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11 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What branch of the facial nerves runs with a branch of the trigeminal nerve?
Chorda tympani supplying taste sensory to the anterior tongue, runs with the Lingual nerve of V3 (mandibular), which supplies sensory to the lower teeth, face, and tongue, and lip
Where is the sphenopalatine foramen?
Posterior of the Zygomatic arch, right of the pterygoid plate of the sphenoid and maxilla
Where does the maxillary artery arise?

How does the maxillary artery travel and where can it be found?
Arises from external carotid artery, just posterior to the neck of the mandible and travels anteriorly across the IT fossa. Maxillay artery is found superficial or deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle
Branches of the Maxillary Artery
Middle Meningeal artery (1st part) - supplies dura of the brain
Inferior Alveolar artery (1st part) - supplies branches to the mylohoid (jaw and teeth) and other one is the teeth
Two deep temporal arteries - supplies temporalis muscles
Buccal artery - supplies buccinator muscle
Middle Meningeal Artery
Supplies dura of the cranial cavity
Inferior Alveolar Artery
Supplies to jaw and teeth (runs with the Inferior Alveolar N)
Temporalis Arteries
Two of them, one branches from the first part and the other the 3rd..

Supplies temporalis muscle
Buccal Artery
Supplies the buccinator muscles
Sensory Branches of V3
Lingual Nerve
Inferior Alveolar Nerve
Buccal Nerve
Auriculotemporal Nerve

Motor Branches from V3
Motor to masticatory muscles - temporalis, masseter, pterygoids

Motor to Tensor Veli pelatani, tensor tympani

Motor to Mylohyoid and Anterior Digastric Muscles (mylohyoid nerve)
Lingual Nerve
Course: Runs parallel and anterior to to inferior alveolar nerve
Enters mouth next ramus of mandible
Passes forward under mucosa below the third molar tooth

Fxn: Sensory from anterior 2/3 of tongue, floor of mouth, lower gingiva