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10 Cards in this Set

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The totality of an organism's chemical reactions. It is an emergent property of life that arises from interactions between molecules within the orderly environment of the cell.
Catabolic Pathway
A metabolic pathway that releases an amount of energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds. Cellular respiration is an example of this. The energy let off is the available to do the work of the cell.
Anabolic Pathway
A metabolic pathway that consumes energy to build complicated molecules from simpler ones. The synthesis of a protein from an amino acid is an example of this.
It is the capacity do work, in other words it is required to move matter against opposing forces, such as gravity and friction. It is also the ability to rearrange a collection of matter.
Kinetic Energy
It is the energy of motion and anything that moves has this form of energy. Light and heat are types of kinetic energy that can be harnessed.
Potential Energy
It is the capacity to do work. it is stored energy that matter possess because of its location or structure.
Chemical Energy
A form of potential energy, it is stored in molecules as a result of the arrangement of the atoms in those molecules.
The study of the energy transformations that occur in a collection of matter. Closed systems and open systems are often referred to. A system that is closed is isolated from its surroundings while a system that is open can transfer energy between itself and its surroundings.
First Law of Thermodynamics
states that Energy can be transfered and transformed, but it cannot be created of destroyed. Energy is not made, its form is simply changed and converted.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
States the every energy transfer or transformation makes the universe more disordered.