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61 Cards in this Set

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What does a class do?

Describes all objects of a specific type.

What is an object?

Instances of a class.

What are methods?

Operations for an object (declared by the class).

What are constructors?

Methods that initialise an object when the object is first created, setting up any fields the object has.

What does a user have to do to change the formal parameters of a method into actual parameters?

When the method is invoked, the user has to input values for the formal parameters. These values, or actual parameters, are lost when the method finishes running.

What are the three parts of a method header?

Visibility modifier, return type and method name.

What do fields define?

The state of an object.

What are the two main types of method?

1. Mutator - "Set" method.

2. Accessor - "Get" method.

What are local variables and where can they be accessed?

They are variables initialised within a method & can only be accessed from within that method as they are only around when the method is running.

What does changing the visibility modifier do?

It changes whether or not other classes (and programmers) can see it (or call it).

What is the structure of a conditional (if) statement?

if(boolean condition) {



What are the boolean operators?

&& and

|| or

! not

What is modularisation?

Splitting a whole into well-defined parts (that can be built separately and interact in well-defined ways).

What is abstraction?

Ignoring details of parts to focus on a higher problem.

What are 2 examples of primitive types?

1. int

2. boolean

What is an example (and a general rule) of object types?

Example: String.

Rule: Any class can be an object type.

What must you do for an object type that you don't need to do for a primitive one?

Inside the constructor you must assign the field a new ClassName (actual parameters for this class).

What does the modulo operator do?

It gives the remainder after the division of integers.

How do you call a method of an object type?

fieldName.methodName([method'sactual parameters]);

What is a generic class?

A class that gets parameterised with a second type (like ArrayList).

Does the size of an ArrayList have to be specified at initialisation?

No, the size of an ArrayList is fluid, and will grow or shrink to accommodate deletion & creation of items.

What are the four types of loop (in Java)?

- For-each loop

- For loop

- While loop

- Do-while loop

What is the syntax for a for-each loop?

for(ElementTypeelement : collection) {

loopbody statements;


What is the syntax for a while loop?

while(boolean condition) {

loopbody statements;


What is the syntax for a for loop?

for(initialisation; condition; post-body action) {

loop body statements;


Initialisation& post-body action are usually to do with an int variable that is beingiterated a set number of times (as set out in the condition).

What two methods does the Iterator class have to iterate over a collection?

public boolean hasNext();

public ElementType next();

When should you use an Array (over an ArrayList)?

When you know the length of the collection of items.

How are Arrays similar to ArrayLists?

- You define them as a class field.

- You construct your array using the new keyword.

- When defining your array, you specify what type the objects/primitive values will be (this time in square brackets).

What does 'Interface not Implementation' mean?

You don't need to know how the program/class works - you just need to know that it does and how to use certain important parts of it.

What is shown in documentation for a class?

Anything with the visibility modifier of 'public'.

What does API stand for?

ApplicationProgramming Interface.

What is different about a .equals() method vs using ==?

The .equals() method tests for equality, while == tests for identity.

What are HashMaps?

Collections that contain pairs of values, each pair consisting of one key and one value.

How do you initialise and then fill a HashMap?

- To initialise it you create a field of type HashMap<type, type>; and then initialise it in the constructor using the new keyword.

- You use the .put(item, item); method to fill it.

How do you lookup a value in a HashMap?

You supply the key and the value is returned.

What happens if you try to add the same pair into the HashMap?

It does not add it, as HashMaps do not allow for duplicates.

What is a HashSet?

It is an ArrayList that does not allow for duplicates.

How do you initialise and then fill a HashSet?

- You initialise it as a field (written as HashSet<type>) and then use the new keyword to create it in the constructor.

- You fill it using the method .add(item);

What does it mean to make a variable or method static?

It means that variable/method does not belong to the object, it belongs to the class. They exist (and can be accessed) as soon as they are defined.

What does it mean to make a variable final?

It means once the variable has been assigned a value, that value cannot change.

What happens to the written source code in order for it to be read and executed by the machine?

It must be compiled into Java Virtual Machine Code, which is in turn interpreted by the VM interpreter that carries out the intended instructions in the code.

What are 2 examples of compile-time errors?

- Syntax errors (e.g. missing semicolon or curly bracket).

- Type errors (e.g. an int where a String was expected).

What are the 2 types of run-time errors?

- Given because your program does something illegal (e.g. NullPointerException).

- Not given but your program does not do what you want.

What is encapsulation?

It means to hide any unnecessary information from people using your code. It is useful when trying to prevent bugs.

What two things help with the detection of bugs?

Documentation and Modularisation.

What does it mean to test a program?

It means to search for the presence of errors. It is not easy to do well.

What does debugging do?

It searches for the source of errors, often far away from where the problem actually arose.

What is unit testing?

It means to test everything from single methods to entire packages. You should:

- Understand what the unit should do.

- Test boundary cases (e.g. full arrays, etc.).

- Look for violations (e.g. what happens if the input is negative?).

What is the directory structure of a BlueJ project?

- One bluej.pkg project file per project.

- One bluej.pkh backup file per project.

- One *.java source code file per class.

- One *.class byte code file per class.

- One *.ctxt context file per class.

What does IDE stand for?

Integrated Developing Environment.

How do you compile at the command line?

You type javac classname.java to compile the class ClassName and any classes dependent upon it.

How do you execute at the command line?

You type java ClassName followed by any arguments required by the main method to execute a class (as long as it has already been compiled).

What is the header for a main method?

publicstatic void main(String[] args)

What is the difference between tight and loose coupling and which one do you want?

Tight coupling is where one class relies heavily upon another, whereas loose coupling is where one class only passes parameters to another (and so they aren't dependant upon each other).

- You want loose coupling.

What is the difference between high and low cohesion and which one do you want?

- High cohesion - a unit is responsible for one single task.

- Low cohesion - a unit is responsible for many unrelated tasks.

- You want high cohesion.

What is the difference between Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD)?

- Object-orienteddesign focuses on the client-server model, where both parties exchangeinformation based on a contract they both commit to.

- Responsibility-drivendesign on the other hand looks at the classes & says that the class thatstores the data should be responsible for manipulating it.

What is refactoring?

A class/method is looked at and restructured to eliminate redundancy and improvereadability.

What are two types of recursive data structures?

1. Simple list data structures

2. Tree data structures

What do simple lists consist of?

A HEAD (which is a list element) and a TAIL (which is a smaller list)

What do trees consist of?

A ROOT node and a number of SUB_TREEs (which are smaller trees).

What are the two parts of a recursive definition?

1. The base part.

2. The inductive part.