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60 Cards in this Set

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a 7-10 nm thick lipid bilayer with internal (integral) and peripheral proteins, which surrounds the cell

Plasma membrane

an annular a (belt) junction sealing the gap between epithelial cells

tight junction

a punctuate adhering junction between cells


a localized region where the plasma membranes of two adjacent cells join to form minute intercellular channels, which allow small molecules to move from the cytoplasm of one cell to another

gap junction

a thin cylindrical projection of the plasma membrane supported internally by a bundle of actin filiments


7nm wide filaments, the major component of the cell contractile machinery

actin filament

10 nm wide filaments, that seem to play a structural role in the cytoplasm. Associated with desmosomes.

intermediate filament

25 nm wide tubular fibers that have a supportive function in the cytoplasm. Main structural component of cilia, flagella, and the mitotic spindle


short cylinder of 9 microtubule triplets; located in the cell center (centrosome)


15nm RNA/protein particle which catalyzes protein synthesis


storage form of polysaccharide

glycogen particles

flattened intracellular bags of membrane studded with ribosomes, that synthesize proteins

rough endoplasmic reticulum

flattened intracellular bags of membrane without ribosomes, involved with steroid synthesis, drug metabolism, ect.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

a stack of flattened membrane bags and vesicles that package secretory proteins and participate in protein glycosylation

golgi apparatus

a pair of membranes connected to the ER that surrounds the nucleus

nuclear envelope

small circular openings through the nuclear envelope

nuclear pores

dispersed, presumably active form of the DNA-protein complex of chromatin


condensed, inactive chromatin


site of RNA synthesis in the nuclus


highly impermeable membrane-bounded bags of hydrolytic enzymes


membrane bounded bags of the enzyme catalase and various oxidases


organelles surrounded by a smooth outer membrane and a convoluted inner membrane (folds are known as cristae) which contain many enzymes, including those for fatty acid oxidation as ell as the system for oxidative phosphorylation of ADP


two ends as polar and non-polar ends of phospholipid in membrans


(4) types of tissues

epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous

single layer of flat cells

simple squamous

multiple layers of cells with one flat layer at the surface

stratified squamous

single layer of square cells

simple cuboidal

single layer of tall thin cells

simple columnar

single layer of tall thin cells packed together in such a jumble that they seem to be in layers, although all of the cells reach the basement membrane

psudostratified columnar

stratified cuboidal epithelium of urinary passages


tissue fxn: cover organs, line viscera and blood vessels, and secretory cells of glands

epithelial tissue

tissue fxn: the histollogical glue which binds the other tissues together to form organs; specializations include bone and cartilage. Source of vascular supply to support the avasuclar epithelium

connective tissue

sparse collagen and elastic fibers, plentiful cells

loose connective tissue

concentrated collagen, few cells

dense connective tissue

homogenous matrix of collagen and protein-polysaccharide with few cells ( trapped in lacuane). Avascular.


calcified collagen matrix with few cells trapped in the caves of bone


tissue fxn: generation of contractile force

muscle tissue

very long cylindrical striated muscle cells with multiple peripheral nuclei

skeletal muscle

short branching striated muscle cells with one or two centrally located nuclei

cardiac muscle

closely packed spindle-shaped cells with a single centrally placed nucleus and cytoplasm that appears homogeneous by light microscopy

smooth muscle

tissue fxn: specialized for the transmission, reception and integration of electrical impulses

nervous tissue

very large excitable cells with long processes called axons and dendrites


the supporting cells of nervous tissue

gilial cells

connections of neuronal processes bound together by connective tissues


carry oxygen to the tissues

Red blood cells (connective tissue)

transient inhabitants of the blood which are manufactured in bone marrow and pass through the blood to connective tissue where they participate in defense against biological and chemical invaders

white blood cells (connective tissue)

blood clotting

platelets (connective tissue)

biconcave discs containing hemoglobin

red blood cells

granulocytes that have one of three different types of granules and lobed nuclei; lymphocytes and monocytes have few granules and round or indented nuclei

white blood cellsq

anucleate cell fragments produced by magakaryocyte in the bone marrow


tissue fxn: responsible for the "immune response" to foreign invader which is mediated by either antibodies produced by the cells or by the cells themselves

lymphoid tissues

thick wall composed of smooth muscle plus some connective tissue surrounding a small lumen


narrow tube lined with a single endotheilial cell


large lumen relative to thickness of connective tissue and smooth muscle wall, can occasionally see valves


small thin-walled vessels which carry lymph


focuses light on sample

condenser lens

magnifies sample and produces initial image

objective lens

produces final magnification and image

projector lens

(4) types of microscopy

-light microscope

-transmission electron microscope

-scanning electron microscope

-comparison of optical systems

(3) types of light microsopes


-phase contrast
