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23 Cards in this Set

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Isaiah means?

Yahweh is Salvation

What is the Bible's sole interest in Isaiah's message?

It can be summed up in the meaning of his name which is Yahweh is salvation

What is the central theme of Isaiah?

The central theme is God himself who does all things for his own sake

What is the purpose of Isaiah?

To declare the good news that God will glorify himself through the renewed and increased glory of his people which will attract nations.

What is the main genre of Isaiah?


What is the main style of writing in the book of Isaiah?


The oracles of judgment in Isaiah need to be approached as examples of what?


Key words in Isaiah

1 is Isaiahs characteristic title for the Lord which is what

The Holy One of Israel

How many times does Holy One of Israel appear in Isaiah?

25 times

How many times is Isaiah mentioned by name in the NT?

over 20 times

In a nutshell the author of Isaiah

warned of the dangers of pride and unbelief

called people to trust God

believed the suffering servant paid for the sins of many

longed for God's glorious kingdom

Jeremiah is also called

The weeping prophet

Jeremiah was called to be a prophet around 627 and served for how many years?


What are the main themes of Jeremiah?

There are many that stress God's judgment on covenant infidelity and worldwide sin as well as GOd's determination to restore an international people for himself by establishing a new covenant.

Two main unifying elements in the book of Jeremiah are?

Jeremiah himself and the city he loved, Jerusalem

It may be helpful to think of the book of Jeremiah as a ______________

scrapbook or notebook of things written by the prophet about his ministry

What was Jeremiahs chief contribution

the articulation of the new covenant between God and his people

Literary Features of Jeremiah

Jeremiah is a __________________ or _________________ of writings drawn from an entire lifetime of prophetic ministry

anthology or collection of writings

The book of Jeremiah reads more like what ________________ and _______________ write then what persons writing in ________________ places and times produce

political prisoners and refugees then persons writing in settled places and times

Most of the material is Jeremiah is ________________, much of it in the form of _______________.



What is the unifying plot conflict in the book of Jeremiah?

Will God's people listen to God's warning and repent of their sin or will they reject the message of God's prophet and be destroyed

What words are used repeatedly in Jeremiah?

repent or turn around

How many times are the words repent or turn around used in the book of Jeremiah?