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48 Cards in this Set

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gobal job satisfaction
overall feelings about job
job satisfaction
the degree of pleasure an emmployee gets from his or her job
measurement of job satisfaction
- job descriptive index
- minnestoa satisfaction questionnaire
both highly reguarded in I/O psyc
job facet satisfaction
feelings about selected dimensions or facets of jobs e.g. supervisors, co-workers, pay etc.
5 categories of emotions foun in the workplace
1)positive (happy,pride)
2)negative (sad,desire)
3)existential (guilt,shame)
4)nasty (anger,envy)
5)empathetic (sympathy,compassion)
job satisfaction and performance
evidence weak
therefore enhancing both will likely be unsuccessful
job satisfaction and turnover
more people dislike their job more likely to quit but affected by job availability
job satisfaction and absence
if you like you job , more likely to put in effort and go to work
job involvement
the degree to whch a person identifies psychologically with their work and the importance of work to ones self image
organizational commitment
the degree to which an emplote feels a sense of allegiance to their employer
allen and myer's 3 components of organizational commitment
-affect, employees emotional attachment to and identification with organization.
-continuance, commitment based on costs associated with leaving the organisation
-normative, feelings of obiligations to remain with the organization
morrow's focal point of commitment
organizational justice
the overarching theoretical concept petaining to the fair treatment of ppl in organizations. 3 types
distributive justice
the fairness with which the outcomes or results are distributed among members of an organization
people should recevive rewards that are consistent with their contributions
all individuals have equal chance
procedual justice
the fairness by which means are used to achieve results in an organization
criteria by which procedures can be judged as fair
1) consistent
2) bias free
3) accurate
4) correctable in case of error
5) representative of all concerned
6) based on prevailing ethical standards
interactional justice
the fairness with which people are treated within an organisation and the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the information received in an organzation
interpersonal justice
showing concern for individuals and respecting them as people who have dignity
informational justice
providing knowledge about procedures that demonstrate reguard for peoples concerns
organizational citizenship behaviour/ prosocial behaviour
the contributions that emploees make to the overall welfare of the organization that go beyond their required job
organizational citizenship behaviour/ prosocial behaviour
5 components
5)Civic Virtue
reflects willfully helping specific people with an organizationally relevant task or problem
being punctual, having attendance better than group norm and judiciously following company rules, regulations and procedures
being mindful and respectful of other peoples rights
avoiding complaints, petty grievances, gossiping and falsly magnifying problems
5)Civic Virtue
responsible participation in the political life of the organization
psychological contract
the implied exchange relationship that exsists between an employee and the organization
transactional contracts
short time frame specific obligaions, financial resources primary vehicle of exchange
relational contracts
long term relationships with diffuse obligations
the extent to which workers and employers share beliefs about the specific terms of exchange
communications to eachother
responses to break of the psychological contract (5)
1)voice (voice concerns)
2)silence (compliance but loss of commitment)
3)retreat (megligence and shirking of responsibility)
4)Destruction (retaliation against employer)
5) exit (quits or provokes dissmisal)
organizational merger
the joining of 2 organizations of approimately equal status and power
the process by which one organisation acquires or subsumes the resources of a second organisation.
parent and target
3 phases of a merger process (marks ,2002)
-Precombination (emphasisi on financial issues)
-cobination (jockey for power and clashes)
-postcombination (importance of combining 2 cultures acute)
individual responses to downsizing:
terminated personnel
employment has a number of psychological benefits which are lost when a person becomes unemployeed
individual responses to downsizing:
surviving personnel
often respond with less trust and commitment
anti social behaviour
any behaviour that brings harm or is intended to bring harm to an organization or its members
revenge to an organization for:
breach in psychological contract OR organizational justice
talking heatedly to friends or family "blows off steam"
employee gives harmdoer the benefit of the doubt
maintain negative feelings for a long period of time
can make employee work harder, mobiliza opposition to the harm doer or even engage in physical violence
preventive stratgegies
(such as employee training) remove the hazard or reduce its impact on employees or their likely hood of exposure
reactive strategies
(such as formal organizational emergency plans) improve the organizations ability to recognize and deal with problems as they arise
rehabilitation strategies
(such as counselling) help employees cope with and recover from problems that exsist