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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the three classes of phlebitis?

Mechanical, chemical, bacterial (infectious)

What are the causes of mechanical phlebitis?

Cannula too large

Cannula inserted near a joint

inadequate dressing and securement

How is mechanical phlebitis managed?

Remove cannula

Apply warm compress

Use smallest cannula

Discuss with doctor

Re-secure or re-dress


What are the causes of Chemical phlebitis

Infused alkaline solutions

Acid solutions

infusion of hyper/hypotonic solutions

Speed and method of delivery

Define phlebitis

An inflammation of one or more layers of the vein

What are the clinical signs of phlebitis?

Localised redness, swelling, heat, tenderness and pain

What are the signs of grade 1 phlebitis?

Possible signs: either slight redness or slight pain

What are the signs of grade 2 phlebitis?

Early stage: Two of the following:

Pale near IV site, Erythema, Swelling

What are the signs of grade 3 phlebitis?

Medium stage: All of the following are evident: Pain along path of cannula, Erythema, Induration

What are the signs of grade 4 phlebitis?

Advanced stage/ start ofthrombophlebitis: All of the following are evident and extensive: Pain along path of cannula, Erythema, Induration, Palpable venous cord

What are the signs of grade 5 phlebitis?

Advanced stage of thrombophlebitis

All of the following are evident and extensive: Pain along path of cannula, Erythema, Induration, Palpable venous cord, Pyrexia (fever)

Who is at higher risk for developing hypervolaemia with IV therapy?

Elderly, children, Pt with cardiac or pulmonary disease, pt with renal disease/injury, pregnant women

What are the clinical signs of hypervolaemia?

Deteriorating respiratory status- tachypnoea, dyspnoea, decreased o2 stats



Distended jugular vein

Pulmonary oedema

Weight increase

Define extravasation

Vesicant (producing blisters) fluids leaking into the extravascular tissues

What are the clinical signs of extravasation?

Swelling, burning or pain at insertion site, slowing of infusing rate, no blood return on aspiration

What is the treatment for extravasation?

Aspirate drug from cannula, remove cannula after aspiration, notify medical staff

Define a flare reaction

A transient venous irritation

What are the signs of a flare reaction?

Local urticaria (a rash of round, red welts), stinging, oedema, inflammationalong vein track

What is the treatment for flare reactions?

Flush the line, rest the vein for 30 mins, assess using phlebitis scoring, flush to check patency of line, recommence medication

What are the clinical signs of an air embolism?

Abrubt onset of signs, loss of conciousness, focal seizures, complete collapse, loud heart murmur, death

What is the treatment of an air embolism?

Stop the infuse, clamp the line, place pt in trundleberg position, administer O2

Define cellulitis

An inflammation of the tissues

What are the clinical signs of cellulitis?

Erythema, pain, tenderness, swelling

What sign differentiates cellulitis from infection?

Purulent discharge

Define anaphylaxis

An acute allergic reaction to an antigen that the body has became sensitive to

What are the clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis?

Bronchospasm, oedema, low bp, tachycardia, GI cramps and diarrhoea, flushed skin, swelling of the throat and mouth,

What is the treatment for anaphylaxis?

Stabilize airway, breathing, circulation. Intramuscular adrenaline 0.3-0.5 mg. Given in the middle third of the thigh (vastus lateralis), 1000ml saline, administer adrenaline if symptoms persist after 5-10 mins