiate an instance of a regular inner class, what must you have?
An instance of the outer class to tie to the inner class.
Why can't you instantiate a regular inner class from a "static" method of the outer class?
Because in static code, there is no "this" reference
If you have an outer class MyOuter with a regular inner class MyInner, what two class files do you get when you do:
%javac MyOuter.java

Note: the inner class file isn't accessible to you in the usual way.
What code would you use in a main method outside the outer class MyOuter to make an instance of the regular inner class MyInner?

MyOuter mo = new MyOuter();
MyOuter.MyInnner inner = mo.new MyInner();


MyOuter.MyInner inner = new MyOuter().new MyInner();
How does an object refer to itself normally?
Using the "this" reference.
To reference the regular inner class instance itself, from within the inner class code, use _____.
To reference the "outer this" (the outer class instance) from within the regular inner class code, use _____.
.this (example, MyOuter.this)
A regular inner class is a member of the outer class so what modifiers can be applied to it?
final, abstract, public, private, protected, static (except this turns it into a static nested class rather than a regular inner class), strictfp
A regular inner class is scoped where?
inside another class' curly braces, but outside any method code.
What is a method-local inner class?
An inner class defined within a method.
What is the only place that a method-local inner class can be instantiated?
Only within the method where the inner class is defined and it must be below the inner class definition.
Can a method-local inner class use the local variables of the method the inner class is in? Why or Why not?
No, unless the local variables are marked final. Because local variables live on the stack so aren't guaranteed to be alive as long as the method-local inner class object which lives on the heap.
What happens if you try to access a local variable within a method-local inner class?
The compiler gets upset - it won't compile (unless it is final).
What are the only modifiers you can apply to a method-local inner class?
abstract and final (but, of course, never both at the same time).
If you're in a static method, there is no ____, so an inner class in a static method is subject to the same restrictions as the static method. In other words, no access to _____.
"instance variables"
A local calls declared in a static method has access to only ____ members of the enclosing class, since there is no associated _____ of the enclosing class.
What is the whole point of making an anonymous inner class?
To override one or more methods of the superclass or to implement methods of an interface.
What is the syntax for closing off an anonymous inner class definition?
");" Notice especially the semicolon.
Can you call a method in an anonymous inner class that is a new method (i.e. does not override a method in the superclass)?
No - you get a compiler error.
What are the two flavors of anonymous inner classes?
1. creates an anonymous subclass of the specified class type.
2. creates an anonymous implementer of the specified interface type.
How many interfaces can an anonymous inner class implement?
If you have an anonymous inner class defined right inside the argument, what is the syntax at the end of it?
"});" end inner class def, arg, and end statement
Does an instance of an static nested class enjoy a special relationship with an instance of the outer class?
What is a staic nested class?
A class that's a static member of the enclosing class. It does not have access to the instance variables and methods of the outer class.
Note: static means it can be accessed without having an instance of the outer class.
Give the syntax for instantiating a static nested class Nested with the outer class named BigOuter.
BigOuter.Nested n = new BigOuter.Nested();
Do you need an instance of the enclosing class to instantiate a static nested inner class?
No - they do not share a special relationship with any instance of the enclosing class
Why can't a static nested class access nonstatic members of the outer class?
Because it does not have an implicit reference to any outer instance (it does not get an outer "this" reference).