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17 Cards in this Set

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“to surrender” or “to submit”


“cube” shrine constructed around the meteorite that holds 360 images/statues of tribal gods & goddesses


where Muhammad set up a Muslim common wealth, now called Mednah al-nabi, the city of the prophet

Sunni Islam

believed the caliphate should be held by a man of Muhammad’s own tribe, the Quraysh

Shiite Islam

believed the caliph was seen as a spiritual leader, God gave the spiritual power of the caliph to only blood relatives of Muhammad-- Ali

The Story of Muhammad's Early Life

Muhammad’s grandfather was the leader in the Qursysh tribe in Mecca, Muhammad’s gather and mother died when he was young, his grandfather took him in after his grandfather died, his uncle took him in his uncle died.

The Story of Muhammad's First Revelation

He was 40, a bright presence came to him & held a cloth covered with writing, the being commanded him to recite, or read; received it on Mt. Hira

Khadijia (Little Head)

Muhammad’s 1st wife

The Night Journey

620CE Muhammad experienced this, Muhammad met Abraham, Jesus, &entered into the presence of God

The Hijrah

year 1; marks the point when Muhammad’s message is favorably received and he start of umma




2 Arabic words: (al) “the” (ilah) “God”

The Qur'an: Its History and Structure

recitation”; it was revealed from the angel Gabriel to Muhammad over a period of 20 yrs, translated into many languages, it’s from God, suras arranged in reverse chronological order


chapters in the Qur’an


a chanter who calls people to prayer

622 CE in Islam

Year 1 of the Muslim Calendar. Muhammad & his followers were invited to come to Yathrib (The Hjirah or Flight)

The Five Pillars of Islam

1-shahadah or the creed 2-salat or prayers 3-zakat or charity to the poor 4-the Ramadan Fast 5-the Pilgrimage to Mecca or Hajj