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63 Cards in this Set

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What is the Internet?
- Not a single network but a globe-spanning collection
- Communication infrastructure for exchanging info
- Not run by a single person, group, or organization
- Networks communicate based on certain protocols (TCP & IP)
How the Internet started?
- Started as a research project funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Created Arpanet
- WWW is the "killer app"
What is a domain name?
- Created to provide easy-to-remember monikers for IP addresses
- Translation between domain names and IP addresses is performed by the Domain Name Service
Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD)
- .com and .net are operated by VeriSign Global Registry Services
- .org, .gov etc
Country code top level domains
.us, .ca, .uk, .eu
The Client/ Server Model
- Computer wanting the internet is the client
- Other computers are the servers. hosts waiting for requests
- Client's browser sends HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) requests to a host server
- Host computer runs the server software that reads the request and performs the asked-for services
Internet Addresses
-Specific location is known as an address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- Read address from right to left (top level domain, major domain,.... computer running the web server)
What is the World Wide Web?
- Globally connected network of websites
- Application used to access the WWW is a web browser
Web Browsing?
- Top part has a control area to enter a location
- Main section displays text graphic images, audio, and video
Pages contain hypertext links to other pages
- Language used to view web pages is hypertext markup
How the WWW works?
- Type a URL into your web browser
- Web browser sends a request using a hypertext transfer protocol
- The request is sent to the internet with routers figuring out the web server
- The web server receives the request using the HTTP protocol
- The server find the requested page and sends it back to the web browser client
-HTTP connection is closed
- 1st part (http://) details the protocol use
- 2nd part (www) indicates which type of resource
- 3rd (cnn.com) identifies the web server
- Last part (/tech/) identifies a specific directory or page
How websites can be organized
Linear, Tree, Random
Web Browser
- Displays information sent form the server so it can be seen and read by the user
- Allows the user to also send data back to the server
- Browsers can't display come types of files such as flash (install plug-ins)
- The simplest way for server to send information to the user is text
- The web uses hypertext mark-up language (HTML) instead of plain text
- Made up of ordinary text plu tags
HTML Skeleton
URL Schemes
- The top level part of a uniform resource identifier
- http:// standard hypertext file transfer
- https:// secure/ encrypted hypertext transfer protocol (eg credit card info)
- ftp:// file that can be obtained via FTP
- file:// file on a local disk attached to the computer
3 Parts of a URL
The protocol - http
The server name - www.cnn.com
The file name - web-server.htm
- The majority of HTML tags define "states" or modes that you turn on and off
- All tags are defined or delineated by < and >
- Tags that insert items do not have modes but rather are one time instructions (<hr>)
- Made up of core and attributes
- HTML is not case- sensitive
- XHTML is case-sensitive
- good practice to use all lowercase when writing code
- Computer monitors display color RGB mode
- Each color has a value 0-255
Bits and Bytes
- Computer Data is stored in binary using 0's & 1's
- The digits in a binary number are called bits
- 8 bits = 1 byte
Logical Styles
- Define how the affected text is to be used on the page
- Browser decides how to display text
- eg <cite> <code>
Physical Styles
- Define how to display the affected text
- eg <b> <big>
Style Sheets
- To separate the style of a web page form its content
- To define a basic formatting style, first identify which tag you want to affect, such as h2
- Then define its properties, such as font family, color etc
Types of Style Sheets
- Inline, styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect <h2 style="font-family: verdana; color:
#003366;">Header 2</h2>
- Internal, put style tag in header of page (between <head>) <style type="text/css">
h2 {font-family: verdana; color: blue;}
- External, contained in its own text file with link in header <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
Links to Other web Pages
- Add links to other web pages using the a tag
- absolute: <a href="http://www.google.com">Search
- Relative: <a href="contactme.html">Contact Me</a>
Links to e-mail addresses
<a href="mailto:name@domain.com">Email
Types of image file types
- GIF: best for logos and other simple graphics with solid colors, lines, or text; allows you to make an image with a transparent background
- JPEG: best for photographs and other complex images; can be composed at a variety of different qualities
- PNG: allows you to make an image with a transparent backgrouns
- Ordered lists <ol>, list items <il>
- Unordered list <ul>, list items <li>
- Definition list <dl>, definition term <dt>, definition <dd>
- Abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets
- Used to control the presentation of HTML
- Matching tags and their closed elements
- Composed of an opening tag, content, and a closed tag
- <img> is an exception
What goes in the head?
Information about the web page
Doesn't actually show up on the page
- Provide additional information about the element
- First comes the name followed by an equals sign, and then the attribute value surrounded in double quotes
- eg <a href="top10.html">Great Movies</a>
Empty Elements
- Elements that don't have any HTML content by design
- <br>, <img> <hr>
- Use the <a> to link from one page to another
- The content of the <a> element is the label for the link
- You can use words or an image as the label for a link
- When you click on a link, the browser loads the web page that is specified in the href sttribute
Relative Path
- A link that points to other files on your website relative to the web page you are linking form
Absolute links
Those that include the entire path name
- Used to link to a section of text within an HTML page
- Create an anchor using the name attribute
Better Links
- Keep link labels concise
- Keep labels meaningful
- Avoid placing links right next to each other as it can be difficult for users to distinguish between links placed close together
How do browsers treat images?
After reading the HTML page, the browser retrieves each image from the web server and displays it
- <img> is an inline element
- The src attribute is how you specify the location of the image file (you can use either an absolute path or a relative path)
- width and height attributes tell the browser what size to display (800 pixels is generally a good size)
- Set the align attribute to flow text around an image
- The smallest dot that can be represented on the screen
- Each image is composed of thousands of pixels
How to Make Text Wrap Around Tables
- set an align attribute to the table just as you would an image
- align="right"
Table Nesting
- Put the nested table within the td tag of the outer table
- When you reach the fourth- table nesting, you could start to see a slowdown in the rendering of your page with some browsers
- Allow you to collect information from users
- Can contain form elements such as text fields, text area fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, and check boxes
Four Main Form Tags
- form
- input: main form elements
- textarea: creates multi-line text input area, if you put text into the content it will become the default text in an area control on the web page
- select: creates a menu which contains one or more <option> elements, they define the items in the menu
Method Attribute of Forms
- Contains the method of sending the form data: either POST or GET
- POST: forms data and send its as part of the request; use it when the form data should be private or when it is large
- GET: packages form data and appends it to the URL; use it for requests that might be bookmarked
- When the form is submitted, the form data values are paired with their corresponding names, and all names and values are sent to the server
Text Fields
- used when you want to user to type letters, numbers, etc in a form
- text fields for passwords show entered text as bullets or asterisks
- attributes: size, maxlength, value
Radio Buttons
used when you want the user to select one of the limited number of choices
used when you want the user to select one or more options of a limited number of choices
Hidden fields
data attached to, and processed with, a form that cannot be seen or changed by the user
Text Areas
- used when its necessary to allow users to enter more than a single line of text
- attributes: cols, rows
Select Menus
- when you want users to select from a long list of options
- lists that have been compressed into one or more visible options
- attributes: size, multiple, selected
- enable users to interact with a form
- for example, to tell the browser you are finished filling out a form and are ready to process it
Common Gateway Interface
- refers to a program that sends information to and form the server
- also called script and can be written in several different computer languages
- 3 main scripts used commonly used to email content forms: mailform, feedbackform, and formhandler
- used to group sets of labels and form elements
- legend tag gives you a heading to the group, if you want to include one
- Provides the style for a selection of HTML elements
- A typical rule consists of a selector along with one or more properties and values
- the selector identifies which elements the rule applies to
- in each rule you can set one or more properties
- All properties and values ina rule go between braces {}
- Each property declaration ends with a semicolon
- Many properties are inherited but can be overridden by creating a more specific rule for the element you'd like to change
- WE can define a class of elements and then apply styles to any element that belongs to that class
- use classes when you might want to use a style with more than one element
- used strictly for naming unique elements
- unlike a class, you can't have more than one element on a page with the same id
- each element can only have one id
- id name must start with a letter and be followed by only letters and digits, no spaces or special characters allowed
Types of Style Sheets
- Inline: styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect
- Internal: put the style element in the header of the page
- External: contained in its own text file using the link element in the head element
Style Properties
- Margin: the space around the block element
- Padding: the space between the border of the block element and the text inside it
- Border
Divs <div>
- used to group elements together that need a common style
- used nested divs to add further structure to your files
- once you set the width property, it no longer expands to fit the entire width of the browser window