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90 Cards in this Set

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What is the defination of the First Stage of labor by Varney?
Define as the beginning with true labor cxtrs as evidenced by progressive cervical change, and ending with the cervix completely dilated (10cms).
Has a Midwife you should be able to Name the S&S of impending labor.
Cervical changes
False Labor
Premature Rupture of Membranes
Bloody show
Energy Spurt
GI upset(Varney4-737)
G.G. who is 37wks gestation
G1P0 stated, "I woke-up this morning and found that I could breath much better and my stomach has shifted down"
Because lighting occurs 2wks before labor, GG has experience "LIGHTENING" and since she is a primigravida it usually occurs prior to labor. This GG is a normal body change for you.Usually results of Braxton Hicks in a primgravida.
Ripeness indicates a readiness of the cervix for labor (TRUE/FALSE)
What do you know about False Labor?
False labor consist of painful uterine cxtrs. that have no measurable progressive effect on the cervix.
When would you expect the membranes to rupture in a laboring women who has not fallen off the labor curve? At what stage in the process of birth?
Normally the membranes rupture by the End of the First Stage of Labor.
What serves has a protective barrier and closes the cervical canal throughout pregnancy?
Mucus Plug;
GG stated that lately she has the energy to clean house and prepare for the up and coming birth. What is GG experiencing?
GG is experince an energy spurt. Many women experience this approximately 24 to 48 hours before the onset of labor.
How long should contractions of active labor last?
45 to 90 seconds with the averge of 60 seconds
The beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contractions.
The frequency of a contraction
What pattern is essential to dilatation of the cervix?
The Normal Gradient Pattern
Which is synchronous activity of the uterine muscle that causes a contraction to be stronger and longer in the fundal portion of the uterus, decreasing in the midportion, and minimal to nonexistent toward the cervix.
What is facilitated by the cleftlike arrangement of the endocervix, which in effect unfolds like an accordion as it is stretched and taken up to become part of the lower uterine segment.
________ is the enlargement of the external cervical os from an orifice of a few millimeters in diameter to an opening large enough for the ____ to pass through.
JJ is a G1P0, 38wks gestation
in the office for a prenatal vist.
No really complaints voiced, just stated that she has had a backache all night but it is really nothing". Upon examing JJ cervix you found it to be
1/90% effaced.
Progressive cervical change in a primigravida in labor is generally sequential, then simultaneous, with 50 to 100% effacement occuring first, followed by a combination of any remaining effacement and dilatation. JJ is a primigravida with a paper-thin cervix who is on the verge of active labor.
Who enters into labor with little or no effacement?
Primigravida or Multigravida
The cervix of the Multigravida entering labor is frequently 1 to 2 cm dilated(or more, depending o parity) with little or no effacement.
How would you define it?
It is when the widest diameter of the presenting part has passed through the PLEVIC INLET!
J.G.is a G2P1 who gives a hx of suggestive ROM at 37weeks and she is not in active labor, and feels no pain.
First do a SSE, which is indicated to observe the cervix for escaping aminotic fluid.
If no fluid seen, Obtain a specimen for a slide to see if there is any ferning
Also may tap a little of the specimen on some nitrazine paper(but this does not make a definitive diagnosis of rupture)
Diagnosis is definitive for ROM when what has occur?
When you see amniotic fluid escaping from the cervical os and pooled in the vaginal vault during speculum exam or
When you cannot feel the membranes over the presenting part at the cervial orifice (Varney4-744)
Latent Phase covers what period of time to what?
The latent phase covers the period of time from the beginning of labor to the point when dilatation begins to progress actively.
What is the average length of the Latent Phase for a Primigravida?
Takes a primigravida at least 8 to 20 hrs to get to the active phase from the latent phase on average

On average for the multipara it takes about 5 to 14 hrs.
(Oxoran, p 121)
When do Braxton-Hicks began?
30 to 35 weeks
(Oxorn 660) this is wrong Varney says 6 weeks
Approximately 80% of near-term women with Premature rupture of membranes begin labor spontaneously within 24hrs.
Rupture before the onset of labor is called Premature rupture of membranes and it occurs in about 12% of women.
What is the name of the Phase that ends the first stage of labor and is near and prepares the mom for the second stage of labor (Hit: they can vomit, have diarrhea etc.)
Transitional Phase
As a Midwife what is the defination for LIE and what is the 3 possible LIES?
Long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mom.

3 possible LIES are;
longitudinal, transverse,and oblique
Has a Midwife, when you hear the word Presentation, what does this mean? and what is the 3 possible Presentation that the fetus can enter into the pelvic inlet?
Presentation is determined by the presenting part, which is the first portion of the fetus to enter the pelvic inlet.
The 3 possible presentations:
Cephalic, Breech, and Shoulder
Cephalic and Breech presentations are further subdivided. A cephalic presentation can be either Vertex, Sincipital,Brow,or Face.
A Breech presentation can be either Frank, full/complete, or Footling(single or double.
What all the Presentations associated with a longitudinal lie, the most common is the WHAT?
Most common is the vertex cephalic presentation.
It has an incidence of approximately 95%
What is the Most common position at the onset of labor in relations to the fetus and the pelvis?
Because the head usually enters the inlet with the occiput directed to the transverse portion of the mother's pelvis, the most common position at the onset of labor is LOT.
True or False:
2/3s of the Presentations associated with a Longitudinal lie will be positioned with the Occiput in the left side of the mother's pelvis.
Two-thirds will be positioned in LOA LOT or LOP
Asynclitism indicates that the sagittal suture is directed either toward the symphysis pubis or toward the sacral promontory
(True or False)
You are doing an exam on your client and feel that the sagittal suture is more toward the sacral promontory
What postion are you suspecting?
Anterior Asyncitism
What do you know about caput succedaneum for sure?
Caput Succedaneum crosses the suture line
Cephalhomatoma, which is bleeding beneath the periosteum, may occur over more than one cranial bone but is limited to each individual bone and Does not cross any sutures.
What do you know about cephalhomatomas?
Cephalhomatomas do not Cross the suture lines.
So when you as a midwife suspect UTI, you should do What?
Take a careful history(any fever, chills, Nausea, vomitng, urgency, lower back pain, suprapubic pain)
Conduct a PE(VS, Lymph nodes, CVA tenderness, SSE) and collect a urine specimen for rte analysis, culture,and sensitivity
Client is walking around and there is no intensity in her cxtr and the cxtr are still short in duration and walking stops the ctxr.
What will be your management?
True labor is r/o in the absence of cerivcal change and false labor is r/o in the absence of irregular uterine contractions that are relieved by walking.
If this client has no cervical change, allow her to go home
If the fetal positon is ROP the woman should be on her right or left side,if the fetal positon is LOP the woman should be on her left or right side.
ROP-calls for left side
LOP-calls for right side
For the normal intrapartal woman there are 5 times when a vaginal exam is indicated, NAME THEM.
On admission
Before Medication
Verify complete dilation
After SROM
To check for prolapsed cord when FHR decelerates
As a Midwife when would you AROM your patient and Why?
To attach an IFM if there is questions about the fetal heart rate.
If the baby is about to be born with the membranes intact at the time of birth
If the client is in a hypotonic uterine dysfunction pattern and there is a need to stimulate labor
To facilitate fetal descent and reduce the possibility that the force of the pushing contractions will lead to sudden and vigorous ROM that will cause the cord to prolapse.
Your client has a complete history with no complications and would like to walk. She is 6/c/+1(BOWI) WHAT IS THE MANAGEMENT FOR HER and WHY?
Client is low risk/no risk
She may walk but must know that she must return q30mins so that the FHR can be Auscultated and if her bag happens to break she must return immediately so that FHR can be check.
Early decels are thought to be cause by Head Compressions.
True or False
Early decels is thought to be caused by head compressions. It is associated with cervical dilatation of 4 to 7 cm and is thought to be initiated by the pressure of the dilating cervix across the posterior fontanel in a nomal presentation.
What kind of decelerations are thought to be caused by umbilical cord compression.
Variable Deceleration:

They have been described has V-shape U-shape, and W-shape
TC G1P0 is 2/90/-1 , having cxtr's every 7 to 10mins lasting 20 to 40secs. TC is sleepy and extremely tried, and is becoming frustrated. FHR is 130s with no decels.
WHAT WILL BE YOUR MANAGEMENT FOR TC? Admit to the hospital or send her home with a sedative
TC will be send home with a sedative and encourage to rest.(Varney3-391-392)
Which of th following is not a term used to describe the lie of the fetus?
Lie is define has the relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother( Oxorn-53)
Vertex is not a term used to describe the LIE of the fetus(Varney3-398-399)
Name the most common position, lie, presentation and variety of the fetus at the onset of labor
LOT (Varney3-399)
Anterior fontanel of the fetal skull is formed by the meeting of ____,_____, and _____ Sutures.
Frontal, Sagittal and Coronal sutures.
(Varney 3-401)
Braxton Hicks contractions Start at about 6 weeks gestational age. (True or False)
CC is a G1P0 40wks gestaion, her exam in the office is 1/C/-1. No LOF
BOWI with positive FM.
What is happing to CC?
CC cervix is getting ready for True labor.
The upper zone of the uterus shorten and thickens, while the lower zone lengthens and thins. WHAT IS THIS DESCRIBING?
How the uterine contractions differentiate the uterus into two segments
Can you define ENGAGEMENT?
The point when the widest diameter of the fetal presenting part has passed THROUGH the pelvic inlet.
What is the normal fetal baseline heart rate?
120 to 160 beats a minute
True of False
In normal labor the fetal head ususally enters the pelvic inlet with a moderate degree of Posterior asynclitism before the mechanism of internal rotation takes places.
Start listening midway between two ctxrs' and continue listening through the next cxtr to the midpoint between it and the following cxtr. WHAT IS THE MIDWIFE DOING?
Intermittently listening to fetal heart tones during labor.
(Varney 3-403)
What position is most helpful in facilitating the Long ARC rotation of a fetus in ROP?
Right Lateral position
External rotation accomplishes what in a birth with cephalic presentation?
Brings the bisacromial diameter of the fetus into alignment with the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic outlet
Internal rotation accomplish in a birth with cephalic presentation?
Brings the anteroposterior diameter of the fetal head into alignment with the anteroposterior diameter of the maternal pelvis
Complete dilation of the cervix to the birth of the baby -The second stage of labor--Known as the stage of expulsion
If second stage is lasting longer than 2hrs for a Primigravida or longer than 1 hr for a mulitigravida it is considered abnormal by Friedman -But what could hold them up ?
What are the 8 basic positional movements that take place when the fetus is in a cephalic vertex presentation?
Descent (Through out)
Flexion (must have to further descent)
Internal Rotation (brings the anteriorposterior diameter of the head into alignment with the anteriorposterior alignment of the maternal pelvis-IS ESSENTIAL FOR VAGINAL BIRTH TO OCCUR except for premies/abnormally small babies)
Extension (Birth of the Head)
Restitution (Head rotates 45 degrees -left or right, untwists the neck and brings the head so it is again at a right angle with the shoulders-sagittal suture should be in one of the oblique diameters of the pelvis and the bisacromil diameter of the fetus is in the other oblifque diameter of the pelvis)
External Rotation happen: because the shoulders rotate 45degrees,this makes the head rotate externally 45degrees into the LOT or ROT position depending on the direction of restitution(Varney4-825)
Upon examing CC, you felt the sagittal suture in the right oblique area. What positions could her baby's head be in(out of 2 possibilities)?
If the triangle is to the mom's left its LOA, if the triangle is to the mom's right its ROP
But if you can not feel the Triangel then you know its either LOA or ROP.
OK! you do an exam and feel the sagittal suture in an obligue LIE. more toward the maternal left. What position could this fetus head be in ?
(Hit; try to find the triangle)
If the triangle is in the right then its ROA but if you feel the triangle on the maternal lower left then its LOP
JJ BP is 110/70 but when she beings her second stage of labor you note that her blood pressure is now 130/80.
Rises during contractions with the systolic rising an average of 15(10 to 20)mm Hg and the diastolic rising an average of 5-10mm Hg. This average rise that JJ is having is Normal at this time.
(Varney4-752 &827)
A pudental block anesthetizes what areas?
Vulva including the clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, perineal body, and rectal area.
_________should have occurred during the active phase of the first stage of labor in the Nullipara and by the onset of the Second stage in the Multipara.
ENGAGMENT: failure of engagment to have occurred by entry into the second stage of labor is a signal of a potential problem.
What is the criteria to do a fFN?
No earlier then 24wks
No later then 34wks
Nothing in the vagin in the past 24hrs
Less than 3 cm dilated
Painful menstrual like cramps
Dull low backache
Suprapubic pain or pressure
Sensation of pelvic pressure or heaviness
Change in character or amount of vaginal disc.
Unpalpated Uterine cxtrs(painful or painless)felt more often than every10mins in an hour or more and not relieve by lying down
Premature Rupture of Membranes
Maternal Fever
Maternal Tachycardia
Fetal Tachycardia
Tender Uterus
Vaginal Walls unusually warm(hot) to touch
Foul-smelling, purulent amniotic fluid
Elevated white blood cell count
Amnionitis and Chorioamnionitis
JT G1P0, at 37 wks had SROM, JT also reported that when her bag broke the fluid was clear but had a foul odor.JT VS: 100.4 pulse 110 and resp22. Upon Lepold you note that her fundus is tendrer.
FHTs 170s
What will be your management for JT and WHY?
Primary goal is to birth the baby and treat JT with antibiotics for Chorioamnionitis by collaborating and consulting the MD.
TJ is a G2P1 Her first pregnancy hx showed that she was GBS Positive, ---- should she receive IP antibiotic prophylaxis with this pregnancy? YES or NO
and WHY?
Answer is NO-because
A previous pregnancy with a positive GBS culture does not automatically mean that a woman should receive IP antibiotics prophylaxis with this pregnancy unless she again has a positive screening test.
All pregnant women should be screened for GBS at 35 to 37 weeks> YES OR NO
GG is a G2P1, in taking her hx you find out that her first born child had GBS disease, has her Provider what do you know for sure?
A woman who had a previous baby with GBS disease shoud, however, automatically receive IP antibiotic prophylaxis with this pregnancy and DOES NOT need to be screened at 35 to 37 wks
Has a Provider, you are looking over your lab results and notice that a client has a positive GBS bacteriuria and she is presently 20 wks pregnant. WHAT DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE ABOUT THIS CLIENT?
She will need IP prophylaxis and she does not need a GBS screen done at 35 to 37 wks.
A woman with GBS bacteriuria during this pregnancy should receive IP antibiotic prophylaxis. She does not need to be screened at 35 to 37 wks gestation.
What do you know for SURE with the following:
Unk GBS status (culture not done,incomplete,or results unk)
Delivery at< 37 wks
Amniotic membrane Ruptured >18hrs
Intrapartum Temp.>100.4 F(>38.0 C)
All will receive Intrapartum prophylaxis
A woman comes in who is scheduled for a cesarean delivery ,but you find that she has SROM(her records showed that she was tested and was positive for GBS.
The Neonatal Team needs to know that her GBS status was positive and that she came in with SROM-clear.
What is the drug of choice for GBS and what is the dosage?
Penicillan G 5 mu load then Penicillan G 2.5 mu every 4 hrs IV
Alternative is Ampicillan 2g IV then 1g every 4 hrs.
Prolapsed Cord:
Do not under any circumstances remove your hand from the woman's vagina or from the presenting part until the baby is delivered(probably by cesarean section
Can you name and give defination for the 2 types of prolapse cords?
Which one can occur without threatening life and why?
Frank Cord-prolapse the cord slips through the cervix.
Frank cord can occur without threatening life when there is a tranverse lie or footling breech, because there is no compression of the cord.

Occult Cord- prolapse the cord slips down alongside the presenting part but does not protrude through the cervix.
What pelvic types are associated with Deeep Transverse Arrest?
(hit: EGG on its side and heart)
Name the signs and symptoms of a Uterine Rupture
Symptoms: sharp shooting pain in lower abdomen at the height of a severe contraction
States" I feel that something tore"
Might have vaginal bleeding a slight amount or hemorrhage
Presenting part is moveable above the pelvic inlet
Fetal movement might become violent and then none
A round firm uterus may be felt beside the fetus(felt out side of the uterus)
What is McRoberts maneuver doing to the pelvis?
The procedure causes straightening of the sacrum relative to the lumbar vertebrae, rotation of the symphysis pubis toward the maternal head, and a decrease in the angle of the pelvic inclination
What face presentation CAN NOT delivery vaginal?
Mentum Posterior
What face presentation CAN delivery vaginal?
Mentum Anterior
Ma's can
Sudden gush of blood
Lengthening of the cord
Change in the shape of the uterus from discord to globular as the uterus now contracts on itself
Change in the position of the uterus
The placenta separation is centrally- What type of placenta is this?
Duncan or Schultz
SCHULTZ- shinny side
fetal side
Separation first takes place at the margin or periphery of the placenta. WHAT TYPE OF PLACENTA IS THIS?
Duncan side
Maternal side-dirty Duncan
How long should a Provider wait before thinking Retained Placenta?
20 or 30 mins
Most MWs will wait half an hour for the placenta to deliver before saying it is retained
What are the steps for third stage hemorrhage? (placenta is parital seperated)
Notify the consultingMD
Thoroughly massage uterus
Have someone start an IV (16g)
Type and Cross
Make sure bladder is empty
If the placenta is not yet deliveried Make sure the MD is on his way and that Pitocin is going
Uterine Inversion- Has a Midwife what do you know for sure?
Must repositon the uterus with the placenta still attached
Never apply fundal pressure with a hand on an uncontracted utterus-Why?
Never have the mother pushed to help expel the placenta without first checking to see that the uterus is contracted-WHY?
Never exert cord traction prior to placental separation-WHY?
Never pull on the placenta during manual removal prior to total placental separation-WHY?
Because Uterine Inversion is more apt to occur, and all are an act of mismanagement
______ _______ is the major cause if immediate postpartum hemorrhage.
Uterine Atony
What is the first management step for PPH and WHY?
Check the consistency fo the uterus.This step is first, since 80 to 90 % of immediate PPH is due to uterine atony
CJ deliveried and the placenta deliveried shortly after the baby. But she began to bleed.
Her uterus was check for consistency(found to be atonic) Upon massage did not contract so Bimanual compression was started..
The uterus was found to be empty and well contracted but bleeding continues-WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP
Examine CJs for lacerations:
cervical, vaginal, and perineal since these maybe the cause of hemorrhage.
CJ had a cervical laceration.