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19 Cards in this Set

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A- Preschool age is ___ yrs old.
B- Wt gain is ___ lbs/yr
C- Ht gain is ___ inches/yr
D- Most organs are ___ by 3-4 yrs
E- the preschooler is agile, sturdy, and posture is erect (no more toddler or pot belly) T or F
A- 3-5 yrs
B- 5 lbs
C- 2-3 in
D- mature
E- T
Gross & Fine Motor Skills
A- __ yrs can ride a tricycle, walk on toes, balance on 1 foot
B- __ yrs can skip and hop, catch a ball
C- __ yrs can jump rope, skate, and swim
A- 3 yrs
B- 4
C- 5
According to Erikson, the chief psychosocial task of the preschooler is to ____
- develop a sense of initiative, ie play, live and work to the fullest.
- preschooler experiences guilt over not behaving appropriately or having "bad" thoughts, ie, INITIATIVE VS GUILT
According to Piaget, the major transition of cognitive development is_____
preschooler transitions from being totally egocentric to social awareness and having the ability to see other points of view
Other issues of preschoolers?
A- concept of right & left; don't get it
B- Time is still not completely understood; best explained in relation to an event; "your mom will see you after lunch
C- Magical thinking?
D- Egocentrism?
E- Animism?
F- Centration?
C- preschoolers think that their thoughts control what happens around them; do dress-up and make-believe
D- can only envision situations from their own perspective
E- attributing lifelike qualities to inanimate objects
F- focusing on one aspect rather than considering all possible alternatives, ex: child refuses to eat a food because of its color, even though taste & smell are acceptable.
A- age of school age kids?
B- wt gain?
C- ht gain?
D- Prepuberty changes occur at what age for girls and for boys?
A- 6-12 yrs
B- 4.5 - 6.5 lbs/yr
C- 2 inches/yr
D- girls - as early as 8 yrs; boys at 11-12 yrs
A- first permanent teeth come in at what age?
B- at what age should first dental visit be?
C- what to do if tooth gets knocked out?
A- 6 yrs
B- 6 months
C- put in cup of milk or in mouth so tooth doesn't die
Psychosocial development according for school age children according to Erikson revolves around _____
Industry vs inferiority
- Sense of industry = strong desire for achievement; respond to positive reinforcement, so in hospital use stickers
- Sense of inferiority stems from unrealistic expectations or a sense of failing to meet standards set
According to Piaget, school age children enter the stage of ____
Concrete Operations stage
- appropriate use of logic
- occurs betw ages 7-11
- transition from perceptual thinking (making judgements based on what they see) to conceptual thinking (making judgements based on what they reason
After the family, ___ is the most important socializing agent for kids
latchkey children?
kids left to care for themselves before or after school w/o adult
Disciplinary techniques should help children control their own behavior Examples?
- withholding privileges,
- paying for something broken
- imposing penalties
- contracting
School age children experience a wide range of fears such as...
- fear of dark
- self consciousness
- social withdrawal
- fear of being hurt, kidnapped, death
the loneliest age group of kids in the hospital are_____
Age range of adolescents (teenagers)?
12-18 yrs
Adolescents experience:
- rapid accelerated growth,ie adolescent growth spurt
- growth in the extremities; length of hands and feet reach adult size first
- gawky appearance
- Puberty
Psychosocial development: according to Erikson, adolescents come to see themselves as distinct individuals, somehow unique and separate from every other individual. This is opposite of role diffusion. so IDENTITY VS ROLE DIFFUSION
- a sense of group identity is essential to developing a sense of personal identity
- teenagers may dress differently for group identity
- Adolescence is a time for consolidation of sex identity
According to Piaget, cognitive thinking culminates in adolescence with capacity for abstract thinking (flexibility). No longer restricted to real and actual (concrete thought) This is Piaget's 4th and last stage, the period of formal operations
Teenagers experience Egocentrism, which is?
belief that everyone is watching me and is concerned about me.