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48 Cards in this Set

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Cation in ICF/influenced by acid base balance/ maintains ICF volume/ aids in transmission of nerve impulses/ allows normal muscle function/ regulated by dietary intake or renal excretion

K dietary sources

Fresh fruits/veggies/oranges/bananas/tomatoes/potatoes/mushrooms/carrots/meats/CHOCOLATE/Brazil nuts

Na dietary sources

Table SALT/salty snack foods/crab,lobster,canned tuna(that lives in salt water)/canned soups/processed meats/cheese/canned veggies/CONDIMENTS/pickles


Most abundant solute in ECF/ necessary for attracting fluid/maintains ECF volume fluid/transmits nerve impulses/contacts muscles/combines w chloride & bicarbonate to reg acid-base balance/ NR: 135-145 mEq/L

Na regulated by:

THIRST which stimulates ADH secretion/ dietary intake/aldosterone secretion

Electrolytes normal lab values

Na: 136-145 mEq/L

K: 3.5-5 mEq/L

Cl: 98-106 mEq/L

Hc03: arterial 22-26 mEq/L

Venous 24-30 mEq/L

Total Ca: 8.4-10.5 mg/dl

Ionized Ca: 4.5-5.3 mg/dl

Mg: 1.5-2.5 mEq/L

Phosphate: 2.7-4.5 mEq/L

Anion gap: 5-11 mEq/L

Arterial blood gases NR

Ph: 7.35-7.45

Paco2: 35-45 mm HG

PaO2: 80-100 mm Hg

O2 saturation: 95-100%

Base excess: -2 to +2 mm Eq/L

Dextrose in WATER solutions

D5W iso

D10W hyper

Saline solutions

1/4 NS hypo (0.225% NaCl)

1/2 NS hypo (0.45% NaCl)

0.9% NS iso

3% or 5% NaCl hyper

Dextrose in SALINE solutions

D5 1/2 NS hyper

D5 0.45% NaCl hyper

D5 NS hyper

D5 0.9% NaCl hyper

Balances electrolyte solutions

Lactated ringers (LR) iso

Dextrose 5% in LR (D5LR) hyper

Phlebitis scale

(0) No symptoms

(1) erythema @ access site w or wo pain

(2) pain @ site w erythema and/or edema

(3) pain @ site w erythema and/or edema, STREAK FORMATION, PALPABLE VENOUS CORD

(4) pain @ site w erythema and/or edema, streak formation, palpable venous cord >2.54 CM, PURULENT DRAINAGE

IV complications

Local infection/ bleeding/ phlebitis/infiltration/ circulatory overload

Infiltration scale

(0) No symptoms

(1) skin blanched, edema <2.54 cm, cool to touch, w or wo pain

(2) skin blanched, edema 2.54-15.2 cm, cool to touch, w or wo pain

(3) skin blanched, translucent, gross edema > 15.2 cm, cool to touch, mild-mod pain, possible numbness

(4) skin blanched, translucent, skin tight, leaking, skin discolored, gross edema >15.2 cm, pitting edema tissue, circulatory impairment, mod-severe pain, blood

Risk factors for FE

Age/ environment/ GI output/ chronic diseases/ trauma

Interstitial fluid

Located between cells & outside the blood vessels

Intravascular fluid

Liquid part of blood

Transcellular dluis

Secreted by epi cells( cerebrospinal, pleural, peritoneal, synovial fluids)


(+) charged ions

Na, K, Ca, Mg


(-) charged ions

Cl, Hc03

Active transport

Required energy from ATP 2 move electrolytes across cell membranes against the concentration gradient 4rm lower 2 higher concentrations

Ex- Na out of cell & K into cel


PASSIVE movement of electrolytes down a concentration gradient 4rm higher concentration to lower concentration

Diffuse easily by random movement

Requires proteins

Needs muscle/nerve function


WATER moves through a membrane that separates fluid w different particle concentrations

WATER moves into compartment that has a higher osmotic pressure (inward pulling force) until the particle concentration is equal in 2 compartments


FLUID moves into/out of capillaries by filtration

Hydrostatic pressure (filtration)

Force of FLUID pressing outward against a surface


2 large 2 leave capillaries in the fluid that's filtered so they stay in the blood


Accumulation of excess fluid in INTERSTITIAL space

Fluid intake average

2300 ml/ day

Fluid output

Skin, lungs, GI, KIDNEYS

100 ml in feces a day

Should equal intake

Hypokalemia s/s

Muscle weakness, cardiac dsyrhythmias, leg cramps, quadricep weakness, shallow respirations, decreased GI motility, polyuria

Hyperkalemia s/s

Muscle weakness, cardiac arrest, dsyrthmias, flaccid , increased bowel motility, nausea, diarrhea, paresthesias, Oliguria, ecg changes

Hypocalcemia s/s

Increased neuromuscular excitability, pos Chvostek's sign, pos Trousseau's sign, hyperactive DTR, laryngospasm, paresthesias of fingers, muscle twitching

Hypercalcemia s/s

Decreased neuromuscular excitability, lethargy, polyuria, apathy, kidney stones, constipation, nausea, vomiting, hypertension, anorexia

Hypomagnesemia s/s

Increases neuromuscular excitability, tremors, involuntary repetitive movements, insomnia, tachycardia, pos Chvosteks sign, hyperactive DTR

Hypermagnesemia s/s

Decreased DTR, lethargy, bradycardia, flushes appearance, subjective of feeling warm, decreased neuromuscular excitability, decreased respirations

Functions of body fluids

Metabolic reactions, lubricant, insulator, shock absorber, temp regulator, transporter 4 nutrients & wastes

Distribution of body fluids

Intracellular- 66% of body water (28L)

Extracellular- 33% of body water (14L)

Edema occurs here

Plasma (liquid part of blood), interstitial (lymphs), third spaces (transcellular)


Mineral salts that separate into charged particle (ions) when dissolved in water






Both solvent & solute mixed together

Body fluids

Both water & electrolytes

Body eater

Only water

Mild fluid deficit

2% weight loss

Moderate fluid loss

5% weight loss

Severe fluid deficit

8% weight loss

Fluid volume deficit causes

Loss of water & electrolytes, decreased intake, bleeding, third-spacing, iatrogenic