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76 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What are the five divisions of the brain?
Spinal Cord
What are the three components of the brain stem?
Name the components of the telencephalon?
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Subcortical fiber bundles
- basal ganglia
Name the components of the diencephalon
Between brain
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- subthalamus
Midbrain =
Metencephalon =
Myelencephalon =
Which is the dominant hemisphere?
The one related to speech and handedness
What are convolutions or ridges on cerebral hemispheres?
Whar are grooves between individual gyri?
What are the named subdivisions of the creebral hemispheres consisting of gyri and sulci?
What is the major oblique sulcus on the lateral convexity of hemispher; separates frontal and parietal lobes superiorly from temporal lobe inferiorly?
Lateral sulcus
What is the vertical sulcus on lateral convexity of hemisphere; separates frontal from parietal lobes
Central sulcus
What is the vertical suclus on medial aspect of hemisphere; separates parietal from occipital lobes?
Parieto-occipital sulcus
What is the lboe from rostral pole of hemipshere ot central culcus; limited intereiorly by anterior part of lateral sulcus.
Frontal lobe
What are th boundaries of the parietal lobe?
Central sulcus (anterior)
Extrapolated line representing the ocntinuation of the parieto-occipital sulcus onto the lateral aspect of the hemisphere.
The inferior limit of the parietal lobe is defined by a line drawn psoteriorly from a point appox. 3/4-7/8along the lenght of the later sulcus to the midpoint of the extrapolated line representing the pareito-occipital sulcus continuationo n to the lateral aspect of the hemisphere.
Which sulcus is from the extraploated line representing continuation of parieto-occipital sulcus inferiorly to the pre-occipital notch, it extends to the caudal pole of the hemisphere.
Occipital lobe
Which lobe is located inferior to lateral sulcus; is separated from the pareital lboe by an expolated line drawn posteriorly from a point papor. 3/4-7/8 of the length of the lateral sulcus to interesect the midpoint of the line drawn from the parieto-occipital sulcus to the preoccipital notch.
Temporal lobe
What is the hiddne cortex located by spreading opent hte lateral suclsu; covered by parts of frontal, parietal and temporal lobes.
What sulcus is the vertical sulcus usually discontinuous (two parts); lies in front of (anterior to) an dparallel to the central sulcus; extends on to medial aspect of hemisphere.
Precentral Sulcus
Which sulcus is anteroposterior sulcus extending from the upper part of precentral suclus forward toward the frontal pole?
Superior frontal sulcus
What is the anteroposterior sulcus extending from the lwoer part of precentral suclus forward twoard the frontal pole.
Inferior frontal sulcus
What are the three sulci that are present in the frontal lobe?
Precentral sulcus
Superior Frontal sulcus
Inferior Frontal sulcus
What are the four gyri of the frontal lobe?
Precentral Gyrus
Superior Frontal Gyrus
Middle Frontal Gyrus
Inferior Frontal Gyrus
Which gyri is the primary motor corte?
The precentral Gyrus
What gyrus is the vertial gyrus between the the precentral & central sulci?
Precentral gyri
Is it contralateral or ipsilateral for innervation
Which frontal lobe gyrus is situated superior to the superior frontal sulcus; extends on to medial aspect of hemisphere.
Superior Frontal Gyrus
Which frontal lobe gyrus is two tiered and is situated betwen the superior and inferior frontal sulci?
Middle Frontal Gyrus
Which frontal lobe gyrus is located inferior to the inferior frontal suclus and is subdivided into three parts?
Inferior frontal gyrus
What are thre three subdivisions of the inferior frontal gyrus?
Pars orbitale
Pars triangularis
Pars percularis
What two components make up Broca's Area?
Pars triangularis
Pars opercularis
What is the priamry speech area for MOTOR mechanisms of speech formation?
Broca's Area
What are the two primary sulci which subdivide the lobe into three gyri of the parietal lobe?
Postcentral sulcus
Intraparietal (interparietal sulcus)
Which parietal sulcus is a vertical sulcus, usually discontinuous (two parts); situated posterior and parallel to the central sulcus?
Postcentral sulcus
Which parietal sulcus is anteroposterior sulcus extending from near the postcentral sulcus; extends a variable length posteriorly?
Intraparietal (interparietal) sulcus
What are the three gyri of the Parietal lobe?
The Postcentral Gyrus
Superior parietal lobule
Inferior Parietal lobule
Which parietal lobule is located above the intraparietal sulcus; its function is sensory integration.
Superior Parietal lobule
What area of the brain is important in sensory integration?
Superior Parietal lobule
Supramarginal Gyrus + Angular Gyrus =
Inferior Parietal lobule
Which gyrus is between the central and postcentral sulci (Postcentral gyrus)?
Postcentral gyrus
Where is the sensory homunculus located?
Postcentral gyrus
Which gyrus surrounds the ascending posterior limb of the lateral sulcus?
Supramarginal Gyrus
which gyrus surrounding the posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus?
Angular Gyrus
What is the function of the inferior parietal lobule?
Multisensory perceptions for pareital, temporal and occipital lobes overlap
Where is the area where multisensory perceptions for parietal, temporal and occipital lobes overlap?
Inferior Parietal Lobule
What is the clinical application associated with the inferior parietal lobule?
Different disturbances occur with lesions in dominant and non-dominant hemispheres.
Where is the lesion when patient can't put words into their proper relationships?
Lesion of dominant Inferior Parietal lobule (usually left).
Where is the lesion when the patient neglects the contralateral (usually left) side of the body or left space?
LEsion of non dominant Inferior Parietal Lobule (usually right)
What are the three sulci which subdivide the temporal lobe into three gyri?
Superior Temporal Sulcus
Middle Temporal Sulcus
Inferior Temporal Sulcus
What are the three gyri of the temporal lobe?
Superior Temporal Gyrus
Middle Temporal Gyrus
Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Which temporal sulcus is inferior and parallel oto the lateral sulcus?
Superior Temporal Sulcus
Which temporal sulcus is inferior and parallel to superior temporal sulcus?
Middle Temporal sulcus
Which temporal sulcus is located inferior and parallel to middle temporal sulcus?
Inferior Temporal Sulcus
Which temporal gyrus is located between lateral and superior temporal sulci?
Superior Temporal Gyrus
What is another name for the primary auditory cortex?
TRansverse Gyri of Heschl
Is the primary auditory cortex heavily bilateral when compared with other sensory systems?
T/F, are the Transverse Gyri of Heschl considered to be part of the superior Temporal Gyrus?
Which temporal gyrus is located between the superior and middle temporal sulci?
Middle Temporal Gyrus
Which temporal gyrus is located between the middle and inferior temporal sulci?
Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Which lobe consists of irregular, lateral occipital gyri on the lateral aspect of the cerebral hemisphere?
Occipital lobe
Which lobe is viewed by separating the banks of the lateral sulcus?
Which lobe has the purpose of integration of visual, somatosensory and auditory functions?
What rests on the cribriform plat of the ethoid bone and continue caudally?
Olfactory Bulbs and Tracts
What is the anteroposterior groove in whic the olfactory bulbs and tracts are situated?
Olfactory sulcus
What is a strip of cortex medial to olfactory sulcus?
Gyrus Rectus
What are numerous gyri lateral to olfactory sulcus?
Orbital Gyri
What lobe occipies the lateral portion of middle cranial fossa?
The Temporal Lobe
What lobe is located above tentorium cerebelli in posterior cranial fossa?
Which sulcus is anteroposterior located lateral to the uncus, parahippocampal and lingual gyri are associated with it?
Collateral sulcus
Which sulcus is anteroposterior sulcus located between the occipitotemporal and inferior temporal gyri?
Inferior Temporal Sulcus
What are the two gyri and one region located medially to the collateral sulcus?
Parahippocampal gyrus
Lingual gyrus
What is the medial hook-like protrusion at rostral end of the parahippocampal gyrus; lateral to brain stem?
What is the gyrus on the basal surface of temporal lobe; ends rostrally and medially as the uncus and merges caudally with the lingual gyrus?
Parahippocampal Gyrus
What is the gyrus located on the basal surface; continuous rostrally with parahippocampal
Lingual gyrus
What gyrus is located lateral to the collateral sulcus and medail to the inferior temporal sulcus?
Occipitotemporal Gyrus