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49 Cards in this Set

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What is pain in the GU tract usually associated with?
distention of a hollow viscous or the capsule of an organ
When pain associated with a malignancy is present, what does that indicative?
It is a late manifestation that is indicative of ADVANCED disease.
Where is renal pain found?
at the CVA
Where does renal pain radiate?
to the umbilicus
Where does the renal pain refer?
ipsilateral testicle/labia
Is pain with renal infection constant or intermittent?
Is pain with renal obstruction usually constant or intermittent?
Patients with obstructive renal pain--do they move around or lie motionless?
move around looking for position of comfort
If there is upper ureteral obstruction, where does the pain refer?
scrotum or labia
If there is mid ureteral obstruction, where is the pain felt?
in the lower quadrant, right or left
If there is lower ureteral obstruction, what symptoms will usually be present also?
symptoms of vesicle (bladder) irritability
Ureteral pain is usually a result of _________?
acute obstruction
Type of pain felt as a result of acute urinary retention.
severe suprapubic discomfort
Type of pain felt with chronic urinary retention.
usually painless
Where is acute cystitis pain usually referred?
to the distal urethra and associated with micturation
Prostatic pain is usually associated with what process?
Prostatic pain is usually located where?
in the perineum
Prostatic pain may radiate to where?
lumbosacral spine, inguinal canals, or lower extremities
Why does an inflamed prostate result in irritative voiding complaints?
because of inflammation near the bladder neck
An erect penis that is painful is a sign of what disease?
Peyronie’s disease
A flaccid penis that is painful is a sign of what?
secondary to inflammatory processes such as STDs or paraphimosis
Causes of scrotum pain that radiates to the ipsilateral groin.
acute testicular conditions such as trauma, testicular torsion, or epididymo-orchitepididymitisis
Duration of pain in epididymitis.
chronic pain may last months after successful treatment
Type of symptoms that may be present with varicocele or hydrocele
scrotal “heaviness” without radiation
(4) irritative voiding symptoms
frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria
Definition of frequency.
increased number of voids during the daytime
Definition of urgency.
sudden desire to void
Definition of nocturia.
nocturnal frequency
Definition of dysuria.
painful urination usually as a result of inflammation
(6) obstructive voiding symptoms.
hesitancy, decreased force of stream, intermittency, postvoid dribbling, double voiding, and straining
Definition of hesitancy.
delay in the initiation of micturation
Why does hesitancy occur?
results from increased time require for the bladder to attain the high pressure necessary to exceed that of the urethra in the obstructed setting
What causes decreased force of stream?
high resistance bladder encounters
Definition of intermittency.
interruption of the urinary stream
What is postvoid dribbling?
uncontrolled release of the terminal few drops of urine
What is double voiding?
urinating twice in 2 hour period
What is urinary incontinence?
involuntary loss of urine
Four classifications of urinary incontinence.
total incontinence, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and overflow incontinence
What is hematospermia?
presence of blood in the ejaculate
Why does hematospermia usually occur?
results from inflammation of the prostate or seminal vesicles
When do you do a urology referral for hematospermia?
It is usually transient and benign, but refer if persistent/recurrent
What is pneumaturia?
presence of gas in the urine--patient complains of bubbles in the urine and bad smell
What is the usual cause of pneumaturia?
secondary to fistula between the bladder and GI tract --usually diverticulitis, but also seen with Crohn’s and colon cancer
Most common symptom of sexually transmitted diseases
urethral discharge associated with dysuria
If an elderly patient has bloody urethral discharge, what must be ruled out?
urethral carcinoma
Fevers are __________ with upper tract infection (pyelonephritis), but _________ with lower tract infection (acute cystitis).
typical; not typical
Fever when associated with other signs of urinary tract infection in men, may indicate what conditions?
acute prostatitis or acute epididymitis
Fever may be a late finding in ___________ of the kidney, bladder, or testes.
Weight loss and malaise can be associated with _________ and ________________.
tumors; chronic kidney disease.