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295 Cards in this Set

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amaru 余る

to be left over
arau 洗う
to wash
arawasu 表す
to express
to appear
aru 有る
to exist
aruku 歩く
to walk
asobu 遊ぶ
to play, amuse oneself
ataru 当たる
to hit, strike
atatamaru 暖まる
to warm oneself
au 会う
to meet, see (a person)
ayamaru 謝る
to apologize
chigau 違う
to differ, be wrong
chijimu 縮む
to shrink
chikazuku 近づく
to come soon, draw near, approach
chikau 誓う
to swear
chirakasu ちらかす
to scatter
chiru 散る
(leaves) to fall
daku 抱く
to embrace, hug
damaru 黙る
to become silent, shut up
damasu だます
to deceive
dasu 出す
to let out, take out, post, hand in, pay
erabu 選ぶ
to choose, select
fukumu 含む
to contain, include
fukuramasu 膨らます
to blow up, inflate
fukuramu 膨らむ
to swell, expand
fumu 踏む
to step on (something)
furatsuku ふらつく
to totter, stagger
furikaeru 振り返る
to look back
furishikiru 降りしきる
to rain hard incessantly
furu 降る
to fall (of rain or snow)
futoru 太る
to grow fat
ganbaru 頑張る
to do one's best, hold on, try hard
hagemasu 励ます
to cheer up
hagemu 励む
to work hard
hairu 入る
to come in, go in, enter
hakaru 計る , 測る
to measure, gauge
haku 履く
to put on (shoes, trousers)
haku 吐く
to spit
hamaru はまる
to fit in
hanasu 話す
to speak, talk, tell,
hanasu 離す
to separate
harau 払う
to pay
haru 貼る
to paste, stick
hasamaru 挟まる
to be pinched
hasamu 挟む
to pinch
hashiru 走る
to run, dash
hataraku 働く
to work, labor, function
hatasu 果たす
to accomplish (duty), keep (promise)
hayaru 流行る
to be in fashion, be prevalent
hazusu 外す
to take off, remove
heru 減る
to decrease
hibiku 響く
to echo, affect
hikaru 光る
to shine, twinkle, flash
hiku 引く
to pull, draw, minus, reduce a price
hiku 弾く
to play (the piano, guitar)
hipparu 引っ張る
to pull
hiraku 開く
to open
hiromaru 広まる
to spread, come into fashion
hiyasu 冷やす
to cool (something)
hohoemu 微笑む
to smile
horobosu 滅ぼす
to destroy (enemy), ruin
horu 掘る
to dig
iku 行く
to go
iru 要る
to need
itadaku いただく
to receive, be given (a humble verb)
iu 言う
to say, tell, speak
kaburu かぶる
to put on (one's hat)
kaeru 帰る
to go back, come back
kakomu 囲む
to enclose, surround, encircle
kaku 書く
to write
kakusu 隠す
to hide, conceal, keep (someting) a secret
kamu かむ
to bite, chew, crunch
kanashimu 悲しむ
to feel sad, grieve
kasu 貸す
to lend
katsu 勝つ
to win
kau 買う
to buy
kawaru 変わる
to change
kayou 通う
to commute
kazaru 飾る
to decorate
keru 蹴る
to kick
kesu 消す
to turn off, erase, extinguish
kiku 聞く
to hear, listen, ask
kimaru 決まる
to be fixed, be decided
kiru 切る
to cut, switch off
kobosu こぼす
to spill
komu 混む
to get crowded, get jammed
korobu ころぶ
to fall down, tumble
korogaru ころがる
to roll
korosu 殺す
to kill
kōru 凍る
to freeze
kubaru 配る
to distribute
kurikaesu 繰り返す
to repeat
ma ni au 間に合う
to be in time, catch (a train, bus, etc.)
magaru 曲がる
to turn (a corner), curve, bend
mairu 参る
to go, come (as humble verb), admit one's defeat
majiru 混じる
to be mixed, mingle
makasu 負かす
to defeat
maku 巻く
to wind, bandage
to scatter
to sow
mamoru 守る
to defend, guard
maneku 招く
to invite, beckon
masaru 勝る
to surpass, excel
masu 増す
to increase
matomaru まとまる
to be united, come to an agreement
matsu 待つ
to wait
mawaru 回る
to turn, spin, to take a roundabout way
mawasu 回す
to turn, rotate, spin (something)
mayou 迷う
to get lost, be puzzled
meiru 滅入る
to feel gloomy
mekuru めくる
to turn over (pages)
mimamoru 見守る
to keep one’s eye (on somebody)
minasu みなす
to regard
minoru 実る
to bear fruit or crops
modoru 戻る
to be back
momu 揉む
to massage
morau もらう
to be given, receive
mōshikomu 申し込む
to make an application
motarasu もたらす
to bring about
motsu 持つ
to hold, have, possess
mukau 向かう
to leave (for some place)
muku 向く
to face (to some direction)
to peel
muragaru 群がる
to flock
musaboru 貪る
to devour
musu 蒸す
to steam
musubu 結ぶ
to link,
nagasu 流す
to flush
nageku 嘆く
to feel sad, grieve
naguru 殴る
to punch, knock (somebody)
naku 泣く
to cry, weep
nakunaru 無くなる
to be gone, run out
to pass away
nakusu 無くす
to lose
to lose (of a person’s death)
narabu 並ぶ
to stand in a line
narasu 鳴らす
to sound, ring (something)
narau 習う
to take lessons, learn
naru なる
to become, consist
nayamu 悩む
to worry
negau 願う
to wish, hope
nejiru ねじる
to twist
nemuru 眠る
to sleep
nerau 狙う
to aim (at something), watch (for a chance)
neru 練る
to elaborate, knead
nesugosu 寝過ごす
to oversleep
netamu ねたむ
to envy
nigiru 握る
to grasp, grip, seize
nigoru 濁る
to become muddy
nijimu にじむ
to blot
nikumu 憎む
to hate
niou 臭う
to smell
niramu にらむ
to glare (at somebody)
nobasu 伸ばす
to lengthen
to postpone
noboru 登る
to climb
to rise
nogasu 逃す
to miss (a chance)
nokoru 残る
to be left, remain
nokosu 残す
to leave (something) (behind)
noku のく
to step aside, go out of the way
nomu 飲む
to drink, eat (soup), take (medicine)
noru 乗る
to ride, get on, board
nozoku 除く
to remove
to peep
nozomu 望む
to wish, hope
nugu 脱ぐ
to take off
nukidasu 抜き出す
to pick out, select, extract
nuru 塗る
to paint
nusumu 盗む
to steal
nuu 縫う
to sew, stitch
ochitsuku 落ち着く
to calm down
odorokasu 驚かす
to surprise
odoroku 驚く
to be surprised
oitsuku 追いつく
to catch up
okasu 犯す
to commit (a crime)
okonau 行う
to do, perform (an action)
okoru 怒る
to get angry
okosu 起こす
to wake up (somebody)
oku 置く
to put, place
okuru 送る
to send, see off
omoidasu 思い出す
to remember, recollect, recall
omoitsuku 思いつく
to hit upon
omou 思う
to think
orosu 下ろす
to withdraw (savings)
oru おる
to be, stay
to break (a stick)
osamaru 収まる
to settle down
osou 襲う
to attack
osu 押す
to push, press
otosu 落とす
to drop (something)
ōu 覆う
to cover, veil
ou 追う
to chase
owaru 終わる
to be over, end
oyogu 泳ぐ
to swim
sagaru 下がる
to go down, step back
sakarau 逆らう
to disobey
saku 咲く
to blossom, tear
samasu 冷ます
to cool
sasayaku ささやく
to whisper
sasu 刺す
to prick
to indicate
sawagu 騒ぐ
to make a noise
sawaru 触る
to touch
semaru 迫る
to draw near
shaberu しゃべる
to speak, chat
shibaru 縛る
to tie
shiboru 絞る
to squeeze
shikaru 叱る
to scold
shimaru 閉まる
to be closed, be shut
shimekiru 締め切る
to close (subscription)
shimesu 示す
to show, indicate, illustrate
shinu 死ぬ
to die
shiru 知る
to know
shizumu 沈む
to go under water, feel depressed
sorasu そらす
to change topic on purpose, turn one’s eyes away
sosogu 注ぐ
to pour
suberu 滑る
to slip, slide
sukuu 救う
to save, rescue
sumasu 済ます
to finish
sumu 住む
to live, reside
susugu すすぐ
to rinse
suwaru 座る
to sit down, be seated
takuramu 企む
to plot, conspire
tamerau ためらう
to hesitate
tamesu 試す
to try, test
taru 足る
to be enough
tasu 足す
to add
tasukaru 助かる
to be saved
tataku 叩く
to beat, clap, knock, tap
tatamu たたむ
to fold (up)
tatsu 立つ
to stand up
to leave
tobasu 飛ばす
to fly (something), skip
tobiagaru 飛び上がる
to jump up
tobikomu 飛び込む
to dive
tobu 飛ぶ
to fly
todoku 届く
(hand) to reach, to be delivered
todomaru 留まる
to stay, remain
tojikomoru 閉じこもる
to keep oneself indoors
tokasu 溶かす
to melt (something), comb
toku 解く
to untie, solve
tomaru 止まる
to come to a stop, run down
to stay (overnight)
toru 取る
to take, take off, remove
tōru 通る
to pass, go through
tōsu 通す
to show (somebody) into (some place), make way for (somebody)
totonou 整う
to be prepared
tsubusu つぶす
to crush, squash, break, kill (time)
tsukamu つかむ
to grasp, grip
tsukau 使う
to use, handle, spend (money)
tsukkomu 突っ込む
to dive, ask a sharp question
tsuku 着く
to arrive
to stick
tsukuru 作る
to make, cook, manufacture
tsumamu 摘む
to pick (something) up with fingers
tsumaru 詰まる
to be choked up, be at a loss for words
tsunagu つなぐ
to connect
tsuranuku 貫く
to penetrate, carry through
tsuru 吊る
to hang, suspend
to fish
tsutsumu 包む
to wrap, pack
tsuzuku 続く
to continue, follow
ugokasu 動かす
to move, operate (something)
ugoku 動く
to move
ukagau 伺う
to call at one's house, ask
uku 浮く
to float
umidasu 生み出す
to produce
umu 生む
to give birth
uramu 恨む
to bear a grudge
uranau 占う
to foretell
uridasu 売り出す
to put (something) on the market
uru 売る
to sell
utau 歌う
to sing
utsu 打つ
to hit, shoot
utsuru 移る
to move (to another place)
utsuru映る / 写る
to be reflected
wakaru 分かる
to understand, know, recognize
wakasu 沸かす
to boil (water), heat (the bath)
warau 笑う
to laugh, giggle, grin, chuckle
waru 割る
to break, split (a hard thing)
wataru 渡る
to cross
yaku 焼く
to burn, tan, grill, broil, roast, bake, barbecue, toast
yakudatsu 役立つ
to be useful
yakusu 訳す
to translate
yaru やる
to do, give (informal)
yasumu 休む
to take a rest, be absent
yobu 呼ぶ
to call, invite
yomu 読む
to read
yoromeku よろめく
to stagger, totter, stumble you
to get drunk, get sick (in a bus), get seasick
yowaru 弱る
to become weak
yurusu 許す
to permit, forgive
yusuru 揺する
to shake
yuzuru 譲る

to hand over, make way (for somebody)