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23 Cards in this Set

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75% of all species of animals are members of what phylum?
What are 2 distingishing characteristics of Arthopods?
Have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton that contains chitin.
What is chitin made of?
Modified polysaccharide that contains nitrogen.
What are the exoskeleton of most arthopods made of?
Chitin, protein & wax.
Describe a usual exoskeleton. What is the function of the exoskeleton?
Thin & flexible, but can be thick & rigid found on the outside and provides protection. it is non-living and therefore does not grow.
Describe molting.
Since the exoskeleton is non-living the arthropod must shed the exoskeleton in order to grow larger. Each period between molts is called an instar.
Describe the eyes of arthropods.
Most arthropods have eyes. Some have simple eyes, others have complex eyes & some have both.
Define simple eyes.
May or may not fucntion for vision.
Define complex eyes.
Function for vision and are composed of many photoreceptor units called ommatidia.
What are ommatidia?
Photorecptor units in complex eyes of arthropods.
What does metamorphosis mean?
Means change in body form.
Arthropods of parasites of medical importance belong to what 2 classes?
External features of adult insects.
1 pair of antennae
3 pairs of legs
3 body regions
the only invertebrates with wings
1 pair of mandibles
1 pair of maxillae
What are the 3 body regions of insects?
Head, thorax and abdomen.
What are the function of mandibles & maxillae?
function for chewing and/or sucking food.
what type of life cycle do insects that are parasites of medical importance undergo?
Either gradual metamorphosis or complete metamorphosis.
Descibe gradual metamorphosis.
Adult, egg, nymph. Nymphssomewhat resembe the adults, but their bodies are out of proportion. Nymphs look more & more like the adults with each instar.
What 2 types of insects of medical importance have a gradual metamorphosis Life Cycle?
Lice & True Bugs have this type Life Cycle.
Describe complete metamorphosis.
Adult, egg, larva, pupa, adult. Larvae do not resemble the adults. Each molt they become larger. Pupae do not feed & are quiescent. Only 1 instar of the pupa stage. X instars of nymphs & larvae.
What types of insects of medical importance have a complete metamorphosis life cycle?
Fleas & flies, including mosquitoes have this type Life Cycle.
Describe the external features of Adult Arachnids.
lack antennae & have 4 pairs of legs. 3 body regions are fused (maybe oval shaped) lack mandibles & maxillae but have chelicerae & pedipalps.
Chelicerae & pedipalps are what?
Appendages that are paired & located anteriorly on Arachnids used for feeding
How is a new exoskeleton generated after the old one has molted?
The cuticle made up of several layers of protein, lipids & polysaccharides is secreted by the underlying hypodermis.