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22 Cards in this Set

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programming language
allows programmer to develop the sets of instructions that constitute a computer program
machine language(first generation)
basic level of programming language writing things al in binary code and must specify the storage location for every piece of data
assemble language(second generation)
requires language translator programs called asseblers that can convert instructions into machine language...use code
high level language(3rd generation)
use brief statements or arithmetic notations
fourth generation language
use natural language(5gl) and nonprocedural statements
object oriented language
c++ or java...tie data elements from the procedure or actions into objects.
consists of data and the actions that can be performed on the data.
object 2
set of data about a banks customers savings account and operations...ojbects tell other objects what to do
web services
software components that are based on a framework of web and object oriented standards and technologies for using the web to electronically link the applications of differnet users and different platforms...purchasing online with business
language translator
translate language into computer machine language
translates symbolic instruction
translates high-level language statements
translates and executes each statemnet one at a time
computer aided software engineering combining all the tools together..front end or upper AND back end or lower CASE tools
software taht helps workgroups and teams collaborate to accomplish group assignmetns...microsoft exchange support
resource mangement
programs that manage the hardware and networking resources of a computer system...CPU, memory, secondary memory
virtual memory
giving programs the view that it has a large amount of memory...to make it run faster
file managment
creation, deletion, and access of files of data and programs
task managment
control which task gets access to the CPU and for how much time...interrupt it at any time.
several computing tasks to be performed in seemingly simultaneous fashion
preemptive mulittasking
parcel out CPU time slices to each program
allow each program to control the CPU for as long as it needs it