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19 Cards in this Set

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The hardships the settlers face in Jamestown

1. Site was marshy

2. Lacked safe drinking water

3. Lacked the skills to survive

4. Many settlers died from starvation

The four reasons the settlers survived in Jamestown?

1. Two ships brought more supplies

2. A forced quality was placed on a self-sustaining agriculture

3. The arrival of women in 1620 made it possible for the settlers to establish families and a more permanent settlement.

4. John Smith started a forced work program that saved the colony. He said, " He who does not work does not eat!"

What did Pocahontas serve as between the English and the Native Americans?


Virginia's government in order

1. General Assembly

2. House of Burgesses

3. Virginia General Assembly

What was John Smith's forced work program?

He who does not work does not eat

Why did John Smith put his forced work program in place?

There were too many gentlemen and not enough skilled laborers

What year did women arrive in Jamestown?


Women made it possible for settlers to establish__________ and a more ________ ___________

Families, permanent, settlement

What year did slaves arrive at Jamestown?


Slaves helped the colonists expand the ______________ colony


What is a cash crop?

Crop you use to sell and make money

Virginia's cash crop


What are the two groups of the General Assembly called

1. Royal governor and governor's council

2. Two Burgesses from each town


Burgesses were representatives of the legislative branch

What did the English trade with the Powhatan Indians?

1. Metal tools

2. Pots

3. Copper

4. Jewelry

Who married Pocahontas?

John Rolfe

The two legislative bodies

General Assembly

House of Burgesses

Who was John Rolfe?

A tobacco planter

What sailors captured African men and women?

Portuguese sailors