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45 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 basic institutions?






What are 4 functions of religion?

-It answers questions

-It gives you hope

-It gives you comfort

-The morals

What are the 3 different types of believers?

1. Theists- the people who believe there is a God

2. Atheists- the people who believe there is no God

3. Agnostics- the people who aren't sure

What are the 2 types of theists?

1. Monotheists

2. Polytheists

What 4 elements do religion contain?

1. Beliefs/faiths

2. Rituals/Actions

3. Emotions

4. Organization

What word means to have the "correct belief"?


What word means "correct practice"?


What are the 4 types/stages of religion? Describe.

1. Cults- small, homogeneity, more closed, more controlled, unaccepting to other religions, unaccepted, has charismatic leader

2. Sect- Larger, less homogeneity, less closed, less control, less unaccepting, less unaccepted

3. Denomination- large, heterogeneous, open, very little control, accepting, accepted

4. Church aka Ecclesia- Official Religion

Define world religion...

A religion found throughout the world

What are the 3 largest religions? Large to small




Define Folk religion...

Religions found in one place

What are the 3 organizational structures?

1. Episcopalian- hierarchy, less people have power or authority, can't choose priest

2. Presbyterian- mixture of power

3. Congregational- congregation has power

What is a civil religion?

A combination of religion and politics

What 2 categories/realms is the world divided according to Durkheim?

1. Sacred aka mana which is an impartial power good or bad

2. Secular aka profane

What does beauracracy mean?

Its when the church and state law have the same law

What are the 2 type of religious leaders and how do they differ? (5)

1. Priest- formal religious training, ordained, full-time, selected by people, represents people

2. Shaman- not formal religious training, not ordained, part-time, selected by God, represents God

What's the difference between training and education?

Training- manual, specific, informal

Education- intellectual, general, formal

What does grade inflation mean? What causes it?

Higher grades for less work, and is caused by loss of government funds

What does social promotion mean?

Getting promoted for other reasons other than academics

What is credentialism?

The requirement of having certain credentials proving you completed

What does hidden curriculum mean?

Things you learn in a hidden manner

What does functional illiterate mean?

Someone who can't read or write at an acceptable level

What are 3 types of Social Justice?

1. Cumulative- contracts

2. Contributive- talents

3. Distributive- fair distribution of rewards

What does teacher expectation mean?

It's what the teacher expects from you

When was Brown vs. Topeka?


What's the different between desegregate and integrate?


What's a Monarchy?

Its royal bloodline, God chose these leaders

What are the 2 types of Democracy?

1. Classical liberalism- concerned individual, innocent till proven guilty

2. Socialism- concern is the community, guilty till proven innocent

What's a Dictator?

One person with power

What is it when a group of people have power?


What is a totalitarian?

They have total control

What are the 4 functions of government?

*Good of the country


*Arbitration of disputes

*Making and enforcing laws

What are the 5 functions of political parties?

1. select candidates

2. promote political participation

3. promote political pluralism

4. promote stability

5. form coalitions

What does PAC mean?

Political Action Committee

What does GOP stand for?

Grand Old Party

What are the 3 types of economies?

1. Controlled- controlled by government

2. Competitive- free market

3. Dual- a combination of both

What are the 2 ways an economy can be?

1. Labor Intensive- work by hand, a lot of people

2. Capital Intensive- less people, work with machines

What does NAFTA stand for?

North America Free Trade Agreement

What does trade embargo mean?

Its when you don't let them sell in the country

What's a social movement?

It's a large, ongoing, and organized group attempting to bring about a change

What 's a counter movement?

It's a large, ongoing and organized group attempting to stop change

3 types of change

Cresive- slow change in the same direction

Enacted- fast change in different directions

Incremental- little by little

4 types of crowds

1. Acting (lynching)- geared to action, high emotion, deviant, generally no time limit

2. Casual (car accident)- low emotion, not deviant, generally no time limit

3. Conventional (concert)- high or low emotions, not deviant, no time limit

4. Expressive (Mardi Gras)- high emotion, often deviant, yes/no time limits

4 Characteristics of a crowd



Social Contagion


4 Limitations of a crowd


Emotional needs


Outside forces