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10 Cards in this Set

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What caused the Iran-Iraq War?
relations with Iran deteriorated when Iraq was denounced as secular. UNSC cease-fire resolution ended the 8 year war.
When U.S. use military action to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, who did it upset?
It angered Osama Bin Laden that Saudi Arabia allowed American Troops in the holy land of Islam.
Who did the Iraqi Kurds supported during the Iran-Iraq war?
What is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
is an insurgent group active in Iraq and Syria. It was established after the invasion and linked to AL-qaeda.
Who is Nouri al-Maliki?
he is the current PM of Iraq who is close to Iran and supports Assad.
Who is Hafez al-Assad and Bashar Al-Assad?
Hafez was the dictator of Syria who ruled but died of natural causes. His son Bashar succeeded him.
What is the relationship between Ba'ath in Syria and Iraq?
They rival of power because they both wanted to establish himself as the leader of the Arab world.
What did Assad accused the Iraqi Ba'ath of?
Helping MB in Syria against the regime.
What is the Ba'ath Party and what is their objective?
a political party founded in Syria. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state. Its motto, "Unity, Liberty, Socialism", refers to Arab unity, and freedom from non-Arab control and interference.
What was Saddam Hussein?
A Sunni Muslim