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43 Cards in this Set

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__________ have a responsibility to promote ethical uses of information technology in the workplace.
Business Professionals
The unauthorized use, access,
modification, and destruction of
hardware, software, data, or
network resources
Computer Crime
Principles of Technology Ethics

a.) the good achieved by the technology must outweigh the harm or risk

b.) those affected by the technology should understand and accept the risks
a.) Proportionality

b.) Informed Consent
Principles of Technology Ethics

a.) the benefits and burdens of the technology should be distributed fairly
b.) even if judged acceptable by the other three guidelines, the technology must be implemented so as to avoid all unnecessary risk
a.) Justice

b.) Minimized Risk
Using or conspiring to use computer or network resources illegally to obtain information or tangible property... and the unauthorized release of
Computer Crime
The unauthorized access and use
of networked computer systems
a.) Hammering a website’s equipment with too many requests for information, Twitter was hacked by this hacking technique
b.) Widespread probes of the Internet to determine types of computers, services, and connections
a.) Denial of service cyber attack
b.) Scans
a.) Faking an e-mail address to trick users into passing along critical information like passwords or credit card numbers
b.) Programs that search individual packets of data as they pass through the Internet
a.) Spoofing
b.) Snifer
a.) A program that, unknown to the user, contains instructions that exploit a known vulnerability in some software
b.) A hidden point of entry to be used in case the original entry point has been detected or blocked
a.) Trojan Horse
b.) Back Doors
a.) Tiny Java programs that misuse your computer’s resources, modify files on the hard disk, send fake e-mail, or steal passwords
b.) Programs that automatically dial thousands of telephone numbers in search of a way in through a modem connection
a.) Malicious Applets
b.) War Dialing
a.) An instruction in a computer program that triggers a malicious act
b.) A technique for crashing by sending too much data to the buffer in a computer’s memory
a.) Logic Bombs
b.) Buffer Overflow
a.) Software that can guess passwords
b.) Considered legal but unethical, Gaining access to computer systems by talking to unsuspected company employees and getting valuable information such as passwords
a.) Password Crackers
b.) Social Engineering
a.) Sifting through a company’s garbage to find information to help break into their computers
b.) Computer crime involving the stealing of money
a.) Dumpster Diving
b.) Cyber Theft
a.) the right for people to know about information that others may want to keep private
b.) the right of people to express their opinion on such matters
c.) The right for people to debate on bulletin boards or blogs (websites where information can be added by the owner and its members)
a.) Freedom of Information
b.) Freedom of Speech
c.) Freedom of the press
What is the difference between Spamming and Flaming?
Spamming has to deal with the indiscriminate sending of unsolicited emails to many internet users while Flaming is the act of sending critical, derogatory, and vulgar emails or newsgroup postings to other users of internet or internet services along with racist defamatory and sexual messages have led to censorship and laws for libel
What are some examples of Internet Abuses in the workplace?
Leisure Abuse, Email Abuse, Unauthorized Usage and Access Abuse, Hacking, Copyright, Usage external ISPs, Moonlighting, Nonwork related download and uploads, Newsgroup Postings, Transmission of confidential info, Porn
What is an example of Leisure Abuse?
Time and Resource theft such as shopping online, sending e-cards, gambling, personal finances, chating, personal emails, stock trades
What are the examples of internet abuses from Copyrighting?
Infringement and plagiarism
What is moonlighting?
Running your own personal business with company computers.
What is an example of Unauthorized Usage and Access Abuse?
Password stealing and network blocking.
What is Intellectual Property and what technique has made it easier to trade pirated intellectual property?
Intellectual Property is copyrighted material, peer-to-peer networking techniques
What causes over a one-third loss in the software industry's revenue and is done by copying computer programs without authorization?
Software Piracy
Dealing with Licensing what are you actually purchasing the licensed software for?
What do Site License do?
When purchasing software you are actually purchasing the license so that it is fair to use.
They allow you a certain number of copies
What is the difference between a Virus and a Worm?
A virus is a program code that cannot work without being inserted into another program while a worm is a distinct program that can run unaided.
Software that purports to serve
a useful purpose but also allows
Internet advertisers to display
advertisements (pop-up and
banner ads)
Adware that employs the user’s
Internet connection in the
background without your
permission or knowledge
Information about you can be captured legitimately and automatically each time you visit a website and can also be intercepted or retrieved form
your hard disk by hackers
The company has to ask permission to record information, who benefits from this?
Opt-In and the costumer benefits
The company is allowed to record information unless the person explicitly says they cannot, who benefits from this?
Opt-Out and the company benefits
In Europe what type of privacy is used and what are the company's actions.
They use Opt-In and the company has to ask to keep information
In the United States what type of privacy is used and what are the companies actions?
Opt-out and the company is aloud to keep the information without asking.
What is it called when you deny a person access to his or her own computer?
Computer Crime
What type of key is used when you send the key to the computer, then send the message to the box locked then the key is used to unlock the message?
Symmetric Key
What type of key is used when they send a message saying I want to send you a message, then other person sends an unlocked box, you then in return write the message in locked box and send it back to the person with the key attached?
Asymmetric Key
What type key is it when you put the message in a box locked, then send it to someone, he locks it and also sends the message back, then unlock it and send it back to you so you can see it?
Three Pass Protocol Asymmetric Key
What type of key is the safe, safer, and the safest?
Symmetric Key, Asymmetric Key, and the Three Pass Protocol Asymmetric Key
What was the first computer ever made and who built?
ABC computer built by Akinistaff Barry
What was the first computer chip ever made and what was the first PC ever made?
Intel 8080
Altair 8800
What was the first, second, third, and fourth PC Operating System?
1st- CPM
2nd- Q DOS
3rd-PC DOS
4th- MS DOS
What did the CPM Operating System do? Q DOS?
-CPM was the control program for monitors made by Gary Kildall

-Q DOS was the quick and dirty operating system
What was the first PC spreadsheet and who made it?
What was the first electronic spreadsheet on Apple II?
- Lotus 123 and made by IBM

- Vizicalc invented by Dan Bricklin programmed by Bob Frankenstein
How much is a Kb, MB,GB,TB
Kb= 1,000 bytes
MB= 1 million bytes
GB= 1 billion bytes
TB= 1 trillion bytes
What was the first large scale computer?