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50 Cards in this Set

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CNS stands for? Components?
central nervous system; brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system components?
cranial and spinal nerves, ganglia, plexuses, peripheral nerves
Peripheral nervous system has two parts: ?
somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
The somatic afferent system is responsible for ____ from the ___ to the ___?
sensory input from body to CNS
The somatic efferent system is responsible for ____ to the ___?
motor output to skeletal (voluntary ) muscles of body
The visceral afferent system is responsible for ____ from the ___ to the ___?
sensory input from organs and internal receptors to CNS
The visceral efferent system is responsible for ____ to the ___?
motor output (involuntary) to organs and glands of body
The two parts of the autonomic nervous system are
-sympathetic nervous system
-parasympathetic nervous system
The three functional types of neurons are?
-afferent (sensory)
-efferent (motor)
Afferent neurons carry information from ____ to ____
periphery (body) to CNS
The three types of information that afferent neurons carry are?
-somatic afferent information
-special somatic afferent information
-visceral afferent information
Examples of somatic afferent information:
pain, temperature, pressure, touch or vibration from body surface; muscle or tendon stretch from joints/muscles of body
Examples of special afferent information:
from special sense organs of head (vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, smell)
Examples of visceral afferent information
pain, pressure, stretch from internal organs; chemical pressure responses from internal receptors
Efferent neurons ____ from ___ to ___
output control from CNS to body
Efferent neurons carry two types of information ?
-somatic efferent information
-visceral efferent information
What is somatic efferent information?
motor control of voluntary muscles
What is visceral efferent information?
motor to organs, glands (autonomic nervous system)
Where are interneurons located?
entirely within CNS
What do interneurons connect?
afferent inputs to efferent output
What do interneurons do?
integrate sensory inputs, store information, determine responses
The central portion of the spinal cord consists of gray matter that contains what?
neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and synapses
Gray matter in the spinal cord is the site of what?
neuronal integration and computation
What are the three horns that the gray matter is divided into in the spinal cord?
-dorsal horn
-ventral horn
-lateral horn
The dorsal horn is responsible for what?
receiving axons from afferent neurons
The ventral horn is the location of what?
efferent neuron cell bodies
The lateral horn is the location of what and is found where?
-autonomic preganglionic neuron cell bodies
-only in T1-L2 and S2-S4 spinal cord regions
The peripheral portion of the spinal cord consists of what?
white matter
White matter contains what and interconnects what?
-myelinated neuron axons
-gray matter regions
Where are the axons of white matter?
running up and down spinal cord
How are the axons of white matter organized?
into tracts - bundles of functionally related axons
The descending tracts of whit matter carry what?
motor information down from brain to spinal motor neurons
The ascending tracts of white matter carry what?
sensory information up from body to brain
The ventral root of the spinal cord is for ?
exit of motor (efferent) neuron axons from spinal cord
The dorsal root of the spinal cord is for ?
entry of sensory (afferent) neuron axons into spinal cord
Dorsal root ganglion is the location of what?
sensory neuron cell bodies
What is a ganglion?
collection of neuron cell bodies located outside of CNS
The spinal nerve is formed by what?
junction of dorsal and ventral roots
The spinal nerve contains ?
both motor and sensory fibers (axons)
Where does the spinal nerve exit the vertebral column?
through intervertebral foramen (between adjacent vertebrae)
___ pairs of cervical nerves
8 (C1-C8)
___ pairs of thoracic nerves
12 (T1-T12)
___ pairs of lumbar nerves
5 (L1-L5)
___ pairs of sacral nerves
5 (S1-S5)
___ pairs of coccygeal nerves
1 (Co1)
What is dermatome?
area of skin innervated by single spinal cord level (by single pair of spinal nerves)
What is a dermatome map?
shows skin areas innervated by each spinal cord level
Several spinal nerves join together within a ___ to innervate limbs
When the nerves from different spinal levels leave the plexus, they are a named ___?
peripheral nerve
What is a nerve?
a bundle of parallel axons (nerve fibers) held together by connective tissue