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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the Japanese sentence structure?
SOV (subject-object-verb)
Where does the verb go in a Japanese sentece?
In Japanese the verb must come at the end of the sentece.
How do you make a Japanese sentence into a question?
By adding か at the end of the sentence.
A Japanese sentence MAY have a subject or topic, but what MUST a Japanese sentene have?
A Japanese sentence must have a predicate.
What is a predicate?
A predicate is part of a sentence that expresses what is said about the subject.
Where does a predicate come in a sentence?
It comes at the end of the sentence, it must be a verb or verbal form.
verbal form
verbal form must be a noun plus a copula or a verbal adjective.
noun plus a copula
日本人 (nihon jin) + です (desu)
日本人-noun Japanese person
です - copula (verb to be)
verbal adjective
a verbal phrase is a phrase that acts as an adjective by describing a noun.
Ex: 果物は高いです。
the adjective たかい modifies the noun くだもの
What must immediately follow the word or words it marks?
A particle
If a question uses a question word (who,what,when etc.) where does it go?
It normally goes after the subject or topic of a sentence, but this is not rigid.
Ex: 彼女はいつ本屋で本を買いましたか。
いつ (when) comes after the topic 彼女 (she)
In a Japanese sentence what can be omitted?
The subject or the topic of the sentence. (never the predicate)
Ex: これは本です or 本です
これ is omitted because it is understood.
Object of the sentence
answers the question "what is th subject doing according to the verb?"
Ex: He is eating an apple.
-Who is eating? (subject)
He is eating
-What is he doing? (verb)
-What is he eating? (object)
an apple