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24 Cards in this Set

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What do cestodes lack (in reference to digestion)?
an intestinal tract
How do they absorb nutrients?
through there integuments
What part of the cestode attaches to the mucosa of the host's intestine?
The scolex (head)
Where are the gonads located?
in each segmented body (proglottids-they contain both male and female)
Can the worms live without a host?
No. They are parasites and require a host, within which they can mature
another name for Hymenolepis Nana
the dwarf tapeworm
How long do they grow?
15 to 40 mm in length
Where is HN found?
worldwide (actually MC worldwide of all cestode infection)
A less frequent, closely related tapeworm in the same class…
Hymenolepis diminuta
Infection that Hymenolepis Nana causes…
How does one become infected with HN?
Ingestion of eggs (direct fecal-oral exposure)
In which part of the small intestine does HN normally penetrate?
The illeum, where it penetrates the lamina propria (a part of the mucosa), and attaches to the villus.
How many eggs do the proglottids generate daily?
What are signs and sxs of hymenolepiasis?
MOSTLY ASYMPTOMATIC, but may have restlessness, irritability, diarrhea, abd pain, restless sleep, anal and nasal pruritis.
What doe the level of symptoms depend upon?
The worm burden (the more worms present, the worse the sxs)
What will the patients eating habits be?
This is a RARE sx, but a person could either be anorexic or have increased appetite
Would the patient have bloody diarrhea?
It is also a rare sx, but yes
What about Nausea and Vomiting?
Again, rare but, yes
Which animal feces are these eggs also transmitted from?
Rat feces
What are other RARE signs and sxs can be found in a patient with Hymenolepsis?
Seizures, Behavioral disturbances, Headache, Dizziness, Hives, and Extreme pain (again, these signs and sxs are rare, as most patients are assymptomatic)
What will the PE reveal?
Most PE's are unrevealing (there may be some rare urticaria and abdominal tenderness)
What will the labs show?
Eosinophilia exceeding 5%, Eggs in stool specimens. (sections of the adult worm are rarely discovered)
What is the treatment for Hymenolepiasis?
Praziquantel (Biltricide) and supportive care
Case study catch phrases…
1. diarrhea, abd pain, and anal pruritis, 2. ocassional blood in stool, 3. Patient had been to summer camp, 4. mild abd tenderness, 5. Eosinophilia on CBC, 6. Eggs in stool