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45 Cards in this Set

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terms with exactly the same variables, including the same exponents
like terms
a number located to the right of 0 on the number line
positive number
whole numbers
the result of multiplication
angles with the same measure that are formed by intersecting lines
vertical angles
the opposite of a number
additive inverse
numbers that are either positive or negative
signed numbers
the answer to a subtraction problem
When 0 is added to a number, the number is unchanged.
identity element for addition
When a number is multiplied by 1, the number is unchanged.
identity element for multiplication
a number located to the left of 0 on the number line
negative number
the answer to a division problem
the process of using the distributive property to write a sum or a difference as a product
the reciprocal of a number
multiplicative inverse
the numerical factor in a term
numerical coefficient
a single number, or a product of a number and one or more variables raised to powers
angle that measures 90 degrees
right angle
a quotient of two quantities with the same units
an equation that is true for all replacements of the variable
angles whose measures have a sum of 180 degrees
supplementary angles
the number that is a repeated factor when written with an exponent
an angle that measures 180 degrees
straight angle
a statement that two ratios are equal
a number that indicates how many times a factor is repeated
exponent (power)
Each side of an equation may be multiplied or divided by the same nonzero number without changing the solution.
multiplication property of equality
a part of the whole amount
The same number may be added to or subtracted from each side of an equation without changing the solution.
addition property of equality
a number written with an exponent
exponential expression
a symbol, usually a letter, used to represent an unknown number
the distance between 0 and the number on the number line
absolute value
pairs of numbers whose product is 1
reciprocals (multiplicative inverses)
the answer to an addition problem
Ax + B = C, for real numbers A, B, and C, with A not equal to 0
linear equation
The opposite of a number "a" is the number that is the same distance from 0 on the number line as "a," but on the opposite side of 0.
additive inverse (negative) of "a"
equations with the same solution set
equivalent equations
angles whose measures have a sum of 90 degrees
complementary angles
method that provides a way of determining whether a proportion is true
cross products
numbers that are nonrational numbers represented by points on the number line
irrational numbers
numbers that can be written as quotients of two integers, with the denominator not 0
rational numbers
include all numbers that can be represented by points on the number line
real numbers
a statement that says two expressions are equal
a collection of numbers, variables, symbols for operations, and symbols for grouping
algebraic expression
any replacement for the variable that makes the equation true
natural numbers