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34 Cards in this Set

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Ergonomic concepts gained popularity during the ______ _______

industrial revolution

a method that improved worker efficiency by improving the job process

scientific management

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

the most common complaint was _________ pain


Incidence of Work-related musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSD)s was found to be _____ in the United States


where industry-specific guidelines do not exist, the _____ ____ ____ is used

general duty clause

________ ___ to the general duty clause states that each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act that are applicable to his or her own actions and conduct

Section 5b

The term that is currently in use for occupational injury

Work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMSD)

______ _______ are defined as injuries that:

result in restricted work

result in days away from work

involve MSD symptoms that remain for 7 or more days

Involve MSD symptoms that require medical treatment beyond first aid

WRMSD incidents

Ultrasound examination specialties such as __________, _____ _____ _____, and to a lesser extent, _______ ______ involve _______ motion that can cause WRMSD


High-risk obstetric scanning

vascular sonography


helps organizations work with OSHA to prevent workplace injuries by educating and leading employers and their employees in advancing workplace safety and health

alliance program

the Society for Diagnostic Medical Sonography hosts _______ ______ ______ ______ ______

International Ultrasound Industry Consensus Conference

International ultrasound industry consensus conference

Administrators addressed the issues of ______, _____, and _____ ____



room size

International ultrasound industry consensus conference

Sonographers discussed ______ _____, ______, and _______

best practices



International ultrasound industry consensus conference

also discussed were the need for accredited programs to include curriculum related to ______ and ______ ____ and the need for ______ ____ to test knowledge of ______ _____


injury prevention

certifying bodies

risk factors

International ultrasound industry consensus conference

________ _______ address the role of employees and employers, educators, medical facilities, and equipment manufacturers in reducing the impact of work-related injuries on the workforce and are intended to assist all stakeholders in making informed decisions

Industry standards

WRMSDs include injuries of ______, _____, and ______




Positive relationship is demonstrated between the severity of MSDs and the performance of repetitive work task(s) that require _____ _____ with or without _____ ______

forceful movements

repetitive motion

relationship between the user and the work station equipment has become "frozen," and the rocker is often forced into a ______ _____

static posture

combination of repetitive motions and prolonged static postures results in ________ ______ and eventually ______

musculoskeletal discomfort


Risk factors for WRMSDs


forceful exertions

awkward postures and prolonged static postures

repetitive motions

"pinch" grip

environmental factors such as extreme heat, cold, humidity, or vibrations

awkward and static postures cause muscles to be ______ ________; therefore they cannot receive ________ or get rid of _______

contracted continuously



inflammation of the tendon and the sheath around the tendon, which often occur together

tendonitis and tenosynovitis

specific type of tendonitis of the thumb that can result from gripping the transducer

de Quervain disease

entrapment of the median nerve as it runs through the carpal bones of the wrist. Results from repeated flexion and extension of the _______ and also develops from mechanical pressure against the wrist

Carpal tunnel


Entrapment of the ulnar nerve as it runs through the elbow. Can result from repeated twisting of the forearm and mechanical pressure against the elbow as it rests on the examination table during scanning

Cubital tunnel

inflammation of the periosteum in the are of the inset ion of the biceps tendon into the distal humerus. Can result from repeated twisting of the ________

Epicondylitis (lateral and medial)


nerve entrapment that can occur at different levels, resulting in a variety of symptoms

thoracic outlet syndrome

inflammation and swelling of the tendon sheath in a finger that entraps the tendon and restricts the motion of the finer

trigger finger

inflammation of the shoulder bursa from repeated motion

bursitis (shoulder)

repeated motion, which causes fraying of the rotator cuff muscle tendons. This injury increases with age and is even more prevalent when work-related stresses are added. Repeated arm abduction contributes to this injury by restricting blood flow to the soft tissues of the shoulder.

rotator cuff injury

intervertebral disk degeneration that results from bending and twisting and improper seating

spinal degeneration

administrative controls

try to share ________ _____ with other staff

bedside examinations

work-related injuries must be reported immediately to ______ ____ or _____ _______ departments

occupational health

risk management

injuries should be recorded on _______ logs